Chapter 3

1107 Words
I was the first one through the door and into the mix of wolves, much to Riven's annoyance. Of course, I knew that Jake loved this side of me. I turned both hands into wolf paws and grabbed ahold of the first wolf. Riven had shifted and was bounding between wolves, biting into them ferociously. Although I was currently using one clawed hand to tear into the neck of a wolf that had my other arm in his mouth, I still chuckled at Jake, who was now in the mix but with a wolf's head in place of his, while the rest of his body looked human. Only Jake. The wolf howled in pain releasing my arm when I ripped through the skin on the back of his neck. As he looked up at me I punched him on the head, knocking him unconscious instantly. But then I was hit with dizziness. "No, no, bad timing!" I knew this feeling all too well, and I knew that within a few minutes I would be passing out for the incoming vision. Letting out an annoyed growl I spun and bounded back to the cabin, slamming the door just in time as I collapsed to the floor. My eyes found the red-headed figure, Min. She stood with a beautiful green cloak over her shoulders while she crouched over something. Knowing that she couldn't see me, I walked over to get a closer look. She was busy with some sort of magic, a circle before her as she chanted; purple tendrils of power flowed from her hands into the circle. The circle held rocks and three ivory bones. And I realized that she was controlling the wolves that were attacking us. The ivory representing us while the rocks represented the wolves. She was using magic to fuel them. I glanced around to try and figure out her location, it was definitely a part of the woods, and I could hear the wolves in the distance so she wasn't far. My eyes snapped open and I pushed myself to my feet. Now I had been having these visions long enough to know that I should wait for at least thirty minutes before moving, they used up a lot of my energy. But of course, I didn't have that luxury. Shaking my head, I sneaked from the cabin while Jake and Riven were occupied fighting off wolves, I knew that neither of them would agree with what I was about to do, so I simply slipped out of the area without them noticing. Using my Hybrid senses I began to slowly make my way in the direction of the magic I could somehow feel rushing through my veins. It took me nothing short of five minutes to find her, hunched over just as she had been in my vision. She hadn't heard me sneaking up so I glared down at her, "Hello, Min." She cursed and spun, still on the ground, but the magic tendrils coming from her hands disappeared. I was hoping that if I kept her busy enough, Jake and Riven would have a better chance at defeating those wolves. She glared up at me before getting to her feet, "Leaving your boys to fend for themselves?" I shrugged, "They're big boys, they can handle themselves." Minnaloushe smiled, "But can you handle yourself?" "Well, we're about to find the fvck out, aren't we?" Not giving her a chance to respond I drove my fist into her face, she hadn't been expecting it and dropped to the ground again where she shook her head. I noted the blue swirl accumulating on her palm and drove my boot into her face before she could use it on me. She was quick and she grabbed ahold of my ankle, giving it a firm yank that landed me flat on my back with a painful thud. We were both on our feet in seconds, circling each other. I wondered if she realized I was simply keeping her busy and had no intention of finishing her. She let out a scream and ran for me. We went head to head, me in fully human form and her without magic. There was something exhilarating about this, that I wasn't sure about. But as the punches flew, I felt myself getting angrier. I hadn't wanted to kill her at first, but now? Now I wanted to rip her head from her shoulders. My right hand turned into my wolf claw as I swiped across her face, my sharp claws making four perfect slices across her cheek. She took a step back, her breathing ragged, "You won't win this, Harley!" "There is nothing to win! You stabbed us in the back! Janie is dead, you have already lost, don't you understand that?" "I have not lost! I have not!" She looked somewhat rabid with her as swinging wildly above her head. "Janie is gone, Min. Why are you still going on with this? Are you that much of a sore loser?" "You deserve to die! You take everything from everyone else! You can't allow others to be happy!" "Jake never wanted you, Min. The same as Riven never wanted Janie. I didn't take anything from either of you! Both of them chose to be mine from the beginning." She threw her hands up and my eyes widened, I had made a mistake. I hadn't been watching the magic build up. The magic that she could use to kill me. And now it was too late. The strange mix of a thousand different colours shot from her hands. Throwing my hands up the magic made contact with my arms before mirroring back to Minnaloushe. Wait, how did I do that? The magic hit her and she flew backwards before dropping to the ground. My arms hurt where her magic had made contact with me and I took a second to look down at them. It looked like I had been hit with lightning, strange thin smoky lines marking my arms. Minnaloushe jumped to her feet before a portal opened before her and she disappeared through it. I let out a shaky breath before I realized that I didn't feel all that well. And then I collapsed, darkness consuming me. ~•~ A/N: I simply can't keep up with daily updates, unfortunately. This story will now be updated every Wednesday. Please don't forget to follow my social media accounts on sss as you will be kept up to date there. 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