Chapter 15 The Dragon Kings castle

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Today is also a big day for Anna , she was invited to the Dragon Kings castle and she was very lucky because he King did not like outsiders or to many visitors nd he was indeed a very private man but he knew it was about to change soon he felt it in his bones and afterall Ice was very excited for today he will meet Anna ones again if Drake let him. Flowers was brought in to the castle and also a bit of new décor if you can call it that all to impress his mate a bit more ,before Anna this old castle being as big and bold as is is was a bit cold seeing it belong to the Dragon King and today mark the beginning of hope ,love and freedom for Drake, freedom to come clean and show Anna what he really is and then hoping she will accept him and Ice if not his whole live will be not worth living and seeing she is Human can be one of the outcomes but he thinks only positive thoughts and as he stands on the balcony he sees from afar the convoy were hopefully his mate is in and also excited to see him.  Waiting was neither of their strongest points and it was such a pretty day so if that alone is not a blessing then what is. The journey was not to long for a dragon but for humans it took about two hours or so to get to his territory and luckily the scenery was breathtaking going through mountains and valleys and all the forestry was a site to see indeed but as Anna came closer her heart started to feel warm and fuzzy and longing to see him was harder to bare and so as they neared she was mesmerized by the beauty of this gem of a place . Soon they stopped infront of the castle and there stood the man she came to know as Josef  with a big smile on his face .as she walks up the stairs he greets her by bowing and so do the rest of the help and next to him stands a older lady as she smiles Josef greets her, " Good morning your majesty and welcome to our humble home The Dragon Kingdom and let me also introduce our help and the head of the house Jo", he says while I greet them all and then Josef announce that I must follow him to the announce room ,its as beautiful inside as outside just a bit cold but seeing the pretty flowers everywhere made me smile and as we came to the waiting room the warmth of the fireplace made it seem more home and lucky for me I grew up in a castle and it also got cold some days. Josef put some more wood on the fire and took his leave ,"Your majesty the King will come to greet you soon may I bring you anything while you wait ?"she asks but I just reply with no thank you and as she also leave the door is closed and I'm again left with my own thoughts that this will soon become my home also ,scary to think but now I just need to wait and then see how this day unfold and if this King will accept me , all of me. Drake (Pov)  Knowing she is waiting for me is driving me insane but according to Jo and my so cold  friend Josef I must let her wait a while alone to ease her and my stress and to see how she copes waiting and if she is happy to see me or not , not that I care because the need to be close to her is bigger then anything and screw this it is now or never to shock her and just get it over with ,so  I make my way to the announce room wanting to see her stunning face and hold her tight again as I did at the Ball .Standing infront of the door I could smell her ,so sweet but I also felt that  she was indeed nervous as was I then I opened the door ...  Anna (Pov)  Time was going slow and somehow I knew he was close and to think today for the first time I would see his whole face was a bit nerve-racking to say the least but this must be so I wait and then I hear footsteps but then next to this door they stop and my heart just beats to fast and as I hold my breath ,then it opens.  "What the hell is this for real a joke?" I say staring t the man I got to know a while ago at the market the same man that bumped into me and o man the same man I flirted with ?". He moved inside closing the door again and before I can talk more he says" Anna I'm sorry , it was never me wanting to hurt you ,I just wanted to see if you liked me even if I was not a king and well you also never told me you were a princess so I just didn't want to tell you there "he says looking so worried at what I may say but seeing he is the same man and o my he is mine made me smile ,"It' alright Drake I must say sorry for also not being myself but me and strangers are not a good match and when we bonded it felt so good and I'm to blame also so it's not just you" I reply and this seemed to make him happy ."You don't know how happy this makes me to know but still come to think of it now I want to kick my own but for fluting and kissing you that day also ha but seeing you took it well can I ask how your journey went ,are you not tired? do you want something to drink , did Jo offer you something to …"he says but I walk up to him and kiss him on the cheek to finally make him stop and he did smiling at me. "You do know how to quiet a man don't you Princess?". "yes I suppose I do and yes Jo did offer but I am well thank you and my journey was good ,and I must say it is so beautiful here "I say and he just look into my eyes with his sexy blue eyes and say " Yes beautiful it is but not close to your beauty Anna " and that's when he kisses me full on but before I can return my feeling he releases me going to stand by the window , this is just weird ,does he want me or not. "I am sorry it seems my hormones got the best of me and I don't want you thinking it is all you are to me and there is more I need to tell you before this day goes further" he says looking more serious then a minute ago. "I know you are  good man Drake and yes you can always tell me anything because .. I to must tell you something important so you go on and talk first and I promise to listen if you would before making decisions ok?"  I say sitting down while he stands infront facing me. "Ok as you wish my dear , so where to begin ,first please let me explain and then we'll talk, so as you know I asked your father to marry you correct?" he ask as I nod yes . "So I kind of forced your father and I regret it till this day but you ,and my reason is  still the same Anna , you, you are my mate ,and the first day I saw you  at your brothers wedding  your father held at the beginning of the season ,you were dancing with the Duke of Amber and long story short I went there to see what you all were doing and then I saw you ,you took my breath away that night and  I had to see you again after so I did and by the gods I got to see you at the market again and then as we bumped I felt it the sparks you felt , it's the mate bond, you might have heard of it but then also two times after also then I knew you are destined to be with me and only me Anna my true mate", he says but I interrupt him," You mean only ones more time at the market when we kissed Drake". "No Anna  not just then …I was there when the wolfs and those bandits almost …,I was the dragon Anna I saved you ,I mean Ice my dragon saved you that day and we looked after you and then took you home and I made you promise to be my friend remember?" he says walking to me but getting on his knees begging almost ." It can't be Drake ,dragon shifters died out long ago my grandfather's father killed the last one ,how can it be I don't believe it!", I say getting a bit upset , he is a monster , no this can't happen not now that I started to like him.  "It is true Anna I am a dragon shifter and a King and the last ,but only if I found my true mate can I produce children like myself. but I don't want you for that maybe later but for now I just want to be with you Anna and make you my Queen if you would still want me?"  he says making my heart drop ,he is so tender at this moment. "Show me Drake , show me your dragon", I ask and this make him take my hand leading me outside and coming to a standstill he lets go walking away telling me to stay where I am, I do as he says and in seconds he shifts into the biggest majestic Dragon ,he has blue eyes and his scales is a dark blue making him almost look midnight black but then he spreads his wings bowing his head to me and making it more surreal I hear him say "My Queen we finally meet  and may I say you are a true vision to my eyes and I Ice King of the Dragons accept you my Hybrid angel and fae Queen ",he says and this makes me nervous because I am yet to tell him or Drake for that matter but he already knows, "It is nice to meet you dragon ", "Please call me Ice my love and if you want you can touch me now and don't worry I will give Drake back in a moment because I believe you need to tell him something also?", "Yes Ice I do but I think he knows now ", I say stepping closer touching Ice and as I do I feel his power radiating to me .He bowed again saying goodbye and then he shifted again bringing Drake back and luckily in his close. "Angel and fae Hybrid ?" he asks looking a bit mad but still so sexy and if I was not half angel I sure would have my devil side come out to play with him, " yes Drake just like you I am different and special like my parents would say but I only knew of this hybrid thing yesterday and it was also like I shifted for the first time but not like you I just felt so powerful and I . o just let me show you if I can but can  we do it inside away from eyes?" I ask and he agrees walking inside taking me to his huge office . When inside  it is really huge and I knew this would work so I  close my eyes just like last knight and in seconds I feel a lights pain then suddenly I stood before him in all my glory waiting for his reply ."You are the most extraordinary fantastic and breathtaking thing I have ever seen Anna, your wings it's so beautiful and that crown and the butterfly's it's unbelievable ,you are special my love ,very special indeed and man I can't put into words what I feel right now". he says making a tear run down my cheek but he catches it with his thumb looking into my eyes and then he says out loud "I Drake the Dragon  King accept you Anna Juliana as my true mate your angel and your fae for always". he says and this is all I needed to hear when I to decide to accept him" I Anna with my angel and fae side ask and accept you Drake as my mate also Ice as my mate now and forever", just then I feel this strange feeling and looking at Drake I knew our bond was half sealed but stronger then before. This was a sign that we accepted each other for all we are and to start our journey as a mated pair....
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