22. Feeling comfortable.

1488 Words

CHAPTER 22: Feeling comfortable. "I'm sorry" Creighton mumbles, sitting in the uncomfortable seat next to me. He looks defeated, as if the weight of the world rests on his shoulders and he hasn't been able to carry it on his own. I bite the inside of my cheek thoughtfully as I watch him in quiet silence. He still won't look at me. In fact, Creighton hasn't looked at me once since the police caught us and locked us in this cell. I gently tap his shoulder with mine, silently asking him to look at me. He doesn't. Seeing him like this, so dejected, touches something deep in my heart and I just feel this fervent desire to bring back his chaotic, carefree self. "Creigh..." I whisper, but he just stands there, his elbows resting on his knees, his hands clasped together, his head til

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