Chapter 14 The hybrid

1442 Words
For centuries it is believed that when there is a full moon ,many strange or wonderful things can and will happen and in Princess Anna's case it was just so, the full moon also simplified  it was the turning point to a new day and new beginning .Anna was all sleepy but it did not come , the sting and itching sensation on her back was getting worse and she was starting to sweat profoundly ,her heart was feeling light and her eyes felt heavy but not of sleep then as she jolted up the tattoo on her arm started to also burn and suddenly it started to glow making it stand out more that's when she felt the pain from her back shooting straight to her heart and head ,on her back her skin was ripped open Asif giving birth but more intense, then she felt it , she stood up and then as she did she looked in the mirror only to see a pair of silver wings plastered onto her back and the pain she felt was replaced with calmness and warmth and it was the most stunning thing she ever sow ,then she realized she had the wings of an angel and as soon as she looked up her blue eyes was shining silver also and on her head was a crown of flowers and little butterfly's dancing around it. This was all too much  but then her special necklace also started glowing. Anna felt like a new reborn person except she was not just a normal human she was indeed special.  While looking stunned at herself in the mirror the Queen and King came running into Anna's room only to also stand with their mouths hanging open from the priceless picture infront of them. "O My Anna you are stunning "Mother said while holding her face as she started to cry ." We knew you were so much more then just special ,you are a hybrid Anna , one of a kind, you are both angel and fae and the true mate of the Dragon king ",my father says as he turns me to him ." This is so much father how will I use this ,how will I know what to do "and the Dragon King doesn't know this yet .What if he doesn't want me after he sees this ?" I ask feeling overwhelmed sitting down on my chair in my room and as I do my wings return to my back and the crown disappears making me look like a normal girl again. "You will always know when to use it it is there to help you Anna and it is a gift and it will present itself when needed just like me when I need to heal someone my healing powers comes to me but unlike you I do not have such beautiful wings my child ,you are blessed, and the King will love you like you are if he doesn't I'll burn down his castle ok?" my father says making me feel better then mother hugs me kissing my forehead ." You are the new dawn my daughter and your power is a blessing not only to you but this world and tomorrow you will visit the Dragon Kings castle , your future home and I suggest you tell him and only him for now", mother says but I ask her why and she says" because kingdoms in this world will want to claim you for your powers child and only he can protect you now, you are a special hybrid and you are destined for greatness ass are your children that we are sure of , even your children might be very powerful and that's why you must stay safe and not get into the hands of a monster for it can turn out bad, very bad:. Mother says leaving me to my sleep. Tomorrow I will face my soon to be husband without any mask and then I must tell him all this , o man I'm stressed and as I lay my head down I simply feel calm and darkness follows soon. Duke of Amber (Pov)  Getting home after that waist of a party my blood was boiling indeed and the only way to calm me is if I get a release with some girl and that is just what I did, after I got what I needed the servant girl left my room crying but I did not care I was only thinking of my trophy , the one I really wanted but before I could even have her that stuped father of her gave her to the Dragon King of all the Kings or royalty ,this made me wonder why now all of a sudden the Dragon King would want her, she is human and yes there is a chance she could have a bit of power but nothing to special Soon Erick knew every detail about tonight and he was so happy as were we but we also told him that he is one of her protectors and that she was to be kept save always for both the world and our kingdoms depend on it, he understood and promised us he would. walking out me and my King know we did good s parents and now its their time to shine bright.
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