chapter four

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"Congrats Mrs Leighton you are now officially my lawfully unwedded wife now on to the rules." he said and Melissa nodded her head. He led her to the couch and sat her down while he knelt before her "Now that you are the CEO's wife you are not allowed to cry." Melissa couldn't believe that she was now married and on top of it the man was giving her rules to follow. This was the moment she was dreading the most. He probably was going to declare her his person maid! "You are going to stay with your sister for a month and in that month every day of the month will be spent with you going out on a date with me and at the end of the month you will officially move in with me as my wife you get me?" Mr Leighton asked her and she nodded her head. "The second thing is that you are not allowed to tell your sister or anyone about this you can only tell her that you are married and nothing else. If word even spreads that I forced you to marry me then your pregnant sister pays for it." She numbly nodded her head again. The door to the office opened and a young boy walked in handing Mr kaden a black velvet box. He opened the box, taking out a beautiful diamond ring. "This ring." Melissa looked at the ring as he spoke, "you are not allowed to take it off. Everyone needs to know that you are now married and if I find you with another man your sister pays for it." He threatened in his British accent, putting the ring on her finger. " that's it for now, any questions?" Instead of responding, Melissa couldn't help it, she began sobbing loudly feeling pity for her self. How did she even land in such a mess. All she wanted was to stay away from men and at least get a job but she got married instead and on top of it, to the most feared man in Kingsland and the entire world! What sin did she ever commit to deserve such punishment? Her life was officially ruined! She was going to be unhappy for the rest of her life!! Kaden looked at her in a displeased manner then said, "There there now what did I say about crying." Melissa didn't responded instead cried even harder as the pain of being stuck in an unwanted marriage was too hard to bare. With a sigh, Kaden sat next to her on the couch pulling her close to him so that her head was lying on his rock hard chest. He was now her husband and it was his duty to make sure his little wife was well and happy even though he didn't love her. On the other hand Melissa was taken aback by the sudden kindness. This made her cry even more as he wrapped his arms around her. She felt safe and tried so hard to control her tears but it wasn't working and luckily Mr kaden didn't say a single threat that would stop her from crying he just held her patting her back lightly. Melissa felt a warm feeling in her heart, maybe this marriage won't be that bad. He kinder seemed to care about her maybe she should look at things from a different angle yes! No what was she thinking, he was only acting like a caring husband in front of everyone! What if he becomes the beast he is once everyone leaves? Then what's going to happy to her? He will probably torture her! Once Kaden who was being a caring husband saw that his little wife had stop crying said, "Now that you are done crying." Melissa sniffed sitting straight, staring at him while he continued saying, "Go in the room over there and wash your face, we are going out for lunch." Melissa didn't try to argue, like a little puppy, she followed his order and stood up going to the bathroom. She wanted to run away from there and go hide somewhere far away were he couldn't find her. But that option was crossed out of the list. He was so powerful he could probably use his contacts to track her and then her sister would pay the price. With these thoughts she thought of spend at least an hour away from him but since he was now her husband it wouldn't be right to keep him waiting now would it? Hence she quickly washed her face then took one of the face towels that neatly sat on the sink and wiped her face. Her eyes were still puffy from crying so much so she ended up wetting the towel with cold water and putting it on her eyes. Mr husband would have to wait till she was done. After all husbands always waited for their wives! "Wifey are you still in there? You are taking too long." Mr Kaden knocked on the bathroom door startling Melissa a little. With a long sigh she said, " five more minutes." Then continued what she was doing until her eyes were less puffy. Once she saw that her eyes looked a lot better, she went outside the room to meet him. "Great I thought you had run away. Anyway shall we." He handed her, her purse which now had all the contents she had carelessly thrown on the carpet when she was searching for her phone. Melissa nodded her head taking the purse from him while he took her hand leading her over to the couch were flat black new sandals gracefully sat patiently waiting for her. She looked around the room and everyone else had left and it was only her and her 'beloved' CEO husband. He made her sit on the couch then helped her put on the sandals which were just her size. Kaden had ordered them for her once she left to go wash her face and he knew her shoe size mostly because she left her high heels in the office. Once he was done helping her, he held her hand leading her outside the office. Leaving the heels behind. Everyone kept on looking at their ruthless boss who never even spared them a glance hold a woman's hand so lovingly! Could it be that Mr Kaden had finally found a woman for himself?! Some even got jealous! They wore mini skirts and heavy make up with high heels to try and impress him but he ended up coming out of the office holding a girl's hand so lovingly and on top of it the diamond ring she had on her finger didn't even go unnoticed! They felt like strangling her to death and taking her place as their boss's lover. Even Melissa's friend saw the ring and gasped, jealousy filling her to the very core as she wished she never introduced Melissa to the company. Sigh, Well it was her bad luck anyway, she thought that since she was working for senior Leighton she would be chosen as his son's wife but now it seems he chose someone else. Melissa who hated it when other people looked at her, blushed even more as Mr kaden wrapped am arm around her waist pulling her closer to him and on top of it all kissing her cheek. She wished the ground would swallow her and save her from this but it seems her prayers were not going to be answered anytime soon as the hallway that led to the elevator suddenly seemed longer. Luckily after trying so hard to ignore the stares by holding her head high like the true wife of the CEO she was, they were now finally in the elevator just the two of them. Mr Leighton's office was located on the tenth floor of the building which means she was going to spend the next nine floors in an elevator with Mr Kaden her 'husband' this felt even more awkward. The elevator closed up giving them both some alone time which Melissa didn't like at all! Kaden was enjoying the fact that he was alone in the elevator with his little wife. This meant that he could tease her endlessly. While Melissa felt like she was going to have a panic attack being alone with a man she just met a few hours ago and was now married to him! Kaden looked at her then decided to tease her a little, he pulled her close to him enjoying seeing her flushed cheeks and the loud beating of her heart. He leaned down about to kiss her but stopped himself as he stared at her beautiful face and slightly patted lips, her beautiful curly long black hair that fell on her back and a few locks on either side of her perfectly tanned round face. His hands itched and all he wanted was to push those hair strands away from her face and claim her lips. For some reason he felt like he was becoming attracted to her! She was such a true and flawless natural beauty that he felt he was the luckiest man on earth to have her as his wife but he quickly dismissed his thoughts pushing her off!
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