Chapter 4

1062 Words
The first thing I noticed when opening my eyes was the fact that my head hurt. Sitting up I was happy to see that I was back in my bed, my mind turning to fuzz while I tried to remember what had happened after my encounter with Minnaloushe. Glancing down at my arm I spotted the tendrils on it. Getting to my feet with a sigh I padded through the house until I found Jake and Riven, they were seated outside at the table with Beth, Lowe and Jesse. As I walked out, I noticed the way they all turned to me and I held up a hand, "Wait. One at a time." Riven raised a brow, "Why did you run off without us? You could have been killed." Jake nodded, "For once I agree with Riven. Do you have any idea how worried we were when we realized that you were gone?" I pulled out a chair and sat down, leaning my arms on the table, "I had a vision and I didn't have time to waste so I went after Min. I found her and we fought. She was controlling the wolves with magic." Jake leaned over the table and pulled on my arm, "Is this from Min?" I nodded, "She zapped me with some sort of magic." Jesse got up and walked over to inspect my arm, "This is strange, I've never seen anything like this before. It looks almost as if the magic is still in there." "I thought her magic kills Hybrids? How am I still alive?" Jesse crouched down beside me, his fingers running across the tendrils on my arm, "I don't know. We will need to get this checked out, if the magic is still in there, it could still kill you at a later stage." "What? So you're saying that I could still be dying?" I didn't dare look over at Jake or Riven, I could imagine how they were going to react to this. Beth spoke next, "Uh, how are we going to get this checked out? We can't exactly walk into a hospital and tell them that she got zapped by a witch." Jesse rolled his eyes, "Beth, you have such little faith. I know people, remember? We'll take her to a witch doctor, someone who is able to deal with this." Riven finally spoke, "Are you seriously sitting there telling us that we could be losing her?" "I feel fine, Riv, I'm sure that it's nothing." "Nothing? Then explain why we found you unconscious," Jake stared at me. "I, uh, I don't know. But I feel fine right now, I definitely don't feel like I'm dying." Lowe tilted her head to the side, her brow furrowed in a deep frown, "What if the magic was supposed to kill you, but the whole Spirit Wolf thing saved you? And now it's kind of just stored in your arm or something?" We all turned our eyes towards her, although none of us thought of that, it was clear that Lowe had us all wondering if this was a possibility. Jesse nodded slowly, "That is a possibility that I didn't think of. You might be on to something there, Lowe. Let me go make a few calls, we'll get you checked out and go from there, no use worrying about the possibilities when we could be wrong about all of them." I nodded, "Exactly my point, let's not worry until we have a reason to." Jesse got to his feet, pulling his phone from his pocket before walking back into the house. My eyes still on his retreating form, I frowned, "Why do I feel like he's going to take us to someone extremely creepy?" "It's Jesse, of course, he's going to take us to someone extremely creepy," Beth rolled her eyes and leaned back in her chair. I glanced at Lowe who was also giving her a rather pointed look. "Are you still hell-bent on hating him?" Beth glanced at Riven before sighing, "Yes. Dad spoke to me and I will tolerate him, but that's it. He needs to let go of his idea of being with me because it's not going to happen." I turned to Riven, "Speak some sense into your daughter, please. You know how Jesse has changed." Jake nodded, "I agree, you should give him a chance." I was somewhat surprised when Lowe also nodded, "I agree, mom. I know he's been pretty crappy before but sometimes people change and we all deserve a second chance." "And I will give him that as a friend but nothing more. Now leave it alone." I knew how stubborn Beth could be so I pursed my lips and didn't push the topic further. I had faith that she would come around eventually, but our pushing her would probably have the opposite effect and cause her to push back harder. I would speak to Jesse at some point, knowing Beth as well as I did I knew that the best way to make her see the change in Jesse was for them to spend more time together, so I would have them work together a lot on finding Min so that she had a lot of time alone with him and would hopefully change her mind about him. Jesse had become a good friend and knew that he deserved happiness, as did Beth after her terrible experience in losing James all those years ago. Toying with the cutlery in front of me I smiled over at River and Masha who sat off to the side, presumably in their own world while Aida slept in a bassinet. I dreaded the conversation I would have to have with Jake and Riven when everyone left, I knew for a fact that I wasn't going to be able to avoid it. With even the slightest chance that I wasn't okay, I knew that both of them would be on edge and want to fix everything. I doubted that I was actually dying, but a small part of me did worry bout the possibility. I had three beautiful children and two amazing men in my life who I'd rather not leave behind. But I had a feeling within that somehow everything would work out how it was meant to, so I would rather not harp on the feelings.
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