Chapter 13 Masks

1944 Words
 Tonight is big success and after the vampire King talked to his son all was well again in the Dance Hall and father asked me and The Dragon King to the side to ask us to keep the peace and to not make more ceans , and we agreed and as father walked to mother I decided to then tell my fiancée thank you for coming to my rescue but also to give him a piece of my mind for not telling me who is was and making me feel like a fool ."Thank you for helping me King but please next time at least tell me who you are so I can't make a fool of myself again" I say but once again he smiles handing out his hand to me and as I deny him I can see his smile fade away. "I didn't mean to lie Princess ,I was merely playing with you ,or is it forbidden to do so ?" , He asks coming closer still with my hand in his . "Playing is for children sir not for a man"!. "You talk as if you are against having fun , you do know I am your future husband though Anna, ?" he says making me want to slap his beautiful face but all I really want to do is kiss his face, o man no what the hell am I even thinking. " No, … I am , o never mind ".I say forgetting my word and as I look down he starts to laugh just like I told the best joke of all and yes I just shake my head also laughing at him. Drake (Pov)  She is so mesmerizing and it takes every bit of restraint to keep me from having my way with her to mark her as mine and after this Dance with her playing with her mind I know she feels a bond and I must say flirting with her and her not knowing that I am the Dragon King just makes me enjoy it and I want to keep it up and at the nights end I will tell her who I am but still not really who I am and it's for the best but as I dance with her mother Ice is growling in my head telling me the vampire is touching her and he seems much interested in our mate and this makes me look and as I do I see the Fu**er is taking her arm by force and I sense she feels afraid , this makes my blood boil and I let out a growl to make him realize what he is doing could Cause him his death today ,in seconds I'm standing by her giving him a death stair and I grab him by his tie telling him what is best for him to do and as he does I can feel Ice also relax even if he wants to rip his head of and then looking at her after I told him who I am ,told me she was not happy one bit. After explaining and seeing how tough he is , it made me think she is definitely my equal in every way possible and I feel so much better that she knows now that I am the Dragon King and making her laugh was the best feeling ever and then after we laughed she asked me if I was hungry ,and being a dragon I'm always hungry . " So Anna what shall I taste first seeing this table overflowing with all sorts of food and seeing you are not on the menu ?" I ask and I can see she is blushing even under her mask . "If you like pastry's then I suggest you try the cherry tart , it is Divine your majesty" she replay's smiling at me and that's when I know I'll never love another because she is all I need and I would die a thousand deaths for her. She is so pure and gentle but yet so witty and strong and she will make a great Queen standing by my side , so I take the tart and as I indulge in it I can see she was right ,it it the best . We take a few more and then head to a table sitting , eating and enjoying each other.  Anna (Pov)  "Cherry tarts t's Devine your majesty I say and smile knowing it is really good and also one of my favorites. He smiles and for a moment our eyes lock and my mind and heart say different things to me but he takes a tart and just like I thought he enjoys it alot and then we take some more and he Leads me to a table . He seems more relaxed now after eating and I can't seem to wander what he thinks of me and I also wonder what he would look like after all these masks he has on , his true face. "So You're fared right?" I dare to ask and only to keep the combersation flowing as it does. "Yes ,why do you fear me?" he asks me back, looking a bit taken back by my question ,"No not at all, I think you can be fears but somehow I don't see you as people made you out to be, Drake" , I reply . "You don't, whell what if I got angry and stand to close or what if like now I take your hand in mine walking you out of this ball room into a dark corner and try and kiss your beautiful lips what then?" As he says this he leaves his food doing just what he said and I am lost for words but follow him and I do not even feel scared at all , I want to do it also but just with him and it's weird because I don't know him but still I feel this need to be by him always. Coming to a stand still behind the cherry blossom tree outside of the ball room he pushes me against the wall making my breath hitch and reply swiftly to his last question, "I still won't be afraid of you !". I say looking into his lustfull eyes just wanting him to kiss me so I can feel what will be mine in the future. Just then he crashes his lips to mine kissing me like there is no tomorrow, like I am his only reason to breath and it is so soft, so tender and I kiss him back in the same manner so he will know how my heart also feels, but our kissing was soon interrupted by mother." What are you two doing out here , O my word Anna !!!??"mother says making us laugh but seeing she is not smiling or happy Drake smiles and bows saying "I apologies Your majesty I simply asked your um.. beautiful daughter to show me the cherry garden and I must say it is one of a kind indeed" he says and this also makes me kiddy but I look at my mother and even if she was mad I could see she understood but as the good Queen she is she nodded at him saying, "Yes it is indeed but if you would be so kind I would love to steal my daughter away for it is time to cut her birthday cake and I would like a word also" She says smiling looking to me and that is when he bows taking my hand kissing it and then disappear into the dancing hall only to leave me to y mother's wars. "Anna you know better this was not how we raised you ,you should know better , what is one of the other royals saw you ,you are not even married yet and you are to keep our name high, this is not even like you  Anna what is going on?" mother asks me . "I am sorry my Queen we were just taken away and we did not think, sorry mother it was a mistake." I say but feel so lost because she is right ,it's not like me to kiss a man I barely know and I didn't even want to marry. "Yes well it happens when there is chemistry child and you are of age now and it is about time and your father will be pleased to know you are taken by your fiancée making this arranged marriage easier on us and him". She says smiling at last, making me feel better. "come let's go and cut your cake darling ".mother says while we walk back inside and as we do the chef comes out with the most beautiful cake ever, he places it down and everyone settle to look upon me making me feel a bit dumb but alas I blow out the candles and then everyone claps hands cheering ones again, then I cut the cake   handing it to all the guests and as I finished a dark figure comes to stand to close and I knew the awful smell of his aftershave, it's the Duke of Amber. "Well if it isn't the little slutty Princess," he says making me hold the knife to him, "Who invited you and how dare you talk to me this way ,just go away, " but before I can finish Drake is one's again beside me," please tell me I didn't hear you talk to my fiancée like that sir, because you see she is mine and I will not have you talk to her like that ,understood commoner?". Drake says but the Duke doesn't retreat he simply smiles and wink saying "You will regret this Princess but I will leave only to keep your pet at by ,happy birthday ". Luckily for me I take Drake's arm to hold him back and it also seems to calm him down but he looks at me questioning . "He is the Duke of Amber and a i***t but don't mind him he is nothing to me .My father wanted me to marry him but luckily you came along and father decided otherwise ,come have some cake and then maybe I'll dance with you Dragon King" .I say smiling thinking of our kiss. "Fine but if he or any other i***t comes close to you again I'll rip their head off ok, ? you are a Queen and that is how you should be treated". He says taking the peace of cake and this made me so happy to think I did not want this but maybe ,just maybe I found my happiness afterall...  This stunning evening was coming to a end and just as destiny planned it all was going as it should ,Everyone was having fun dancing ,eating and the Princess and the Dragon King was getting along much better then was predicted by their parents or even themselfs.Love just sometimes need to be led in the right direction for it to thrive and blossom as it did this peaceful knight in Greeneden .Still the prophecy must come to be and even though the night is not at its peak yet Princess Anna felt strange throw-out the night she only concentrated on him but as she laid to sleep he felt this itching feeling in her back ,almost like something wants to burst out from under her skin and be set free, who knows what this might be , her powers or something much more …   
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