Chapter 3 Meeting Her

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Waking up in Greeneden castle is like waking up in the most beautiful garden because it's beauty is beneath anything else, the castle is made of pure white Stone and marble and it's surrounded by forests together with beautiful field flowers growing everywhere you look. The castle grounds also have a special garden next to the great dancing Hall , a peaceful garden scattered with cherry blossom trees making it my favorite place to be during daylight, it's peaceful and relaxing and watching the same trees every day how they start to bloom is truly a blessing to us, father always told me and my brother Erick that this cherry blossom tree garden is special and it was a gift from the heavens and angels to always remind us that true beauty is within us and even if you are beautiful outside your inside is what matters most and we live by this every day. Anna was getting a bath and as she waited for the water she looked at her own reflection in the mirror thinking about last night, the wedding, the Duke of Amber and the weird feeling she got and the shadow she thought she saw, all this making her a bit more happy that it's over .Anna is a true beauty in her own special way, with her long dark brown hair, blue eyes, small but sexy build and inked with a tattoo symbolizing that she is indeed a descendant of the fae people and a human but still a princess like no other. After taking a bath Anna went downstairs to the dining room, getting there it stood filled with all that is needed for a good breakfast but it seems like she's the first to enjoy the feast. "Morning daughter " the Queen mother says a bit agitated taking her seat yelling to the staff to bring her special tea she so loves to drink every morning. I try not to get mother angry but she is usually the friendly one so I decide to eat and then go to my piano lessons but going against my better judgement is ask her " Mother may I ask what is wrong this beautiful day," I have piano lessons but if you want to talk we can" I say waiting for a response from her."You dare ask me that Anna after last night running off like a silly little school girl and that leaving the Duke in the middle of a dance!!, he was so shocked but I told him you were probably just tired and he must not take your childish behavior to heart". You will apologise to him Anna and that's final, now go to your lessons", mother says , not even giving me time to explain my situation and then she just gets up throwing her napkin down and walks away. I am left stunned actually by her ,my mother is strict but how she just handled this was so not nice, she's my mother first then my Queen. As I walk to the piano room tears well up in my eyes because I don't know what I did wrong, he was in the wrong behaving like a pig, but I'm the one that gets it from mother. Piano lessons went by quickly and I felt like just being alone by myself and the best way was to go to the town market, there are so many things to do and most of all there is this stall selling the best cupcakes and cookies and Cake in all of Greeneden and that will help to ease my heart. Going of of the castle grounds was not permitted at all and going ment I I needed to take my armed guards or Royal guards but I always sneak out without anyone else knowing and I put on a cape , so no one will recognize me today, not that I mind but then they would want to talk and I'm not in the mood to be the princess today, I just want to be alone with cake. The town market was big and you could find anything here, everyone had something to sell but I always went to my favorite stall , miss Julia's cake stand under a big old tree , she knows I love her baking and she always keep my favorites aside for me to come and buy.Today she is busier then other weeks so I stand and wait my turn but then I suddenly feel the hair on my arm stand up and my face feels flushed and then someone out of nowhere bumps into my , making me almost Fall. DragonDrake (Pov). Today was just like every other day but except for today was my head housekeeper Jo's birthday and because she is like a mother to me I decided to do something special for her today , so I'm going to buy her a big delicious birthday cake and according to Josef my second in command the best place to get the perfect cake would be at the human town , they have this market and apparently this one baker is the best,so I'm going down there myself and maybe I'll fly over Greeneden just to see what those humans are up to today I say to Ice in my head, but he's quite as a mouse not liking humans to much, they were dragon killers long ago before all the different govens were formed and all creatures made a pact to live in harmony with each other. Heading to the town I start to wander if she would be there but I doubt it , she is a princess and princesses should not wander around alone at markets. Before I get tired of looking for the damn stall I see it at the far end but getting through this crowd of people is quite difficult and decide that Ice is going ape in my head and then suddenly boom!! , the sound of that damn balloon going of Making me tumble straight into someone, but I turn and quickly catch her before she falls to the ground, helping her up saying my apologies I come to realize that the girl in my arms is the one, "mate ,!!!!! mate she's our mate " ice yells in my head making me feel silly inside and as our eyes meet she suddenly pushed me away making me growl softly and slowly I recognize her , it's my princess , I mean it's princess Anne of Greeneden and man she is breathtaking.And she smells so fine , she smells like cherry blossoms.! "Are you crazy trying to kill me? .watch where you're going sir" ,she says with those plump pink lips making me want to kiss them. "O I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you fall ,I was simply cought off guard by the balloons and all the people who simply don't care if someone falls " ,I say with a cheeky smile still standing extremely close to her taking in her beauty and her intoxicating smell. "No harm done I'm fine but next time watch where you're going and try stay clear of balloons"!, Anna says straighten out her clothes ready to walk away."May I know you're name miss ?", I ask even though I know she is most definitely Anna ,but I want to talk to her so I just wanted her to think I didn't know her. "Anna , I'm Anna and you are?" she asks questioning me right back, and that just made my day and I politely reply " it's Drake, and it's nice to meet you Anna" I say looking into her stunning blue eyes. After finally meeting and exchanging names she and I both stand at the cake stall and then she asked ," so you have a sweet tooth huh?", Anna ask looking away feeling all giggly but Drake answers while paying for his cake and stand and watch as her beautiful mouth ingulfs the cupcakes in her small hands." no it's for my mother it's her birthday and I know she loves cake so I came and bought one and I can see you definitely have a sweet tooth yourself?" ,I ask back making her smile again and that is just what I needed. "Haha ya ok you got me , I love everything sweet but just sometimes." she says.As I stand with her I can feel how I make her feel but in a public place it better not to scare her off so I keep my cool and we just talked a bit more but she said she needs to go and it made me sad but luckily she didn't know me so as she walk away I shouted" I see you around princess , winking at her and then I also walk away .
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