Chapter 5

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Jesse, true to his word had found a man who was a witch doctor. And just as I had thought, he was extremely strange. We stood in his house, just myself and Jesse. I hadn't wanted Jake and Riven in case the news was bad. The house was nice, it was very clean aside from his work area which was cluttered and messy; jars with strange liquids on every shelf, strange feathers and pieces of cloth hung from the ceiling, and there were even some suspicious-looking dirty boxes along the floor. The man himself was somewhat strange too, he wore no shirt and proudly displayed his array of odd scars along his chest and back. "Sit," he instructed, it was the first word he had spoken to me since our arrival ten minutes prior. Taking a seat on a high bar stool that seemed to be randomly placed in the room, I tucked my hands into my lap and watched him rush around the room muttering to himself as he checked jars and bottles. A part of me wondered how safe this was, he certainly didn't seem like the type that one should trust. He jumped up into my face, splashing powder on me which caused me to sneeze. "Stay still!" He chastised as he stuck his hand into a jar, producing an odd-looking slimy red liquid. To my horror, he smeared it on my face and arms. "Hold this," he shoved a feather into my hands. I glanced at Jesse, hoping that my worry would be displayed. He shook his head and offered a small smile, not that it really did anything to calm me. The man began to chant and circle me with his arms flailing and I raised a brow at him, was he okay? Again, I glanced at Jesse with a worried expression on my face, what was going on here? Jesse waved a hand and smiled while watching this strange exchange and I realized that he must have seen this a few times as he looked completely relaxed and at ease as if this was the most normal thing he had ever seen in his life. I shook my head, about to speak when the man before me suddenly clapped his hands in front of my face causing me to jump in fright. "Jesus! What the fvck?!" I screamed at him while clutching at my chest as if my heart wasn't un-beating. He stopped his dancing and stared at me, "You do in fact have the witches poison within. Your own powers are acting as a barrier, but for how long I cannot tell you. Should the barrier break, you will perish." I glanced at Jesse, "So I could still die at any moment." Jesse's face held a grim look upon it, "Shaman, is there a way that we can stop this from happening?" He shook his head, "Sadly, no. But the barrier is strong, it will hold for a long time, she is in no imminent danger." I got to my feet and walked out without another word. The only thing going through my mind was that we had to keep this from my two men. Jesse caught up with me and I turned to explain my plan. "Jesse, we can't tell Jake or Riven about this. You know that they will obsess over this and I don't want them treating me like some fragile doll. You heard what that guy said, it will hold for a while and I'm not in any danger right now. Please, do not tell them." "Harley, you shouldn't keep this from them. They love you, they deserve to know about this. If the roles were reversed you would want to know too." I shook my head, "No, Jesse. Let me handle this myself. Right now, they can't know anything about this, do you understand me?" He nodded begrudgingly, "Fine. But just think about telling them. Just think about it, that's all I will ask from you." I nodded, "Yeah, fair, I'll think about it." Of course, I had no plans to think about it, my mind was already made up on the subject. They would never know about this, telling them would only cause them stress, panic and pain. I would not do that to them unnecessarily, if I was in immediate danger I would have told them without a doubt. But I would not allow this to steal any of our current happiness, I simply couldn't. I would continue on as normal until the situation changed or called for action, until then I would not allow myself to worry over this. I wanted nothing more than to enjoy my family and I would do this no matter what. Of course, I was also now more set on putting an end to Minnaloushe and her attempted reign of terror. She needed to be stopped more now than ever before, her obsession growing more and more each time we were forced to interact with her. She was becoming more dangerous which led me to believe that she was planning something big, and while I was somewhat confident in my own ability as well as the others, I couldn't help but worry; what would happen if she became unstoppable? I couldn't allow that to happen, so we would have to find her and put an end to her before it got to that point. We had to stop her, it was no longer a want, but a need too. If she became too powerful, I could only imagine the things she would be capable of. Her hunger for power certainly wasn't so that she could make the world a better place, that much was a given. And now with everyone knowing of the existence of werewolves, it worried me, what were her plans? Did she want to rule the way Jesse had wanted to? And if she did, what ends would she go to in order to get it? ~•~ A/N: The next chapter will have some s3xy time (I know a lot of you have asked for this). Do you want it to be Harley & Riven? Or Harley & Jake? Possibly all three? Let me know what you want to see!
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