chapter three

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She was beautiful beyond description and the urge to make her his wife grew even stronger. And now he hand the perfect plan that would get her to marry him. He looked at his immediately little brother Brandon and as if knowing his thoughts Brandon took out his phone and hit record. Melissa who felt like she was suffocating standing there scared out of her mind, knowing that this feared and handsome CEO was going to punish her, opened her mouth and in a meek voice she said, "I am sorry sir please forgive me for my earlier actions I just had a terrible morning and I totally understand that you won't hire me." She bowed her head slightly then picked up her purse and heels with her head still bowed she walked passed Mr Leighton but stopped dead in her tracks her heart boiling in rage when she felt him spank her bottom hard might I add. She turned around and with an angry look on her face said, "You retarded animal! How dare you touch me! You pervert!!" She lifted up her hand and slapped him hard across his face. 'Dang it' She muttered under her breath once she realised that she yet again insulted Mr CEO and not only that she slapped him hard across the face. She quickly turned around walking out of the door practically running outside the building like a sinner in church who just got exposed and was now running away from shame. "You can't leave ma'am." She heard a voice from behind her and soon two bulky looking men held each one of her arms suspending her from the ground. "Hey what the! leave me alone." she kicked her feet trying to free herself but it was no use Melissa was terrified out of her mind. Her heart pounding loudly almost as if it would jump out of her chest. People around were looking at her but no one dared to ask what was going on and why she was being held like a criminal. Even her friend looked the other way not willing to help her. She felt like she would lose consciousness when a hundred possible scenarios of how Mr Leighton was going to punish her occupied her mind. She could already see the pieces of her body being scattered around the floor. She could see her sister crying uncontrollably. "Here she is sir." one of the bulky men said as they pushed her into the office. She looked around and Mr Kaden was sitting behind his desk, his left cheek slightly red from her slap. There wasn't just three men in the room like earlier but five of them. There was also a man who wore a black suit holding a briefcase and she wondered if the briefcase contained the gun he was going to blow her head with or the many knives he was going to use to cut her into pieces. "Please sir I am sorry!" She knelt on the floor crying. This was humiliating. Not once did she ever kneel before someone and now she was doing it begging for her life. "Begging won't help you miss young you might want to take a sit." Another man who looked older said. She recognised him to be Senior Leighton, junior Leighton's father. Her face turned even whiter than it already was, her mouth becoming dry all words gone out. At the same time, her phone which was in her red purse began to ring. She was so scared that she ignored it and kept on looking at the men wondering what they were going to do to her. "Aren't you going to pick it up?" Mr Kaden Leighton said startling her a little. "Y yes sir!" she stuttered fumbling with her small purse which some how became bigger as she looked for her phone. She ended up emptying all the contents on the carpet then picked up her phone. It was her sister calling. What was she going to tell her sister? If she even uttered a word about her being close to death, it might shatter her and since she was pregnant she might get a miscarriage which would be bad for her little niece or nephew. Hence she decided to just lie. "Hi sis!" She put on a facade making sure her voice wasn't giving her away but Veronica her sister was able to sense that something was wrong. Veronica raised Melissa like her own and she knew when Melissa was angry or sad so she asked, "You were crying what's wrong? what happened?" Melissa let out a nervous laugh saying; "No sis me? I wasn't crying, I am just nervous for the interview that's all." She looked at Mr Kaden who was giving her a look that said "dare say anything and I will hung you to death." "You haven't been interviewed yet?" Her sister Veronica asked finding it weird. Her interview should have been over by now. "Yes sis Mr Leighton was busy in a meeting and oh he is here talk later bye." Without waiting for a reply she cut the call and at that moment tears began to pour out again. Kaden who sat behind the desk was observing her reaction. He somehow felt sorry that she was crying and scared out of her mind. He couldn't deny the fact that he had a bad reputation, people knew him to be powerful and ruthless so he could only imagine what the little girl was going through. He stood up from his chair then went closer to her and he could already hear the loud thumping of her heart. "So little miss young is no longer having a loud mouth now is she?" He placed his index finger under her chin tilting it up a bit as she sobbed Begging him to let her go. For some reason he was enjoying this hence he said, "Oh you want me to just let you go after you insulted me and on top of that slapped me?" Seeing her pale scared face he continued saying, "You only have two choices Either marry me or I heard your sister was pregnant am I correct?" Melissa paled even more than she already was. Her sister's life was being threatened. Melissa loved her sister so much that she could sacrifice anything for her and if it meant getting married to this loser to save her sister then she would gladly do it "What miss young cat got your gorgeous tongue? I don't have all day you know." Mr Leighton said and she felt like she was dying more each second She always knew going to work was dangerous but never did she imagine that on her first ever interview she would entangle herself into a mess. If she could turn back time she could have been more polite to him but what else could she have done? It was like this man was purposefully provoking her trying to gouge a reacting from her and now is when she has realised that she had been trapped with no way of escape. "Miss young I am waiting. You know I have a recording of what happened, how you slapped and insulted me. If I sue you for each insult you will probably pay me 5 million dollars or go to jail so your choice either you marry me, go to jail, pay me 5 million or your sister pays for all of your mistakes so chose wisely miss young I am giving you ten seconds to decide and the time starts now." She was stuck between a rock and a hard place. these options were all in favour of Mr kaden. If she said jail, he would probably tell the police to torture her so much. If she chose to pay him, where would she get so much money? and if she didn't choose, this sadistic b**stard would kill her sister which means she only had one choice left. "3 -- 2 --" " I accept!" She stopped the count down. "What do you accept miss young?" He asked with a corky smirk feeling like he just won a lottery. "I accept to marry you." Tears fell from her eyes as she said these words. She couldn't believe that she just agreed to marry him but wait, what if there was a positive side to this. No what was she thinking he was ruthless he probably was only going to marry her so she could be his slave and work for him. No! Her freedom was lost! Her life was officially over!! "Great choice miss young or should I say Mrs Leighton." Mr kaden chuckled lightly then helped her up from the floor towards his desk where a few papers were neatly arranged "Now I want you to sign these papers." The man with glasses who was holding a brief case said. Blinded by tears, she took the pen from him and without even reading the papers she signed them. A few tears even fell on the paper Mr kaden took the pen from her once she had signed and then he himself signed it feeling a wave of happiness wash over him. He was no longer going to be pressured by his grandfather. He can finally live freely. While Melissa was now stuck in a marriage she didn't wish for.
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