Chapter 18 Hope

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After a night of bad dreams the sun finally came out announcing a new day full of wonder and I just follow my normal routine of the day knowing soon it will all change but I welcome  it , this means I get to see and hold my mate every day but I have this strange feeling all night and I just had to keep Ice at bay because he just wants' to go and see if his mate was ok and I told him she would be I mean she  was with her parents safe in her castle right so to worry to much won't help , it might make her mad if I am to possessive over her .Still this feeling is not nice and in the morning I am sending a messenger weather she will approve or not just to make sure she is ok for my own sanity.  Getting to my office jo brings me my coffee and my breakfast seeing I have a lot to do today and even she asks me what is wrong Because she can feel my uneasiness. "My king you seem troubled is everything alright ?" , Jo ask looking worried . "I'm fine Jo Its just I have a strange feeling from last night and Ice also can't seem to get rest", Just as I finish my sentence, Josef storms into my office with two of my royal guards and the head of the royal guards of Greeneden , this makes me jump up and when I see Josef's face I can read something is terribly wrong ,"What the hell !!!! , what's wrong Josef?" I ask demanding a answer. "My King news from Greeneden , there was a ambush and and.. …." , "and what demit "? I ask getting mad . "They took her your majesty , the took Princess Anna !". Josef says looking mad and then the royal guard speak up after bowing . "Your Majesty I bring news from the Queen , last night Princess Anna was taken sir and the rest of us were whell poised and left unconsuas , the King is still in the hospital and the Queen send me sir." he says looking tired and that's when I ask Jo to tend to him because all hell will break loose if I find the i***t who dared to take Anna from me.  As I make my way out of my office I brief Josef what to do and I know he will not get to the castle as fast as I but still we had to get there and I was flying there making it faster for me , I need to talk to the King and Queen and then hunt the bastered who took Anna , she must be found, just thinking of her hurt makes my blood boil and soon I was outside giving over to Ice. Ice was mad and he was out to kill. While flying over the treetops my eyes was searching to see if I could see Anna but nothing only forests and then the Human kingdom coming into view but just looking at it made me angry who would do this and why and how did they get past all the guards ?, all this was in my mind making me and Ice want to kill . Soon as I landed in the open field Ice gave me power again to turn to my human form for he is much to big to go into this castle. In my human form the guards new who I was and escorted me to the King and Queen, walking in the royal guard announced me and the three of us was left alone and then I noticed the King still looked pale and the Queen looked like she hasn't slept in days. "I'm here now tell me who the hell took her ?" I say waiting for a explanation. "The Duke of amber and he's witch friends the three witches and as they took her the one witch she poised us and all of us were out for hours and as we came to Anna was gone with no trace of them , my men have been looking everywhere but no trace Drake …, he took her and she went because he said if she did not he would , … he would kill you and us", the King said in a sad tone sitting down with his head in his hands. This made me even more mad and just then I mindlink  Josef and tell him all they have told me and to let my people know to start the hunt because we know who took my love, my mate, and that sucker just laid his own head on a plate for me. "Do not fear I will find her and I will make the Duke and his filthy witches pay mark my words" I say as I head out to start my search , it is not easy to keep calm and I just pray I am not to late, luckily Josef already send out the hounds ,that is my spies and trackers and the rest of my royal guards witch are twice as much. Missing Anna is taking its toll on me but I must keep it together for her and my own sake.  Anna (Pov)  Waking up I see I'm in a very dark and cold room and it reminds me of some kind of Dungun and to say the least it is freaking me out a bit . My head hurts and as I touch it I remember last night's events , o man that i***t of a man kidnapped me and hit me over the head ? and dam my shoulder hurt like fire is burning me that's when I look and see a strange red mark on it and as I try to touch it  burns making me wine from the sensation of it , what the hell is this I say out loud and that is when none other then the Duke steps in to the so called sell making me want to hit him in the face for hurting me and my family , o no are they ok?, I ask myself and while looking bewildered the Duke crouch down to my Height smiling like a f*****g fool. "Good morning at last you are awake my preciouses so yes I know you have a lot of questions and with time I will answer but first lets make a deal ok?, if I let you freshen up you must behave or you can stay in this place?" he asks stretching his hand out to my face but I back away refusing him to even touch me , so I just nod a yes. Going upstairs I see it like a old mansion and one can see it was not used for long making me believe it's his hide out or something but at last we get to a room and he shuffles' me inside telling me to not take too long for we would have lunch together . I walk into the unsweet and took a quick shower and on the counter was some new clothes and without hesitation I put it on not wanting trouble and looking for exits I come to realize every window is sealed and looking out there are guards everywhere and even two f*****g werewolf's, this man is truly bad and something about him always seemed off and this confirmed it. I am not afraid and I know at least I have my powers , I wonder if Drake knows and I just pray they will save me. Just then the door open and a lady in a purple dress and dreadlocks hair stands in the door taking my arm leading me outside and by my instinct I know she must be a witch, witches and fae did not get along in the past and now I begin to see why. Getting to the kitchen I see two more woman and the Duke , he shows' me to sit and so I do." So what now Duke ?, why am I even here ?, I told you I agree to marry you but you took me by force"... and my family are they?" I ask buy he shouts at me " Stop !!!!!! talking and eat , you are my soon to be wife and do not worry they are ok it was just a sleeping chanting nothing to worry about , now lets talk about us" he says while eating his food.  "Why is my shoulder burning?" I ask feeling irritated by him ."Hahaha o yes I marked you ,you are mine now but not completely" he says while smirking and liking his fingers. "You what?, how?".  "Don't worry the burn will go away . You see my little vixen I to am a shifter just like loverboy but no one knows until you so I took you for myself ,you see it is a win , win satiation , I get you and when the Dragon King comes for you he will be the witches' to do with what they please"  .he says making my blood boil so much that my fae crown appears on my head and as it does I feel my palm's getting warmer then suddenly ivory roots sprout out of my hands connecting to the floor, this surprised me and seeing his face he was more surprise and just as soon as the ivory came out it disappeared from my hands also my crown. "Well , well looks like you have magic little princess " he says mockingly and just then he says something in a weird language and silver cuffs came around my hands. "What the hell is this take it of !!!". I scream to him but he just shakes his head . "O no You will have to keep it on for now , I must say I am happy to see you at least have a bit of magic so I was not completely wrong about you, and after the mating ceremonies I will have your magic to and then you will feel the bond so you will no longer need these restraints, but for now you must so eat up I need you healthy for my offspring", he says making me cry , and then it dawned on me he needs me to breed ,o my lord this is my end, I love Drake but this damn mark is making me week so I pray Drake is on his way or ells all is doomed. 
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