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NATHAN THE RESCUE My blood boils as I hear the voices. I crouch low, moving silently through the underbrush, letting the sounds guide me. Declan roars in my mind, urging me to hurry. I push forward, my senses on high alert. The scent of Jessica’s pleasant scent mixes with the stench of her captors, fueling my rage. I see them. Two men, rough-looking with cruel smiles, have Jessica tied up and laid on the ground. Both have their pants unzipped, lewd grins on their faces, palming themselves, looking down at Jessica. Before they realize what’s happening, I pounce. My claws extend, and my fangs bared. I crash into the first man, tearing his throat out with a single, swift motion. He gurgles, eyes wide in shock, before crumpling to the ground. The second man stumbles back, eyes wide with fear. “Alpha Nathan—” he starts, but he doesn’t get a chance to finish. I lunge at him, my claws slicing through his chest. He screams, a high-pitched, desperate sound, before collapsing in a heap, unconscious. I need him alive to tell who sent them. I turn to Jessica, my heart breaking at the sight of her. She’s unconscious, her face pale. Her dress is split up to her chest. I rip the ropes binding her and cradle her gently in my arms. “I’ve got you, Flower,” I whisper, though I know she can’t hear me. Declan’s fury simmers down, replaced by a fierce protectiveness. I carry her out of the forest, my mind racing. She needs medical attention, and I need to ensure she’s safe. Alex meets me at the edge of the trees, his face grim. “Alpha, is she—” “She’s alive,” I say, my voice rough. “We need to get her to the hospital.” Along the way we meet Alpha De Santos and Matthews. “Alpha…” “Two men kidnapped and drugged my mate. One is dead and the other unconscious. I demand he be arrested immediately!” We hurry to the car, and I lay Jessica gently in the back seat, never letting go of her hand. Alex drives, his face set in a determined line, while I focus on Jessica, praying for her to wake up. “I need answers from him, Alex,” I link him. “Done, Alpha,” he nods at me through the glass. JESSICA The hospital room is bright, the sterile scent of antiseptic in the air. I blink, my eyes adjusting to the light. My body feels strange, hot and tingling. I try to move, but my limbs feel heavy. “Jessica,” a familiar voice calls. I turn my head to see Nathan sitting by my side, his face etched with concern. “Nathan,” I whisper, my voice weak. “I’m here,” he says, taking my hand. “You’re safe now.” The heat in my body intensifies, and I shift uncomfortably. “I feel… strange.” Nathan’s eyes darken with a mix of worry and something else. “The doctors said you were given an aphrodisiac,” he explains. “Do you know what that is?” “No,” I groan, stretching, feeling hotter. “I feel hot,” And something inside of me tells me his touch can help to stop it. He grinds his jaw hard, breathing heavily. “It’s a drug that makes you… feel things. That's why you feel hot.” My hand grabs his, I want him to touch me. The strange gown I have on feels like a hindrance between us. I want it gone. “I want to remove my dress,” a low moan escapes my lips. “It’s the drug that’s making you want me to touch you.” A flush creeps up my cheeks as I realize what he means. “Oh.” “I need to leave you alone for now,” Nathan says, his voice strained as he unclasps our hands. “For both our sakes.” “No, don’t go,” I plead, reaching out to him. How am I supposed to douse the fire running through me? The thought of being alone terrifies me, and the heat coursing through my body makes me desperate for his touch. “Jessica, I can’t stay,” he says, his eyes fill with regret. “If I do, I won’t be able to control myself. And I don’t want to hurt you.” Tears well up in my eyes, even as something drips down between my legs. I start rubbing them together and hear Nathan release a deep growl. “Please, Nathan,” a husky moan comes out of my mouth. “Help me take off my clothes,” pulling at the gown and at the same time not letting him go. I want his strong hands on me. His lips look good to touch and kiss. I want them all over my body. He leans down, brushing a gentle kiss across my forehead. “I promise I’ll be back as soon as the effects wear off. Some nurses will come to help you deal with this.” He stands, his expression pained, and leaves the room, my eyes trailing him as he does so. The door closes behind him, and I’m left alone whimpering with the burning desire still racking my body. Trashing on the bed, pulling at my gown, heat sizzling down my body. What is this? I close my eyes, trying to will myself to calm down, but it doesn’t help. I am yearning for his presence. Maybe I should think of him returning and about to when the door opens and a team of female nurses enter the room. They look sympathetic and professional. “Luna, we are here to help you,” one of them explains. They help me up from the bed, steadying me on my feet. We enter into a bathroom attached to the room where a large tub sits. One of them draws a bath adding drops of different sweet smelling oils into the water. Once the tub almost fills up, they carefully lift me and carry me into the tub. A loud ear splitting scream escapes my lips as the shock of the cold water touches my skin. I start to trash wildly in the tub, shamelessly calling for my mate. They remain professional and sympathetic, holding me firmly down in the water. Ignoring my screams, growls, scratches and bites. I feel little pricks of a needle on my skin and see one of them holding syringes in her hand. “This will help you sleep well, Luna,” she explains with a warm smile. Soon, I feel the heat slowly start to fade and stop trashing. Replaced by a deep exhaustion and sag into their arms. They remove my wet gown. I feel a warm towel dabbing over my body and a shirt thrown over my head. They lead me back to bed, tucking me in, their hands soft and gentle.
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