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NATHAN THE STRUGGLE I pace outside Jessica’s room, my heart aching with every step. The scent of her desire still lingers in my nose, tormenting me. Declan is a restless presence in my mind, his need to be near our mate clawing at my control. It’s normal, but I need him to understand. “You need to stay away,” I mutter to him, even as I clench my fists, trying to control myself. “She’s under the influence of the substance they gave her.” I am s second away from barging into the room and giving my mate the relief she should have. When her scream pierced the air, every instinct in me screamed at me to rush to her. I force myself to sit down, taking deep breaths to calm my racing heart and focus on her kidnappers. Those bastards planned to take her when the drug sedative wore of. Thank the goddess I got there on time. Beyond being my mate, no female should ever be defiled at all. I would do the same if it was my sister or any other female. “Alex?” I link him for an update on the remaining kidnapper. “His wolf has healed him. We are waiting for him to wake up.” “WAKE THE FUCKER UP!” How dare he still be asleep when Jessica is trashing inside, suffering for what he did to her. “Or I will come there myself and do it.” “Will do so once the nurses and doctor leave.” I snap the link shut when the nurses exit Jessica’s room. Their uniforms are wet, strands of their hair sticking out at different angles. Parts of their skin have teeth and scratch marks. No doubt, my mate showed them hell. Which makes me wonder about the quantity of the substance those bastards gave her. Their leader gives me a nod. “She’s stable now, Alpha. The medication is working.” “Thank you and sorry for the trouble she caused you all,” I manage to say, my voice strained. I may be an alpha, but one thing I will never do is to show ungratefulness for help rendered to me. “It’s no problem, Alpha. It’s our job.” I give her a nod. “How long will it take for the effects to wear off completely?” “A few more hours, possibly until tomorrow,” she replies. “She’ll need rest.” I nod, clenching my jaw. The thought of being apart from her for that long is agony, but I know it’s necessary. For her sake, I have to be strong. “Can I stay with her?” “Yes. She’s asleep.” “I nod back at her. “Thank you.” “You’re welcome, Alpha Nathan.” She leaves me alone in the corridor. I gather my thoughts together and slowly enter Jessica’s room, sniffing the air to be sure I can enter. She’s curled up asleep in a big tshirt. It’s mine. I brought it from the stash I usually carry when we travel. I pull back some of wet hair, plastered on her cheek and she stirs. “Little flower,” I whisper softly. “I should have followed you.” I shouldn’t have left her to go to the restroom alone. It’s my job to make sure she is safe and I almost failed at that. If I was there, she wouldn’t have suffered like this. I close my eyes, taking a deep breath. “I am sorry,” I tell myself. “It will never happen again. I promise.” I climb into the bed, pulling straight to my chest and dipping my head into her neck. Her scent calms my anxieties as I inhale and exhale. My face will be the first thing she wakes up to. “Alpha,” Alex links me. “What did he say?” the man must have either woken up or Alex had done as I asked. “Someone contracted them to kidnap her,” Alex chuckles. “You won’t believe the next thing I say.” “What is it?” “While they were carrying her away, another person found them and contracted them to do what they were about to do to Jessica. Crazy, right?” So, two sets of people are involved in the attempted kidnap and rape of my mate. One wanted her kidnapped, the other wanted her raped. “Did he say their names?” “The first person contracted him and his friend through a phone call.” “The other person?” my mind is already drawing up names of potential people who would want to do this to my mate. Kizziah and his son stand at the top of the list. “A male, old, dark glasses, face cap. They didn’t see his face.” Even as my potential suspects stood at the top of the list, I doubt if they would ask for her to be raped. Saul’s obsession with her won’t allow for him to ask that those men do what they wanted to do. Neither would his father. They wanted her untouched based on what I have been able to infer. “How’s she? Has it worn off?” “She’s asleep. We might have to spend the night at the Council,” with how she’s asleep, I highly doubt she will wake up early. It’s almost evening and it’s a two-hour drive back home. I don’t intend to take any chances and risk our safety. “I will inform your mother and Cara. And get you some food,” Alex offers. “Thanks, Al.” “Anytime, bro.” Once we end the link, I mull over what Alex told me. I am still convinced neither Kizziah nor his son are the second person. Who could it be? Who wants my mate to be shamed like that? “I promise to find who the person is and when I do, they will regret ever doing so.” My vow is done looking down at the peaceful face of my sleeping mate.
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