chapter one

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“I am so late!” Melissa muttered to herself as she sat in the taxi her hands drumming on her laps whilst her eyes were fixed on the road looking out to see whether she would get to her destination anytime soon. A twenty-five year old girl going to her first ever job interview for a reputed and most famous company in all of Kingsland, the Leighton industries and without any qualifications? That's definitely uncalled-for and worth being early and nervous about but Melissa just had to be late! The Leightons where known to be one of the best businessmen in all of kingsland and Avondale hills. They had a lot of branches all around the world! They were very powerful people and occupied the top on the social ladder which made them untouchable and indestructible according to the Kingsland gossip and Melissa had applied for a post as a secretary. She was thrilled when she received the email for an interview but was not so much happy knowing that she was now two minutes late for her interview and was scared out of her mind of what Mr Leighton would do to her for letting him wait for her! She knew not to dare anger him as he was known to be ruthless but her! She just went and made him wait! With bitterness and worry in her voice she looked at the driver and said, “drive faster I am getting late!” The taxi driver was getting fade up with the woman! Can't she keep quiet?! All she has been doing for the last ten minutes is nag about how late she was and how she was going to be fired without even starting the job yet! He was on the verge of stopping the car and kicking her out so he can have some peace, but he had to swallow his pride and obey the nagging woman lest she refuses to pay him, after all he just spent the whole morning without any customers and he really needed her money. Through gritted teeth and a fake smile playing on his lips he simply said, “sorry madam I promise we will be there soon just two more minutes.” Melissa glared at the driver, two minutes? Was this damned driver playing with her? Two minutes was such precious time for the Leightons. They earned about twenty thousand dollars in a second how much would that be in a minute and what more two minutes?!! She would be accused of wasting a whole lot of money by stealing the Leighton's precious time! With a look of displeasure she was about to spit fire on the driver's face and scold him such that he would go deaf and go crying to his mama but she had to bite her tongue! It wasn't her fault after all. They called her thirty minutes ago that she was suppose to attend an interview today which made no sense at all especially since they didn't even give her enough time to shower get dressed and look presentable. Damn these Leightons!! Couldn't they be a little nice and give her at least two hours, she would have appreciated but thirty minutes for a girl was not enough at all! The driver who was glancing at her through the rear view mirror finally parked the car at the front of the building and said in a meek voice, “ma'am we have--” Melissa was quick to throw money at the driver's face practically running out of the taxi not even giving the poor man a chance to finish his sentence nor give her the change. Well guess it was his lucky day as she gave him double of what he charged her. Melissa ran through the grand foyer of the Leighton building, her heels clicking on the white tiled expensive looking floor that not even she from a poor lower class family would be worthy of cleaning, but even then she was on her way to meet the great CEO Leighton who owns so much money that even a 0.0001% of his fortune would be more than enough to buy her entire neighbour hood including the people living in it! And still have lots of change back! So then why did she become so lucky as to meet the great junior Leighton and on top of it keep him waiting? Well luck was on her side as one of her friends actually worked for Lord Leighton and put in a good word for her but now junior Leighton must be really displeased and angry for keeping him waiting! She hastily check her watched seeing she was seven minutes late but the moment she pushed open the huge oak double doors to junior Leighton's office without knocking, she lost her balance and collided with a huge wall and both her and the wall collapsed on the floor with her on top. “Ahh--” her scream of pain got muffled by something warm, moist and soft connecting with her lips as she winced slightly feeling a sprain in her foot. She widened her eyes as she stared deep into captivating Green eyes that looked like the sss forest. The wall that she collided with was no were near a wall but a handsome hunk with perfect eyes were one can get lost in! She was enjoying the moment of looking into those eyes that she didn't realise she was actually kissing the stranger on the lips!! And the worst of all this was that the handsome wall I mean stranger had his hand firmly placed on her bottom! Her big bottom!! Panic filled her up to the very core as she pulled away moving around trying to free herself from him but the more she did the more the stranger tightened his hold on her and squeezed her big bottom! She let out a gasp glaring daggers at the stranger and the zipper that was on her lips burst and with a scorn on her face she spit fire at him saying, “You b*st*rd you chicken how dare you kiss me and on top of it all touch me you pervert! let me go!!” She wiggled her bottom trying to free herself but as usual the handsome stranger tightened even more and with a pained look he said, “Stop moving around you are making my life hard!” A tint of blush appeared on her face as she knew exactly what he meant because she could already feel it!! She immediately stopped moving around thinking that if she made his life even harder she would be forced to make it soft again and she was not up for that! I mean she was too innocent for all that! She was just a simple small town girl who came to Kingsland to look for a job and the job she was seeking was by no means a job of making hard lives of people soft!! The unknown handsome stranger who was non other than junior Leighton, Kaden Black himself moved so that he was lying on top of her and her under him, the only thing that was going through his mind was where on earth such a woman came from and why on earth she was so clumsy that she purposefully bumped into him and on top of it spit fire on him and called him names? Did she have any idea who he was? He was the powerful billionaire CEO of Leighton industries and no one I mean no one even ever dared to insult him without a death wish but this girl had all the nerves? He was definitely going to teach her a lesson and make sure she knelt before him and begged. He got off of her standing up while Melissa remained lying on the floor that had a perfectly comfy and fluffy brown carpet. Well what did you expect?! She was wearing six-inch heels and on top of it she sprained her ankle how was she suppose to get up now? “Well aren't you going to get up! Or you are enjoying the comfy carpet, one you've never seen before and can't even afford " the handsome stranger said in a gruff voice that made Melissa feel goosebumps on her, the good kind people! The good kind. But it all faded when she felt her heart burn with anger hearing this man call her poor! He didn't necessarily say poor but well he meant it! She was about to get up when she winced in pain and the junior CEO was slightly taken aback knowing that the little girl was hurt. Well, she was bound to get hurt, after all he was very muscular with a model like figure. If any person were to bump into him they would definitely get hurt and he was some how pleased that she was at least hurt. That would teach her a lesson for insulting someone she doesn't even know. Melissa looked around the room and it was not only her and the handsome stranger but two other people too. One of them looked to be an immediate little brother of the handsome stranger since they had the same facial features and green eyes. This one looked to be about her age and the other one looked to be younger than the two maybe in his twenties. Seeing that neither of the men was willing to help her despite knowing that she was hurt, with a look of disdain she said “Hello can't you guys be gentlemen and help a lady? I just sprained my ankle and you all are acting like statues! Don't you have any humanity?”
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