Chapter 6 Saved by the dragon

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This day can not be worse then yesterday but as I finish piano lessons my dear mother sends for me so as usual I comply and head to her office only to find father there to and by the looks of it it seems tense as if they  were having words, lately that's all they have been doing buy I just go in  making my presence known. "Anna good your here , how was your piano lessons "?, mother asks me. "Quiet  nice mother thank you , I seem to get it now after practicing it over and over", I reply wishing they would just get to the point for making me come here. "Good. I'm so pleased  to hear it Anna,.. now your father and I want to tell you that the best dress fitters in the kingdom will be coming after tea and I want you to choose a dress and a mask , o and also let them take measurements because we don't want them making the wrong fitting , you must look your best you are a princess after all and our only girl and we don't want the kingdom gossiping do we dear?" . my mother say smiling and looking to my father like she awaits for him to add something. I wait for my father to say something but for some reason he struggles but then he takes my hands in his , "Anna you know we love you very much and your mother and I only want what's best for you ,.. whell and that's why we think you must try to give the Duke another chance , he is not so bad and he thinks highly of you"... my father says but I interrupt him  feeling my anger rising because I can not understand why they keep going on about this, " No father !!,  you can't ask me this I reply sort of out of place but then... "You will do this Anna and that is final" !!!!! ,my father shouts at me , that's when I decide to turn around and storm out the door running to my room just to steady my raging thoughts because this is the first time my own loving father shouted at me for something so silly and this only confirms to me that there must be something wrong , my father has never really shouted like that at me nor my brother . Mother was the strict one and I always believed my father of all people in this rugged world would understand ,it seems though I was the one mistaken. Tears just run freely as I run from the office and that's when I spot this stranger looking at me as if he knows me but I surely wasn't in the best of moods to greet anyone, so I just ignored him going on my way thinking he is propobily  looking to speak to the King or Queen , because if he wasn't the guards would not have let him in to the door not even to mention the castle grounds.  Finally getting to my room I slam it shut rushing to my bed crying thinking I need some fresh air , I need to get out of this castle , so I decide to sneak out and head to the river near the village , just to relax my beating heart a bit before all hell broke loose in my room . After getting my long hood on I sneak out through my side window climbing down the railings until it's safe to jump to the ground, lucky for me I have been doing this my entire live and a lot of it was with Erick , o I miss him so much but soon I know they will return home but I doubt he'll want to sneak out again because he and Margaret  will get the  fourth wing to live in and that is a bit further from me so I guess that's out.  Making my way to the castle gate I see the guards patrolling knowing they normally take a brake to get some hot coffee from the kitchen and some soup and fresh baked bread , it kind of a thing my mother started long ago , she reckons it's to keep them full and happy while working especially in the winter when it gets very cold .Waiting is definitely not my strong point but just like I predicted they head to the kitchen and that's when I make my move and  slip through the gate running for cover behind the big old oak trees  realizing I don't have as much daylight left so hurrying and running I finally get to the river. It is so peaceful and all the river and surroundings just make one see how preciouses nature really is and looking after it is very crustal indeed. Sitting all alone I decide to throw stones in the river , this is sort of a tradition to Erick and me and it is a must to always find just the right rock or pebble to throw because it needs to bounce and then just then your day is complete .As I enjoy myself I start to get this uneasy feeling like someone or something is watching me and I know that's why my parents ever let me leave the grounds alone ,besides bandits roaming in the woods we live in a world with many other creatures and some are not always friendly , even humans would love to catch a princess for who knows what .I decide to rather return home but before I could  this group of men and two big wolf's start to walk towards me making me feel very scared hoping my fighting lessons and skills will help me today if need be. I don't show them I'm scared so I stand my ground looking the one gay straight in the eye . "Look boys what do we have here , maybe a toy or a meal hahah " the fat one says behind the wolfs making them lick their lips, but before the rest can talk  the gay infront says "No ! boys don't be rude I mean we don't want the lady thinking we are scum lets ask her nicely to play and then we can take our turns to eat her if you get what I'm saying?", he says smirking at me walking slowly forward but I know if I run they can catch me and if I fight I'll most propobily will lose and if I tell them who I am they will hold me for ransom witch is out of the question so I'm done for and now I can only try Bargen and pray." Get her you two :the man says, that's when I run but as I run the wolfs catch up and the one grey one tackles me to the ground making my head hit the ground hard as I fall, this is when darkness overcome me and I pray one last time then as my eyes start to close I see the most beautiful mesmerizing thing above me roaring making the ground shake ,then darkness took me .. Drake (Pov)  Man sitting in my office working all day is just making Ice cranky and me so going for a short flight might be the best medicine now and going to the river it is. Before I go I get this feeling and even Ice is on edge , all I think of what it could be is the waiting to hear from Josef , he said that Anna was upset but did not have time to talk with her so now my mind is working to much and giving over to Ice makes me fell better .Ice was flying high and seeing that the sun is almost going down it must be ne of the most amazing things to see ,high up thru the clouds getting all this fresh air makes everything seem so simple but that's when Ice smell her and we both start to feel scared as if  she's in danger ,he swoops down to get a better view but what we see is making my blood freeze , she is in danger and this damn wolf is on top of her ,this make me go down faster and as I  near Ice lets out a growling thunder sound , who the hell are they to dare and attack my mate .as Ice land on the ground the men stare at me mouths open but the werewolf's don't back down, but I'm in the mood to tear of heads and seeing her lie on the ground unconscious and bleeding make Ice so mad he storms forward biting the werewolf in two making the second one regret even looking at my Anna and running like the cowers they are and I knew the must be rogues ,I go to stand over Anna but Ice just won't let me take control so we decide to stop the bleeding with our ice magic but not to much to hurt her more just to stop the bleeding . After helping to heal her and stop the bleeding we take her with our claw's and gently lay her down under the tree were there is soft grass at least, we first want her to wake up then we will help her get home so she can get a doctor to look at her and tell her father what had happened. soon the sun was gone but lucky for me the moon was so big and bright tonight , she is so beautiful even though she is hurt and this just makes me wonder why the hell no one has been looking for their princess , I mind link Josef and informs him what had happened but he is already home and I tell him I'll be home shortly hen we will discuss the day and everything ells.  After a while Anna start to wake up and me and Ice are delighted but I still did not take the lead and I hope this works for her to meet Ice and that she knows he saved her ."Were am I ..OO !!!! " Anna says as she looks at the big Blue Dragon laying next to her keeping her warm seeing the sun was set and night has come." Me being a dragon I have a lot of powers and one being I can speak through Ice or you can rather say he speaks human to. "Please my lady don't be scared I would never harm you,.. I kind of saved your life beautiful !",Ice says in a much deeper voice then mine but almost the same. "How do you feel ?, you took a blow to the head and you were bleeding but don't worry I helped you so take it easy ok".  "Thank you I feel ok ,my head hurts a bit but not as much as it should though " and o I'm Anna ,Princess Anna, Who are you if I may ask Dragon?"..." I am Ice and it's nice to meet you your majesty", "now let's get you home before the night gets colder, can you climb on my back then I'll fly you in no time ,I don't think anyone know you are here or do they Princess?". Ice ask handing her some water with his claw from the river. I will try and no they are not aware of me being out , but thank you dragon I'm sure my parents will think of something to thank you propobily when they hear that you saved their daughter's live ."Anna says getting onto Ice's back still shaking and a bit dizzy and cold also. "Fine let's get you home Princess, o and I don't want anything in return just a promise that's all if I may be so bold as to ask a favor from a beauty such as yourself Princess"?. "Sure Dragon what is the favor ?" She ask as we start to fly getting close to the gate of the human palace ."I only ask to be your friend Princess and to get to know you better if you would like to and to see you again Princess." Ice says while landing softly near  the gate making the guards come running to Anna but being vigilant of me and on high alert and I can see them running to the castle to most likely go get their king .As Anna gets of  Ice with the help of the guards her father coms running shouting at the rest to stand down from me , when Anna looks back saying to me and Ice "Granted Dragon o and its Anna not princess " she says smiling and that's when her father hugs her  looking at me and then letting her go with her mother i presume , "Dragon I am King of Greeneden and I thank you for what you have done we are in you debt forever", but before the King can talk more I interrupt him ," Good to meet you King of Greeneden I am Ice , and please you don't owe me anything good King I was mealy helping out of kindness nothing more and I only which to live in peace ,but I must make haste now but I will see u again in good time ,Ice says bowing and walking away and I know this leaves the human King stunned but that is for another day ,knowing she is safe is all that matters …
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