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KIZZIAH Things didn’t go as planned with the Council members. They still allowed Alpha Nathan to leave with Jessica and fined Saul and me. They’re going to investigate my pack too. Good thing I already commanded my members on what to say and made plans for Jessica. The men were easy to get—rogues I found through an acquaintance for a little change. All I needed them to do was kidnap Nicole when I gave the go-ahead. I thought it wasn’t going to happen when I saw her run into Nathan’s arms. Fortunately, I heard her say she was going to the restroom and quickly contacted the men to be ready. They should be here by now. Saul is at the wheel, ready for when they appear with her. We are parked a discreet distance from the Council building, hidden behind towering trees, their leaves rustling like whispers of our secret plans. “Try them again,” I tell Saul. Their numbers are ringing, but no one is picking up. “It’s still the same,” Saul smacks his phone down on the dashboard, frustration etched into his features. “Do you think they will double-cross us?” I shake my head. Though rogues have no sense of loyalty, they didn’t look like they would. The person who referred them is trustworthy and swore they would get the job done. I showed them Jessica’s picture, which they both snapped on their phones. “Maybe I should go check on them?” Saul suggests. “And get caught?” “No one will catch me. The Council is open to everyone.” “Even if they don’t, the alpha and his men could get suspicious if they see you. We can’t have that.” “We can’t just sit here not knowing where those men are or if they got her. We have to do something, Father.” I grit my teeth at him, silencing him with a stare. “We are doing something. Quit worrying and just be prepared when they come with Jessica.” “Fine,” he huffs, gripping the wheel. Time passes, and they still aren’t here. Their phones keep ringing with no answer. I step out of the car, scanning the path where they should emerge. But the shadows remain empty, the silence pressing in on me. A car drives toward us, and I stop the driver. It’s one of the guards from the Council, probably going home from his shift. “Alpha.” “Are you coming from the Council?” “Yes, Sir,” he replies. I wonder if I should ask him. “Anything new there?” “A big case, actually. An alpha’s Luna was kidnapped and almost raped. He found them in time and killed the two men who kidnapped her.” My eyes widen, and I remain frozen on the spot. “What did you say?” He repeats himself, and I give him permission to leave. “Drive!” I growl at Saul when I return to the car. We have to leave here fast before Alpha Nathan and his men see us. I told them to kidnap her, not to rape her. What sort of men are these? My fury boils over at their betrayal. Or did someone ask them to do so? Who would? “What did he say?” Saul asks, glancing at me as he pulls the car onto the road. “Those fools have been caught,” I tell him half the truth. His reaction would be explosive with how obsessive he is about Jessica. I need him to drive us away from here and safely home where I need to make new plans. SASHA I watch the commotion from my car with deep satisfaction. Nathan dashes out of the building, sniffing the air, searching for her. The sounds of angry growls, painful screams, and flesh tearing apart fill my ears like a sweet symphony. When he comes out with her in his arms, my smile widens, my satisfaction anchoring on the fact that my mission is accomplished. She’s tainted for him now. Her perfect innocence stolen by the worst of our kind. Rogues. “Drive,” I tap Davos, my driver. “Home?” “Home,” I reply, relaxing into the soft leather of the car, still smiling at this huge victory. So, he thought he could openly reject me like that in front of that child? One whose innocence is so perfect it hurts me deep in my soul. Was it her innocence? Or the mysterious aura surrounding her? Something about her scares me, and it’s not that she has the power to take him away from me. I can’t place my hands on it, but I can feel it. When we spoke in the restroom, I felt it. Let’s see if she will still have that when she wakes up and finds out what happened. Or what her supposed mate thinks of her. I am more curious to see how Nathan will look at her now. If he will still call her his ‘flower.’ My nails tear into the leather seat, ripping it. My eyes glow gold with my wolf. Both of us are jealous of his pet name for her. I know what we had were just flings, nothing serious. But a girl can hope to be mates with one of the most powerful and handsome alphas in the world. A position that will make me rub shoulders with the likes of the powerful Lunas of the world. I would have not just the position, but the wealth, care, memberships to posh establishments, attending glamorous events, and more. All of which would be as easy as eating pie since I have been training to be his Luna since the first day he looked my way. Well, I looked his way before he did. I even orchestrated the events that made us meet. Like I planned, it was all working well, even if he began to give me the cold shoulder some months back. Yet, it didn’t mean I had given up. And I am not prepared to give up even if he has found his mate. A mate that another man is so obsessed with, he would go as far as kidnapping her. I know it was Kizziah and his son who planned for Jessica to be kidnapped. We were both in the same boat, rocked by the waves of us about to lose our chosen mates. It’s a loss we can’t afford to experience. I was lucky to have found the men while they were carrying the unconscious Jessica out. I bribed them with not only money but with a better idea of what to do with the unconscious girl in their hands. After all, they weren’t told to bring her in any condition, just to bring her. My idea hooked them instantly, and I didn’t follow to see what would happen. I knew Nathan would start searching for her. His wolf would be restless, as would any wolf, judging by what brought them to the Council. How stupid of Nathan to allow his mate to go alone to the restroom with only the guards from the Council. He should have been more cautious and sensitive. Well, it’s his loss and my gain. I close my eyes and enjoy the ride home, smirking at what Nathan must be feeling now.
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