Chapter 5 The Invite

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All the invites has been send out and everyone that is important is invited to the Ball held in honor of Princess Anna's 21st birthday .It will be a grand afair and wearing a mask is one of the requests to attend .Preparations are on there way and sins early all the palace staff are running around starting to get everything in order because besides the organizing of the Ball the castle must also be clean and perfect because some guests will be staying over the night and the Queen being the Queen only want everything to be perfect for her only daughter. The invite's made their way to all the Kingdoms and he last one was to the Dragon Kingdom because not a lot of them knew the Dragon king and only a few were blessed to have seen him so it was a gamble to think he would come ,seeing the last invite to their sons wedding was not excepted, but everyone knew that if he ever comes to a ball or wedding it was really something because he seldom went , he was known to not be a nice person at all ,cruel to the bone they say, and all respected him because they thought he could unleash the dragon living on his grounds and kill a entire kingdom, the story goes. Drake (Pov)  Sitting in my office working sines the sun came up was nothing new to me and it gave me a bit of time before everything in the castle became to busy , but as I work my office door burst open with Josef standing in the door with what seems to be mail in his hands, but knowing my friend something is definitely up so I just nod and wait ."Good morning my King , it seems you have a invite and it is definitely from our neighbors the human kingdom Greeneden" , he says smiling walking to me as I stand feeling exited ,grabbing the invite from his teasing hands. As I sit back down I growl at him for keeping me from my invite ," You are such a bloody child, huh" I say opening the invite that looks like a mask but as you open it ,it says: Dear Dragon King , you are hereby invited to our dearest daughter Princess Anna's 21st birthday Masquerade Ball at our very beautiful Hall at the Greeneden Palace. Please let us know if you wish to attend , all the requests are below... .I read it feeling my insides turn knowing I will get to see Anna again buy admit , I cant let her know who I am , she would not like knowing that I'm the dragon king ,in the past I wasn't nice to others especially humans. " This is bad man Josef if I go she will know who I am and she would hate me, I don't want to do it but I so badly want to see my mate,and Ice to", I say feeling helpless with my hands in my hair waiting for Josef to say something or maybe just maybe he will have a plan.  Josef starts smiling like a i***t and come to sit infront of me , "I got it Drake, it's a masquerade Ball is it not ?" he asks making me feel annoyed. "Yes so what Josef , what's your point?". " My point is Princess Anna will not recognize you , we just need the biggest ,baldest mask that will hide your face completely and maybe comb your hair different from how you unstably wear it and she won't have a clue ". Josef say looking quite happy with himself but I agree it's the best plan we have and I nod my head agreeing with him one hundred present. Josef took it upon himself to personally return the invite and to make it known that I will most definitely attend and accept  but also to talk to the King himself  and arrange a meeting concerning a alliance and maybe talk about what I need from him, because I heard along the crape wine their beautiful Kingdom was not doing as good financially as believed and his family owes me seeing I helped his grandfather in the past and this King knows all too well to fear me, but because his lovely  daughter is my true mate I will always try my best to have peace . The waiting is killing me , so I decide to go to my gym and get a workout ."You think she will like me Drake"? Ice asks me out of the blue, and I know he is also nervous for the mere fact that she is human and normally humans do not like to mix with other creatures , especially not Dragons . " She must get to know you and I have no doubt that she would like you allot, I mean what is not to like you are a king and a mighty Dragon with magic in you ?". I say taring because it means everything to us knowing we found our true mate and our people , they will be so happy now that the King will most definitely produce little dragons , meaning there is hope or the dragon people. I get a special mindlink from Josef saying that he is at the castle off Greeneden and waiting to have a audience with the King and Queen and that one of the palace maids told him that the royals are not in good moods today seeing the King and his daughter had a falling out of some sort, this just makes e worried what could have made her upset , demit it's hard to be so far from Anna I need this meeting with her father and soon , she belongs to me now and I'll be damned if I let  anyone make her sad or unhappy even if it was her parents... 
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