Chapter 12 Special day

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My breath was taken away by the dress my mother had made by the dressmakers , they outdid themselves and gifted is a understatement indeed. My dress was a true ball gown in the  true sense of the word, it was a magnificent royal blue ball dress with a v- neck and the sleeves was long and strapless out of the most beautiful  lace , the dress flows like water because the top part has these frills going down ending right at the middle and the rest just falls to the bottom effortless and the back goes very low reaching my bottoms just in time but to end it of it is covered with lace embroidered and diamonds that make it almost come to live , it is truly a masterpiece waiting to be shown to the world and it is made just for me , going along with the dress they made a mask fit to go with it also in royal blue but with a feather at the one side and diamonds on the other .It covers my face just so my lips and eyes stand out . My hair is only taken up half way into curls and is finished of with a stunning tiara bringing everything together. My makeup  was kept simple but my eyes was made up to stand out as was my pink plump lips .Wearing my special necklace and diamond earrings I was done and ready to join my party and like father says to enjoy my special day.       Heading down the staircase, taking careful steps I see my father and mother standing at the bottom waiting just for me , my mother was in a princess style red dress and  father in his royal Greeneden suite also tailor made and they both looked like a picture painted to last a lifetime. My mother and father had tears in their eyes as I came to a stand still next to them and then father spoke , "Anna you are a vision my child already looking like the Queen you are meant to be". He says hugging me while mother tries to conceal her tears to not spoil her makeup. My father and mother will escort me to the dance Hall and we shall be introduced by titles. Soon we came to a stand still and looking at the Dance Hall it was decorated perfectly , everyone was already there and there was soft music playing in the background giving it the feeling of a Ball fit for a princess and I know I said I did not want this but now I can not ask for something better .The tables are perfect and everywhere there are candles and flowers with cherry blossoms in between making it look almost like a fairy's wonderland . As we enter the head of the royal guard announce our presence and everyone cheer and claps for the King and Queen of Greeneden , then he announce me, "Her Majesty Princess Annabella Juliana of Greeneden". he says making me blush but lucky for me no one will be able to see with my mask on.    Making my way to my table next to mother I bow and take my seat and it is with a bit of difficulty but I soon get it done. I see a lot  of familiar faces and some new and there is so much power in this big hall it almost feels to small knowing all too well that we are in the precense of greatness when it comes to people like the werewolf King and his Luna and then there is the vampire King and his Queen and I have heard her name is also Anna like mine ,then the pixies and the warlock and his Witch Queen and the rest I'm still to know , and so far I don't spot that i***t of a Duke and of Course my fiancée the Dragon King. The music stops and that is a signal that my father will be talking so I settle down looking at him, "Welcome to one and all to our precious Princess Anna's 21ste Birthday masquerade Ball held in our very own Cherry tree Dance Hall, have fun, dance and let me also say to my dear Anna , Anna happy birthday my lovely child me and your mother the Queen are so proud of you and may your days be blessed only with love and good health, please race your glasses and say with me, To PRINCESS ANNA !!!!! my father says lifting his glass looking to me, that's when the room erupts into cheers for me and this I guess is my que to give my speech. "Thank you mother and father for this beautiful day and for all you do to make me happy, I am who I am because of how you raised me and it is with love I say thank you! long live the King and Queen of Greeneden, to my parents!! I say also cheering them. While I stand I see all eyes on me and I must say it felt strange and I knew one of these stairs was him, the Dragon King , it made me feel uneasy but also at peace knowing he is in the crowd looking at me. I sit down and then my brother take to the stand also wishing me happy birthday and then asking everyone to enjoy the night with our family and then mother and father took to the dancefloor leaving me to myself but It did not take long before a small little man came bowing infront of me asking to dance, he was a bit short and I assumed he was a dwarf and I was right he was the dwarf Prince Adolf of Dimwin  and even with his mask I knew him , only dwarfs was this short but at least he was not a bad dancer . While dancing we talked and like the dwarf he is he told me off all his riches , "So Princess I'm disappointed to say the least when I heard you had a fiancée but your father did tell us that if you were not spoken for ,me and you would have made the perfect couple ",he says being rather arrogant. "O he did did he?, well Prince Adolf I must say I am flattered ."I say and just when I thought my back won't hold much longer someone in a all black suit stopped us and asked if he may cut in ,this did not sit well with the arrogant prince but I was so grateful ,"Thank you my back was really starting to hurt from leaning forward "I say feeling this man's grip tighten around my waist and as I looked into his eyes I was stunned to see them turn a beautiful dark blue and inside my heart felt like it was going to run out of fuel for beating to fast, his smell so manly ,his arms around me it's so intense, who is he I wander, he is so gentle while we dance and it's as if I'm flying but on clouds. "You re a rare beauty Princess, you outshine even the moon and the stars tonight, blue is definitely your color and if I may?, You smell so Divine". He says making me almost lose my footing , but just like I knew he would he steady's me looking at me with those eyes. "Thank you good sir, you also look very handsome but please If I might ask who you are ?" I ask hoping I did not come across as mean or child like, I really did want to know. "Yes I am your knight in shining armor Anna but you don't need to look so horrified you know". Then it hit me those eyes ,I remember and man now I feel like a fool but how was I to know if it was him he looked a bit different and I just wish we could take these masks of but we cant . "Then I must apologize ". I say feeling like a i***t myself. "No please don't my lady I saw you needing help with that dwarf , to you I'm simply a helping hand ,Princess, no need for all the formalities' if it's just us and besides I would love it if you called me on my name rather then my tital". "Fine then but then you must call me Anna and not princess , I don't do well with arrogance and believe me I will keep you on your toes" I say making him smile for the first time since we started to dance and we still do. "It will be a pleasure " he says dipping my head and twirling me around the floor like I am a ballerina. " So wat is your name sir" I ask but he just smile leaning into my ears and whisper, " Your knight in shining armor", he says but this time he bows and leave me standing on the dance floor, dumbfounded at his playfulness and I just smile, as does he while asking my mother to dance. Dancing with him was not bad at all and  he seemed more alive witch I was glad for. Then  when the vampire came to ask for a dance and I just looked over seeing he asked my mother to dance, I just smirked and accepted the new dance partner. The vampire's hands was as cold as ice and he was very pale but as soon as I looked at him closer I could see he was a nicely build man indeed and according to father he was to be a much stronger king as his father when he will take over one day, but for now he is simply a Prince ."You are looking very beautiful Princess , may I ask if you have a mate or a betroved ?". he askes making me feel a bit awkward but being polite I answer "Thank you and yes I do but It seems he has not arrived, Why do you ask "?. He just start to laugh and spins me around making me collide with his body on impact and this doesn't sit to well with me but I keep my composure. "O but Afcorse you do Princess don't mind me asking it's just I wander if your fiancée was here he would not want me dancing with you seeing your smell is so captivating and it is so hard to keep myself from having a taste". He says making me stop looking at him ," Yes I suppose you are right about that but about you tasting me ,You my Prince will make a great mistake at that believe me, now if you would excuse me I want to dance with my father", I say leaving but as I turn he grabs my arm ," And why would that be Princess? You think I care for you humans ?"he says looking mad and his eyes turn red but just then my previous dance partner the man in the all black suit and stunning blue eyes growls loudly making everyone including him stall, this guy is my knight indeed ,but as he walks to us he takes the vampire Prince by his tie looking at him with this deadly stair, "You better not touch Princess Anna ever again for you may lose a limp you tilth !! Go now before I rip your head of and feed it to my Dragon friend !", he says making me realize its him ,it's the Dragon King and heavens behold he is my knight in shining armor …  
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