Chapter 1 The wedding

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Beauty is in the beholder, it goes with the most beautiful heart and it's inhabited by the purest of souls and for that soul a true match shall be waiting to be found. Two pure souls shall become one forming the bond of love and therefore they will become soulmates. May no one break this bond that destiny put together and rather celebrate it together. The rings was put on as a symbol of union.So with the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife.The priest say and they smile happy in love. "I give you Prince Eric and Princess Margaret our crown Prince and his bride , congratulations your highnesses" ,the priest say and end's the ceremony and leave the bridal party to attend to the drinking of the wine with the King and Queen , which is a very big and important traditional thing in our kingdom. My dear brother, the next in line to be King has finally taken a bride , they are the future mother always says and today was their wedding day,it was a beautiful day for celebrating with them and I will say I'm truly happy for them they do seem to be in love despite if their union was arranged when they were younger but alas they were already liking each other so it was easy for them and they grew up together unlike me of course. I know they loved each other deeply. The drinking of the wine ceremony was special because this was definitely a way for my parents to show they accept the union and to give it their blessings and who doesn't like traditional stuff ?. or wine... The King and Queen poured the wine to give Princess Margaret a glass and the other one to their son, together they toasted and drank it , then exchange glasses and drink again ,then the glasses are thrown to the floor by the King sealing the deal. I have always wanted to do it but only on the day I have my wedding will I get to know how it feels. The wedding was stunning and my mother outdone herself again as always just showing that our Kingdom was indeed wealthy ,but our people was happy too. The bride and groom was dancing and singing and having a good time and just like Margaret , she insisted I dance with them, saying no was out so I just went along with them ,but luckily for me the song ended and my father asked me to dance and then we did. My father is a good person but a even better King and he's the one I can get my way with but mother is the strict one even though she is my best friend and yes I'm the only daughter in the family , making my brother Eric the oldest. "Are you enjoying yourself Anna?" ,my father asks looking towards my mother as she dance with the Duke of Amber." ,Yes father why do you think otherwise?" , I replied making sure he doesn't notice my anointed face, because then I'll be lectured on how wonderful love is and how I must behave according to them. "Ok but promise me you will at least dance with Margaret's uncle the Duke , he is a true gentleman my daughter and a good match" ,my father says back , making me want to leave but because it's my brother's wedding I'll try my best to behave, even though the Duke is a creep and can't keep his hands to himself.And so help me , if he so much as breaths wrong I'm giving him a piece of my mind, that is a promise I'll keep. "Fine" ,I say just as the song ends and father takes mother to dance leaving me to try and escape, even if it is just to get some air ,but just as I turn I hear the Duke behind me clearly wanting my attention. The Duke of Amber is a very wealthy nobility but he definitely can use some advice on how to treat a lady and I'm a princess, but in a way he seems to think I'm beneath him, but in fact he is beneath me but I rather not get into that with the man so I turn around to find him looking not to horrified today seems he got a shave and a haircut making him almost looking normal. I put on my best smile and then he asked me to dance with him.Dancing should be nice, romantic and enjoyable, but with him it so far from it . With everyone looking I try and smile and this gives him a bit of courage and he says into my ear ," Princess Anna your dress and your bosom is looking pretty magical tonight If I may say so myself" ,he commented making my blood boil, and it's not the good boil. As I don't want to make a scene I loosen myself letting go of him holding me to tightly , I turn suddenly and before I leave I grit my teeth looking at him saying" ,thank you for the dance Duke, but I'm going to retire and just one last thing if you ever talk to me in such manner again while disrespecting my father's hospitality I'll kick your ass and never , as in never dare put your hands on my bum again I will have it cut good night sir , safe journey home Duke!!" I say walking away from the dance floor heading to my couters away from everyone and everything, that's when I see a shadow buy the window,but I just ignore it. The wedding reception was over and the happy couple was off to their honeymoon, leaving the servants to tidy up and clean up. The castle was quiet ones again and everything went as planned and the King and Queen was happy with themselves also heading for bed. Running a kingdom isn't easy but it's doable when there is trust , loyalty and respect and that's why when I marry it must be for love but hopefully I'll have my parents understand that . As tiredness sets in I have to wander what lies ahead for myself. The kingdom of Greeneden is a beautiful peaceful human kingdom and out of all the rest like the wolf,witch,water,Pixy and vampire kingdoms we are the saints because my father is a descendant of angels and my grandmother on my mother's side came from a long line of Fair people being fairy's and that makes us only part human but non except my father has special powers so we are simply seen by the others as human royalty, witch I'm grateful for. Now let me dream sweet dreams of hopefully my human love to be.
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