Chapter 7 The Deal

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The very next day Drake was o his way to the Greeneden Kingdom to talk to the King and he wasn't to nervous because Anna's mother took her out for the day to the market to relax after yesterday, even though I would have wanted her to take it easy but its not yet my place but I can still worry a bit about her and beside that Anna was seeing the dressmakers after lunch  to get her he most perfect dress for her birthday ball .Drake knew he was taking a risk in letting her father know his intentions with his only daughter .He flew to the castle and asked Josef to meet him there with two horses . Finally riding on the horses that Josef brought Drake looked like a true handsome King  and no one would even notice he can transform into a magnificent dragon ,and into the castle grounds they went. It was best that this Human King doesn't know about Drake being a dragon shifter , for now e is simply the King of the dragon people, and they no longer had shifters only in their past many moons go, and that the dragon living on his grounds is simply a normal beast roaming this earth. Drake and Josef was greeted by witch seemed like the royal guards and just then they were escorted inside towards what must be the King's office , the big door was grafted out of cherry wood and displayed a beautiful big cherry tree in blossom with a grown in the branches. This was only one example of humans showing of their riches and how they enjoyed wealth and spoiling but at least they seemed descent  despite the past . As soon as we came to a standstill the guard knocks on the door two times and then we hear a voice saying enter, so we did .Standing in the door the office is big and grand but nothing like my own but alas it's nice for a human ."  My King I give you King Drake of the Dragon Kingdom and his royal servant Josef . they are here to speak to u your majesty ."The guard says bowing to his King  , but I just notice Josef frowning and I know he did not like his interdiction because he is not a servant he is my second in command and my royal advisor and best friend to but he just bow out of respect  while the King answers , "Thank you ,you may go" , the King says extending his hand shaking mine with a smile ,"Welcome to Greeneden I hope your journey was pleasant King Drake and please sit down so we can begin  and I must say when I heard you of all the King's wanted to talk with me I was a bit nervous seeing I'm the human king and you are  the Dragon people's King". "To What do I owe the honor? ". "Yes indeed it was I spur of the moment but I am thankful you agreed  to meet and I know this is strange but let me put it straight , I want to extend an olive branch to your kingdom  and I heard along the grape wine your Kingdom is in a bit of a struggle  as of lastly so I thought of helping you and maybe someday we could even be allies , we must help each other don't you  think  ?"I say hoping he will consider it for his own good or he will leave me no choice to bribe him with my power. "I see you are straight to the point but I must inform you that whatever you heard was falls King Drake , my kingdom is doing just fine and no disrespect but we never ask for help and maybe I feel a bit insulted, but will let it be and sadly my time is up I must attend my next meeting ,so I bid you a safe journey King Drake ". he says clearly anoid ,getting up to leave and that's when I fight to keep Ice at the back of my mind .I let out a defying roar making him stop dead still in his tracks and I can feel his fear for me and that's when I speak again , " I don't think you understood King I insist to help you and to form a live long alliance with Greeneden "I say gritting my teeth . "Why , what do you really want Drake ?, Do you want my land, I know your father wanted a part of my land to broaden your kingdom and I know you are a strong kingdom and people fear you but there must be more isn't there?" He ask me looking angry, and I must say I am impressed by this human king , he is feisty indeed . "If you put it that way then yes there is one more thing I want in return to make your kingdom the richest of all , I need a wife ,you see my um people wants me to take a Queen and well I also believe it's time I do". " Ok but why come here to marry?" ,he asks ."You see I don't want to marry of my own people, I was told by our elders that my true match must come from the humans and as you may have heard my people have magic and our elders are  , how can I say they can read the future  so they told me sort of to come here " I say out of breath waiting for his answer but he looks caught off guard so I wait... "Why didn't you just say so, I believe with your good looks and wealth any girl in this kingdom would love to be your Queen Drake and I must say I do have I few lady's I can help you to meet and then you can decide which one you prefer , ok?'. He says but I quickly reply " Sorry King but that simply won't do!". 'And Why not may I ask?".    "Because human King I want your daughter ".I say looking him straight in the eye . I notice him getting redder in the face and that's when I knew this was going to be difficult for only he could understand but not now not yet . "Are you Mad ? , my only daughter , No NO NO  I will rather die and besides she is already promised to another , so no !! out of the question King Drake !!". This made me and Ice super mad and it was so hard not to let Ice out to show this human who he's dealing with. I calm myself saying back, " You have no choice King or I will take her by force and declair war on you simple little Kingdom, I will not let you stand in my way I need her ,I mean I need a princess not a damn commoner and don't think for one moment that I will leave my Dragon friend at home , he will turn you home into a ball of snow in just one motion ,do you get that?". I can see the King was dumbstruck by my words and he sat with his hands in his hair shaking his head ."How do I tell that damn Duke He cant marry her anymore, he is all that keeps this Kingdom going with his full support and he threatened me as do you the only difference is he threatens us with witches that can do worse then your friend , I'm lost what do I tell my child, do I tell her that she is no matter to us, and if I agree Dragon King do you promise to protect her and our little Kingdom as you call it ?" he says making me feel like a ass but I simply say ,"Yes you have my word Sir ,I would always protect her and your Kingdom for you are her home and truth be told human King I'M not looking to destroy you but instead wants to help you as you will help me". This seems to ease his anger at me and then Josef interrupts saying to me through mindlink that there were rogue wolfs near our territory, meaning we need to go now. So I just stand up reaching my hand out to the human King hoping we have a deal the formalities' we can discuss later  . He shakes my hand ," Ok it's a deal Dragon King but only after her 21st birthday Ball witch you are invited to  , please first let me tell her in my time to make her understand", He pleads and I agree to his terms also but we must go now so I bow slightly and then we leave for home. "Man that man is a hard nut to c***k", Josef says , but I just look at him smiling ,finally she will be mine. but first lets kick some ass Josef".
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