Chapter 2 The Dragon King

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Dragon King (Pov). The castle was cold and dark this time of night, making it almost feel abandoned and forgotten by the world. All the servants were going home for the night just to again return in the morning making sure everything went accordingly to plan as always. At night it gets lonely without noises, but it's peaceful, even though the butler and head housekeeping stays on the castle grounds. Tonight was a full moon meaning that allot of evil is lurking about doing who knows what but at least no one would think to disturb this castle because there are stories of a Dragon that sleeps on the castle grounds seeing it's on the top of a mountain. Story's many seem to believe and indeed are truly so. Drake the King of the Dragon's spends most of his days in these grounds, protecting his lands and castle. Most know Drake as the Dragon king but he also goes by the name Blue King of the mountains.They also believe a dragon resides on his grounds protecting him but little did they know he's the dragon himself.But at least no one bother him. As night sets on this world I come to think again about what I want and need but also of what I don't have and maybe I'll never have it , this only means that if my true mate doesn't appear soon I may be the last of my people and the last of my kind and  even if I take a bride I'm cursed meaning only a mate can further the dragon bloodline, so even if I marry anyone else our children would be normal or get there mother's DNA , which is fine, but I must keep my head high because there is always hope. The night sky is perfect with all the stars shining bright but for some reason my dragon Ice is very restless making me wonder if maybe there are silly kids again trying to get into my grounds for some reason. I decide to check it out to make sure and the more I walk around I don't see or smell anything strange but then decided to go flying to get a better view of the territory and the surrounding areas just to make sure. Flying complete me making me one with Ice.And this makes us calm. As we soar above the clouds I have a rather good view of the nearest kingdoms and the one closest to me is the human kingdom, Greeneden and I must say it's rather buzzing down there and yes I do remember Josef saying I got a invite to their sons wedding, but I just wasn't in the mood for weddings today, so I decided not to attend. I only send flowers to congratulate the Bride and Groom. " O come now Drake let's go down and just have a peak at those silly humans and then head back home please I need to go see please"?. Ice says pleadingly and whell I was board and was not sleeping so I just agreed.In one swift motion we darted downward spiral to the ground , coming to a soft landing, turning into my human form and luckily for dragons we don't turn naked when we turn so it's a plus. Sneaking around was easy because of my good sense of smell and hearing. "Drake !! do ,do you smell that ? o my it smells like cherry blossoms !!". Ice suddenly says making my nose stand tall to smell that undeniably sweet aroma.Then as I move along the big castle windows, I catch a glimpse of what possesses that smell, there next to me and the window stands the tallest most beautiful cherry blossoms tree in all it's glory but inside dancing with some i***t a girl with the most beautiful smile on her face also dance ,but suddenly as I stare some more at her I see her pushing the man away from her but before she fully retreat she snaps her head looking straight at me but I duck back just in time , my heart is beating faster than ever before making me and Ice dizzy seeing stars ourselves.This made me return to the dark side of their garden just to get my act together and try and get home because I'm feeling a little weird, also wanting to rip that idiots head of. As I fly back to my castle I can't seem to get that girls face out of my head." She is breathtaking, a beautiful woman and definitely not just for any man ".Ice says sadly in my head , making me want to see her again despite my mate being out there and if I must say so myself that cherry blossoms tree almost had us , it's truly a great tree.Humans don't even know what those trees mean to mother Earth, they are like healing trees. Ones again being back I decided to head for bed ,I do feel a little better but just in case . Darkness overwhelms me and soon I'm drifting into a deep slumber, dreaming of that smile, how much I would love to see her smile again and even when she puts those men ogling her in their places.She is fiesty indeed and way to beautiful for a normal human. Dreams can be tough to get through but I don't mind because I have not received any dreams of lately and I'm going to try and enjoy it.In my dreams she runs to me smiling and looking at me like she knows me , though she has never seen me before. Suddenly there is a shadow and in my dreams I try to get to her but with no luck, she is taken away leaving me alone screaming at her to come back . With this I was awake feeling sweaty and my heart going haywire, settling down I realized it to be a nightmare nothing more.But how is it that such a good dream can turn into a nightmare? I wonder as I stand up getting some water from the tap in the bathroom. Looking at myself in the mirror I can see that this nightmare really got to me allot more than what I wanted it to and all that happened because I saw a human, no a beautiful human. It's no use to sleep so I go to stand on my balcony staring into the now silent night and wonder if she saw me or my shadow, " shadow" ?, Ice says in my head." Ya I think so too she looked startled and nothing more","let's go back to sleep tomorrow is another day". I reply to him going back to bed and hopefully the second try will be better.
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