Chapter 2

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Sipping on my blood-infused wine on the deck overlooking the sea, I smiled over at Aida in her bassinet. River and Masha would be home from school shortly and they both enjoyed playing the role of the older siblings. Jake and Riven had left earlier in the day to take care of something and I had enjoyed the time to myself. Which was suddenly interrupted by my ringing phone. Crossing my legs I answered the phone with false annoyance, "Jesse, you are interrupting my me time. What's up?" "Harley! Babe! I need some advice." "You want my advice? Must be serious." "Very funny. If I want to impress a woman, how would be the best way to go about it?" "That depends what she's into, Jesse. Is she a vampire? Is she a Hybrid? A wolf?" "She's a wolf. She's absolutely amazing. She's funny and strong, very straight forward. She isn't very girly so I'm not sure if romancing her will work." "Jesse, I'm sure she will appreciate any effort you make." "Did I leave out the part about her hating me? She rejected me, Harls." I paused, surprised by the genuine pain in Jesse's voice. "Why would she hate you?" He let out a sad sigh, "She knows about my past. What I did to you all. I also hurt her family." "That's a tough one. You're going to have to show her that you've changed and earn her forgiveness." "Harley, I don't know how. I've tried everything! Her family has forgiven me, but she's so stubborn." "Jesse, come over for dinner tonight. We have some Min business to discuss so you might as well be here, we'll figure out what to do about your dilemma then." "Thanks, Harls, you're the best! Mwa, love ya." I shook my head as I heard the click of the phone, not the first time he left me feeling shocked. I still couldn't believe the turn around from him and what a great friend he had become to me, to all of us in fact. Right in time I heard the front door open and close before Beth walked out onto the porch. "Bethy." She went straight over to the bassinet to coo over a sleeping Aida before taking a seat, "Lowe is driving me absolutely insane! "Crescent?" "Yes. I still think she's too young for all of this Alpha business." I knew better than to argue with Beth, but I also knew that Lowe deserved more credit than what she was being given by her mother. "Beth, give her a break. She might be young but you know damn well that she's capable. She has Alarick and Crescent blood running through her veins, she was born for this. You're just being an overprotective mom, and you have to back up slightly." "I know. But she's just not careful. Could you speak to her? She values you and you won't be the boring mom raining on her fun." "Sure. Is she joining us for dinner tonight?" "Of course, she wouldn't miss family time." "Jesse is going to join us as well, woman trouble." I watched Beth's mood instantly turn sour at the mention of his name, "I don't know how you have all just forgiven him so happily." "People change, Beth. He deserves a second chance just as anyone else would." She scoffed, "Second chance my @ss." I sat forward, narrowing my eyes, "Oh! Are you the women he's talking about?!" She rolled her eyes, "How did you guess?" "The way you said 'second chance'. So it is you. He asked me for help on how to win you over." "Not going to happen, Harley." "Why must you be so hard on him? He has proven that he is sorry for all his mistakes, what more do you want from him?" "Him dead would be a great start." "You're so mean sometimes." She glared at me, "He tried to kill you, he tried to kill my father. They did kill me! Are you forgetting all of this?!" "No, I'm not forgetting anything, Beth. I'm choosing to forgive. You know the hold that Janie had over him, yes he should have stooden up to her but she played on his emotions! The fact that he stood up to her and helped us should show you that he's changed. You can't keep throwing him down for what he did when he was getting mentally abused by his mother." "Harley, give it a rest. You lot can forgive and forget but I refuse to. I could never be with someone like him." "Someone like who?" Jake asked, kissing me before sitting down. "How do you do that? We didn't even hear you come in." "The art of the vampire side, Minx." "Where's my dad?" "Should be along shortly. Now, who is this that you can't be with?" "Jesse. Beth refuses to give him a chance and he's head over heels about her." Before Jake could respond, Riven stormed in, "We have to go. I think I've found her." I jumped to my feet, "Beth, can you watch the kids?" She nodded. Jake and I followed Riven from the house. "Where is she?" "Not far. But it's a wooded area so cars won't be an option." Jake cracked his neck to the side, "Well it's a good thing that none of us need cars then." Upon arrival at the area Riven had brought us to, he threw me a pair of pants for safe keeping before he turned into his wolf form, "Follow me. And remember, we need to be discreet." I gave a curt nod, "Of course. Lead the way." With Rivens wolf leading, the two of us followed at a speed. Between the three of us, we reached the clearing within minutes. A small, rickety cabin sat alone between the trees. Riven stood and I handed him his pants as he returned to his human form. "What I'm thinking is that one of us can stand at the back, the other-" I rolled my shoulders back and in a flash of speed ran through the door. I heard Riven curse behind me while Jake laughed. I glared at my surroundings, no one was there. She had been though, I could smell her scent. "I thought we agreed on discreet," Riven gave me a pointed look. "I thought we already figured out that I don't do discreetly." Jake frowned, "Uh, Riv, how did you find this place?" "Word on the street, why?" I turned to Jake, immediately understanding why he hid asked, "It's too easy. She's not stupid. This is a trap." The three of us turned in time to see them. The wolves snarling and menacing with spit dripping from their sharp teeth. "Looks like we got invited to a party," Trust Jake to make jokes in a time like this. I smirked at him, "Well, boys, looks like it's time to dance." ~•~ A/N: Hey everyone, Sorry for the slow updates on this story. I am not sure if you are aware, but my town has had the worst floods and a lot of lives have been lost. It has been terrifying and heartbreaking. I run a non-profit organization so we have been trying to assist those who have lost everything as well as animals etc, on top of making sure my own family is safe. Thank you for your patience and understanding ? Please don't forget to follow my social media accounts on sss as you will be kept up to date there. Page: Author Samantha O'Maker Group: Samantha O'Makers Reading Nook
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