19. Epiphany [Part 1]

1577 Words

CHAPTER 19: Epiphany. I wake up when I feel a body over me, crushing me. "What's wrong with you?" I growl, angry. "Stop that attitude" Sadie pulls the sheet off me". "Get up as the sun is shining brightly in the sky." I stare at her, trying to figure out who she is. "You scare me when you act like that, Sadie," I say, only for her to hit me with the pillow. "Don't hit me!" "Get up! It's eleven o'clock in the morning!" She stands imposingly in front of me, "You can't go on like this!" "I'm sick" I cough falsely. "Tell Tyler those lies because he believes everything" she throws herself on me again, crushing me with her tiny but heavy body. "A simple flu can't last two weeks." "Mine does" I mumble as best I can. "You're crushing me... get off." "It's okay" she lies down next to me,

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