Chapter 8 She is special

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My head still hurts a bit from the fall , but the doctor said I'll be fine and thanks to that dragon that saved me I got away without getting hurt more or worse being r***d, so he surely gets a thumbs up from me and its so wonderful to even think a real Dragon saved me and wants to be my friend witch is weird because the thought of him having me for dinner did come to mind but alas he was kind like no other and for that I'm so grateful and  it made me think that maybe I should just try and enjoy my Ball , it's not like I can turn 21 every year so today mom and me are at the market with a bunch of royal guards and this time I don't mind at all .My dear mother loves pretty things as do all woman , for me it's not all there is to live, rather go to the orphanage and read to the children or go and help the farmers on the fields, but that will most definitely  not happen today , my mother is on a mission and we must hurry because later on the dressmakers will arrive home for my fittings and so on.  The market is nice and as we stop at one of the hat makers mother insist we try them on just in case there might be a tea party soon and there will be seeing it happens every month and heaven behold if we don't have new hats to wear. "This one looks marvelous on you Anna and going with the new summer dress you will be the talk of the town mark my words", but before she can finish I end her sentence .." Yes and being a princess I must look the part", I say smiling looking for something a bit smaller, but mother just roll her eyes at me buying the hats she wants then she says "Come dear let's return home ".Walking to the carriage. The ride home was filled with mother and daughter talk and for the first time in a long time the were laughing and it felt good because the two really loved each other and this made Anna happy and it gave her strength to deal with the dressmakers for they have a reputation for being precise and tend to be mean even though we are royals . Heading to my room to get ready I notice my father as he greets us and still he looks sad somehow but I'll take it upon myself to go talk with him later to try and make him understand how I feel , he was so worried last night saying they were so worried and scared for me but then the medicine made me sleepy so we did not talk more, and this morning he was waiting for some King  so I didn't want to deserve him.  My room must be the best being one of the biggest and just as I plopped down on my bed my other came in with the dressmakers, this is just my luck but I stand looking all ladylike and then the greet me bowing. Everything is measured from my head to my toes, it rather be now then never. After mother told them what we wanted they took out material samples , from the cheapest to the most expensive ones , any color  you can think of ,lace to the softest satin and more . I always wanted something with  a lot of bead work a bit of lace and diamonds  to round it of and it must have an open back and yes it must captivate  all my curves but without looking improper. The dressmakers say I am perfectly build just the right height and the best posture and bone structure they have ever seen and they could see why I am a Princess .After a long afternoon my mind was overflowing with materials and luckily they are great at what they do and they know what I like best so at least  I need not worry about the dress  nor the mask because I just feel they will most definitely get it right and the Queen will make sure of it .Making my way to my father's office I feel a lot better then yesterday or this morning ,I knock on the door and my father say to come in which I did  going to sit on the chair infront of his desk." Hi Father , how are you?"." Anna good to see you my dear I'm so glad you came and I'm fine ,rather tell me about your dress fitting, did you settle on the perfect dress?" choice ." Yes we did thank you father ,and if I must say those lady's sure know their way about dresses even mother was quiet hehe", I tell him taring to lighten the mood." I want to ask you something daughter and I also want for you to listen to me before you judge me ok  ?" he says making me worry but I replay nodding my head in understanding.  "It is not nice to ask your children favors and it is the hardest thing for me to do but our kingdom needs you Anna and as you know for generations know kings and Queens had arrange marriages for their children just like Erick you are the same.."" No father I will rather die then Marry The Duke of Amber " I say but my father interrupts me again ," No Anna listen you are not to marry him, not anymore " he says making me feel more worried because who the hell else would ."Who the father?" I say making him stand up walking to his window , this makes me uneasy and I see it's not easy for him to ask this of me. "It's the Dragon king of the Dragon Kingdom Anna he came to our aid in need , he knows about all our debt that your grandfather left this Kingdom and he is willing to settle it and he promises an alliance and protection for only to have your hand in marriage". he says with tears in his eyes. Crying was something my father did not do very often and just then mother walked in asking if he told me the truth >This was the beginning of the end for me to find true love for myself and yes I knew part of ho I am require of me to be in a arrange mirage with some noble but never thought in a million years it would be a King let alone the Dragon King." Can't you reject father , I mean why does he want me they are weird people and they practice magic and o my goodness he is known not to be to friendly father ?I ask feeling sick all of a sudden wanting to vomit out my lunch . "He wants you Anna he came here saying his elders saw you in his future or something like that and if I don't comply he might take you by force and …." My father says taking my hand in his looking at me pleading while mother just sit by the window looking outside but I know she is also worried for me ." Did he threaten us I mean you the Kingdom ?" I just had to ask him , but when mother start to sob more and he just shake his head I know what I must do and I answer the best way I can to ease their worries , "I will accept my destiny my  King, For Greeneden , her people, for my King and Queen and for Erick and Margaret too." I say trying to keep my calm but my tears just stream down and then my father hugs me while mother also come closer rubbing my shoulder saying to me in her softest voice " Thank you Anna and just know he promised father to treat you nice and to keep you safe and by the heavens we will hold him to his promise ". "Always remember you are the daughter of a King and you are also a specials type of Human my daughter , remember when you were young your father and I told you the story's of our forefathers how the were fae and your father's side was angel  ?" she ask making me stop my crying to listen to her again sitting down again but this time beside her while father opens his secret safe in the wall behind the portrait of mother and me and Erick ."Yes I do why I know all there is to know and like you always said only father poses some faint angel healing powers and that I might have Bothe angel and fae blood in my veins and that maybe only after my 21st birthday I will know if I to will possess something if anything  because I am the last of the fae ." "Yes Anna you are and I want to give you this, " my father hands me the most beautiful necklace , it's got a cherry tree pendant with a crown on the branches just like my fathers but with something extra, a pair of silver wings hugging the tree , this is the most fascinating thing To me and father puts it around my neck kissing me on the forehead ," You are special and you will soon be known my Anna, this pendant must never leave your site ,it's who you are , you were born on a lovely spring evening and as your mother gave birth to you the first of all the cherry blossom trees began to blossom , all at ones not over a day or two as in seconds then a mockingbird came to your mother's window singing a lullaby to you and when you fell asleep it gave us a message saying : When our Princess Annabella is 21 years of age her true beauty will shine bright ,and all the world will know she is the One the blue one wants, but she must accept it only then there will be everlasting love... This was so much info to my ears but I knew I was different  but never understood just how much really. This was allot to take in but my mother said the King will be at my ball and afterwards he will take me to his castle so at least I will have a chance to say my goodbye to everyone. As We walked to dinner mother held my hand and she said that I must just take it every day at a time and father said he was a handsome King so I am happy  he is not much older then me and maybe something for the eye at least , I just hope he is different from the Duke , if not I'm going to drown myself in wine or some whiskey...   
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