chapter two

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Melissa had no idea where she was getting these words from. She was known to be a cute humble girl who never even yelled at people but today it was a different story! She was so angry and aggressive because her sister asked her more like commanded her to leave the house for once and go look for a job other than typing on her phone all day. If that continued she would never get married and her sister was not willing to let her stay at her place forever hence had to go out to look for a job while in reality she was looking for a husband! “ Well no one told you to wear high heels!” this was the handsome stranger speaking, and she glared at him, but He was not done talking as he knelt down removing her left heel saying, “you should be more careful! Who were you even trying to impress by wearing these long heels? Girls of nowadays they just see a handsome stranger and already want to throw themselves at him!” That was a slap to the face that infuriated Melissa! Who did this man think he was accusing her of trying to throw herself at him. Did he even look himself in the mirror?! She swatted his hand away and with a death glare yelled, “Who the hell do you think you are you b*st*d?! Have you seen yourself in the mirror? Do you think I would come all the way from Avalon springs to Kingsland just, so I could throw my self at you scumbag!! I am not one of those girls who fall head over heels for a guy they don't even know. What even makes you think I came here for you huh?! You are nothing but a pervert man who not only forcefully kissed me but also squeezed my bottom in front of other people and here you are telling me and accusing me of throwing myself at you?!” She continued glaring and heralding insults at him while the only thing going through his mind was to just kiss those lips again and silence her, this little girl definitely had a death wish, and he was not going to spare her. He was patiently waiting for a girl named Melissa who had no qualifications for the position of his secretary but had to ask her to come for the interviews because he was hunting for a wife, and he heard from his sources that she was just the type of girl he wanted His grandfather who was still in Avondale was busy looking for a woman for him to marry, and he wasn't interested in marrying a woman who wore heavy make up and long claws only interested in money like his mother hence wanted to marry a woman he himself wanted and that's how he faked a vacancy for secretary position so that he could interview women and find a perfect match for himself but this unknown girl just had to run into his office fall on him and on top of it she was heralding insults at him, how dare she!! He was going teach her such a big lesson that she will always remember it and the first thing was to kiss her again and force her to marry him. It will be more than enough punishment as he will be happy not marrying a girl chosen by his grandfather, and she will be unhappy for the rest of her life since she insulted him. He placed his larger hand at the back of her neck pulled her close and kissed her! On THE lips people on THE lips!!! This infuriated Melissa even more but also shut her mind up completely as she blinked rapidly staring at the stranger who had his eyes closed enjoying the kiss. The last time Melissa was kissed was nine years ago by her ex who dumped her the moment he took her first kiss. She was left heart broken and didn't plan on dating anyone until yesterday of course when her sister asked her to get out of the house for a while and expose herself so that someone could marry her. She wasn't ready to fall in love again and grabbing her mind back from where it had wondered off, she forcefully pushed him off glaring and was about to slap him when he held her hand calmly saying, “tsk tsk tsk, be a good girl and let me help you or else I will kiss you again and this time I will do something more than just a kiss.” Melissa could already taste the Venom in his calm voice. She knew not to mess with him. She zipped her mouth shut throwing the keys in her pockets while he gave her acorky smirk. And the only think she wanted was to wipe that smirk off of his face. “That's more like it.” he picked her up and placed her on the beautiful white and expensive looking couch. Melissa sat quietly like a mouse hiding from the owner of the house observing the extravagant looking office while Mr stranger worked his magic massaging her foot perfectly. Even though he just said in his heart that he would break her, he was somehow smitten by her I mean she was so bold and didn't even let him walk all over her! If this girl became his wife then she would be such a fierce that no one would dare disobey her and his empire would enlarge knowing that she wouldn't be his weakness and even when his enemies try to use her as bait in order to bring him down, she would just yell and insult them such that they wouldn't even dare use her as bait again. He wanted to know whether this girl was worthy of being his wife, or she was just a gold digger who came into his office to seduce him and squander all his money hence he came up with a plan that would gouge a reaction from her. If she stayed quiet it would mean she was liking it and if she got angry and yelled she would be perfect for a wife. Melissa who was busy admiring the amazing decor of the office felt a tug on her leg she looked at the handsome stranger and at the same time he pulled her leg up exposing her underwear. “Aah!” she shrieked bailing her right hand in a fist and hammering his head. “Aw!! Jeez woman why would you do that.” the handsome stranger seethed out gritting his teeth. Melissa glared at him and then yelled, “You pervert! Don't you know what you've done you just went ahead and exposed me what did you want to see huh you b*stard!!.” Mr Leighton junior smirked inwardly glad that she passed the test and the youngest boy in the room Aiden Leighton Black who may or may not have seen the cute pink underwear she was wearing grinned and then said, “looks like someone wants another kiss, what do you think brother?” It's like these brothers shared the same mind cause even Aiden was becoming smitten by her. “Kiss?” Melissa glared at the boy who just made the comment, “did you see what he did? He pulled my leg exposing my underwear and--” “This time I am definitely going to kiss you.” the handsome stranger commented, and she remembered what he said about doing something more than a kiss to her. She shut her mouth again.didn't want to lose her virginity in an office now, did she? The stranger continued massaging her foot while she sat there quietly observing him until he bend her foot the other way which hurt like hell. " f**k you b*st----" with one cheeky smirk from the stranger she cut herself off cussing him inwardly promising herself that once her leg gets better she will teach him a lesson for trying to push her around like a football "Done." the stranger muttered standing up. Melissa stood up as well and luckily her leg didn't hurt anymore. It felt much better. She grinned feeling so happy because at some point she was scared that her leg was broken but luckily it wasn't. "Kaden Leighton black, nice to meet you." Melissa gasped as the handsome stranger introduced himself. Her heart almost stopped beating realising that she not only hit but also heralded insults at non other than Kaden Leighton the junior CEO. Her face paled like a sheet of white paper her hands all sweaty as she wondered what he was going to do to her for treating him badly. 'Melissa you should have remembered your mom's teachings, how she told you to never disrespect strangers now you just dug a grave for yourself.' "Melis--sa young ni ce to m--eet you too." she said it so politely thinking that if she acted respectful she would gain his sympathy and he would let her go. While on the other hand Kaden was shocked to know that the girl he was looking for was actually here in his office. He took time looking her up and down and she was wearing a beautiful pink dress that showcased her curves. Her face was beautifully round with pouty pink lips and minimal makeup.
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