Chapter 16 Memories

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It's not everyday you get to be the bad guy or the vilan or even the Hero and also sometimes the bad gay makes mistakes but in the case of the Duke , he was born bad and he always wanted what was not his to have and the only manors to get it was to steal it or make a deal with someone ell's to steal it for you and in his case again that is what he did . Being mad the Duke did not take well to the news from the Human King about Princess Anna and it made him mad , his life was a mess since he was born when his mother had to give him to the witches because she didn't want him ,the little monster he came to be but the witches of the West took him in and as he grew they learned of what he is and so they knew he was special but he was only a red dragon without powers like the blue dragon they came to know about but still they groomed him in their mad ways and so plotted and he became the Duke of Amber after killing all the real bloodlines and strange no one ever knew who or what he really was , only in darkness did he let his red dragon out and the witches put a spell on him so no one would feel or smell his dragon and so believe he was only human. The Duke promised the witches to catch the blue dragon one day as soon as the dragon show himself as the shifter only so they can cut out his heart , because according to old prophecies a true blue Ice dragons heart is just as powerful as a fallen star, it gives eternal beauty and immortality ,being young forever and even though a fallen star is what they always used it was not enough but a heart of a blue ice dragon had power and magic , making it the most powerful artifact in the world aside from angel tears and pixie dust and the song of a mermaid and lets not forget the butterfly of a fae can give you healing powers also , so some was easy to get but others was only myths .  Aside from the Warlock King and his Queen that were good the three witches was evil to the bone and had many followers under their command like some rogues ,bandits and trolls and even humans plus a vampire or two making them just as strong and for some reason the one which was a elder of their coven but did not like rules so she went into hiding plotting to rule all and her magic was and is known to be powerful indeed . The Duke (Pov)  Never in my life had I ever been so mad wanting my dragon to come out to rip that so called dragon kings head of and Anna's fathers as well but I need to keep it down and something tells me this dragon King will lead me to his dragon but I think the witches is wrong , I think he might be the dragon shifter afterall and if so then I will finally have his head and his powers ,o and little Princess Anna the b***h that think she can play games with me ha !!, I will get her and mate with her and she will bore my children and then we will see who is the boss ,then I will kill all the rest taking their kingdoms also. Now I just wait for their wedding and I already send my spies to the Dragon King's castle and soon we will know what I already suspect , then these three witches will give me what belongs to me finally …power hahahahh. The Dragon King's castle was quite but in the dining hall there was chattering going on all around for a feast was prepared in honor of Princess Anna . The table was overflowing with the best wine and the beast dishes Jo could come up with and for deserts only the best cake and sweet tarts because Anna was  sweet tooth indeed and only the best was good enough for their future Queen ."Do you like it so far Princess Anna" Jo asks as she join the table after putting down the cake and sweet desserts ,making Anna and Drake and Josef smile all at ones for her being forward and all. "Yes Jo it is quiet pleasant and I must say it is truly beautiful here, and I must applaud you Jo this meal was so Divine and just looking at our dessert I can see why King Drake loves your cooking so much and why he would rather eat at home  ,not like me at the market " I say smiling and blushing at the same time and as I do I just see Drake looking at me with so much passion in his eyes. "Yes Jo thank you ,you outdid yourself and we never tell you this but you are the best cook in all the world" Drake says raising his glass toasting to Jo as do we. "Thank you your majesty's it is my honor and Princess if I may say also we are blessed to be welcoming you to our kingdom soon and if you ever need anything be sure to feel free to ask ,so now lets enjoy this cake"" ,Jo says smiling bowing and then she cuts the cake and by the heavens it was the best cake in the world , it was soft, moist and delectable indeed leaving my mouth in a frenzy and such a good way to end a stunning meal .  After we all enjoyed the cake Jo and Josef went their way but before Jo went to the kitchen she told me she has taken my overnight bag to the quest room and that I must call on her if I need anything at all and I said my thanks and as I turned to Drake he was just smiling at me like a kid in a candy store . "So it seems everyone likes you besides me and I must say you sure as hell know how to eat cake princess " Drake mocks' me while we walk to the balcony overlooking the gardens. "You dare mock me my King and yes I might even teach you to join me in eating cake as I do but I do not think you have the stomach King " I mock him back , "I bet you I can even after dinner eat up that whole cake were you might simply only eat half "I say again and this made him laugh making my heart beat faster , o I just love his laugh , he is indeed my other half, besides the chemistry in the air round us I can feel a true bond and friendship form between us and it makes me happy because this is what I always hoped for in a husband one day and now I have it all to myself and me being his mate I know I am the only one for him and I always will be. We talked the night away and we told each other what we want and our likes and dislikes and Drake told me of his childhood as did I and I told him that I do not want a to big wedding and luckily he did not either so it was decided ."Do you know how stunning you are Anna ?, you are exactly what me and Ice have always wanted and standing so close to you I can't believe it is real" Drake says taking my cheek in his hand with so much longing in his eyes but then he closes in and kiss me so gentle while I kiss him in return but before we know it we are in a full on make out session his hands pulling me closer to him and my hands on his broad shoulders and that's when he steps back catching his breath as do I feeling like a fool in love. "Anna if we don't stop I would not have the strength to stop and I don't want to ruin this for you or us , you are to important to me, so may I escort you to your room love?". "Yes you are right lets wait till our wedding night and yes please walk with me "I say as he takes my hand and guide me up to the third floor to my room for the night seeing I'll return home tomorrow to help mother and father prepare for our wedding in a week . The room was big and speciose as was all the rooms and mine hade flowers next to my bed and as Drake said his goodnight to me I felt so alone but it was better this way for us both, I still wanted to know more and as of today I know one thing and that is , that I have fallen for this man beast and he has excerpted me also making our union so much easier and it helps knowing he will protect me and love me without boundaries or secrets. After taking a much needed bath a soft knock on my door startled me but as I opened I saw it was Drake only in boxers and a t-shirt looking all red in his face like he was exercising and man he looked so hot. "My apologies Anna I..,I just wanted to say good night and to dream of me and you know.. to see if you found everything to your liking?" he says looking nervous himself . "Yes thank you everything is wonderful" and as I say it I decide to kiss him on the cheek and he smiles bowing and walking to his room. That was so hot and heavy and the s****l tension between us was surely going to drive both of us mad so I hope he takes a cold shower .  Drake (Pov)  She was my everything ,I could not breathe without her but I knew If I took her now it would not be right ,I respect her to much so we walked to her room and after going to my own I wanted to go back and take her in my arms and make sweet love to her but dammit I can't not tonight , so I rather go to my gym and get some workout in before returning to bed myself after a cold shower that is .I can still smell her lust for me as well and Ice is like a child in my head wanting to come out and ply and me to but it was not the right time and even these weights was not enough to keep my mind t ease ,scrap this I just want to see he one more time before bed, just ones. Standing infront of her door I smell her sent and decide to nock and as I do she opens up only standing in a bathrobe and her beautiful hair in a braid and I knew she was in the bath because I could smell it on her sexy little body and then like a i***t I asked if she was ok and if she found everything she needed and to her liking , she did and then she kissed my cheek , this was so sweet and it confirmed all I felt for her and I simply bow and walk back to my room and let me tell you it was so hard to walk away after seeing her like that but I knew soon I'll get to stay and she will be all mine to have and to hold forever, this gave me peace of mind and as I got ready to drift to sleep I knew I would only dream of her and of us until tomorrow my love..
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