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KIZZIAH ALLIES 2 “What do you think of our proposal?” Alpha Damon c***s a brow at me, swirling his drink with a hand in his pocket. Beside him, his daughter flashes a wide and uneasy smile. We are in my office, away from prying eyes and ears. Their proposal sounds good: join forces to separate Nathan and Jessica. Sasha would take Nathan, and Saul would kidnap Jessica when she runs away from his pack after what Sasha is going to do. “What if it fails?” I ask, quizzing the both father and daughter. Sasha leans forward, my eyes naturally fall on her chest. “From what I saw that day, Jessica never saw you all as her family. She never liked you. No offense meant,” she pauses, checking our reactions. “Continue,” I urge her, pushing my eyes upwards to her face. She smirks at this. “She now sees Alpha Nathan as her savior and will always trust him. That trust is what we need to destroy.” “And how do plan on doing that?” Saul asks sullenly. Still missing his little pet. “You leave that to me, Saul. Just be ready when I call on you.” “And when will that be? How soon?” Saul asks again, his face brightening slightly. “I will communicate with you when I am about to visit,” she smiles again, looking so satisfied with her plan. Though, it’s what I want to hear, but I still have reservations. Anything could happen. The girl has her powers now and could do anything. I am not going to put all my eggs in a basket, I need a backup plan should this one fail. “I learned you are to appear at the Council tomorrow regarding this issue with Alpha Nathan,” her father says, taking a seat. “I hate those old fools.” “Same here,” those damn elders ordered me to appear to tell what I know about Jessica. “He’s also going to be there too with her.” Saul snarls, pouting. “He better not have touched her, or else I will tear out his tongue.” “Obsessive aren’t we?” Sasha huffs, irritated at his outburst. I suspect she didn’t like hearing him talk about her beloved alpha like that. I suddenly hate that I have to deal with her and her father. They don’t seem like people who fight fair, but again, neither was I. I am not even fighting fair with my plan to destroy Nathan Hunt. “Our son has always seen Jessica as his,” my mate says. “He is only fighting to claim what is his,” she links Saul to apologise. “Sorry,” Saul says, still pouting. “Funny that you call my son obsessive, yet you’re here with a plan to separate Alpha Nathan from his supposed fated mate. Clearly, you seem the obsessive one,” giving her a questioning look. She can’t sit in my presence and insult my son. Her father laughs, taking a sip from is glass, looking foolish in my eyes. He turns to his daughter. “Told you.” She glares at him, tight lipped and clenching her fist. “Dad,” she groans through clenched teeth. “Not her and not now.” “What? You’ve been obsessed with that alpha from the first day you met him.” She eyes him once and turns to us. “Since we have that cleared up, do we have a deal?” I nod at her. “Deal. You take Nathan and Saul takes Jessica.” “Great!” she quips, rising and pulling her father up with her. “We will take our leave.” “Wait,” I stop her as an idea suddenly strikes me. “Why don’t you two show up at the Council tomorrow,” I suggest, looking at Sasha. “How about you start your plans early? Make Jessica jealous of you and plant a seed of doubt in her mind.” Sasha’s eyes narrow as she considers the idea. Her smile turns pure evil, and I almost feel sorry for Jessica—but not quite. She needs to come back home to my son where she belongs. “Great idea, Alpha Kizziah. What time will you be there?” Sasha claps her hands happily. “Ten.” “We’ll be there before ten. Nate is always punctual. “We’ll let you know when the time is ripe for us to move.” We shake hands and they leave. “Can we trust them?” Saul asks, leaning back into his chair. “Only a fool relies on a single plan. We need a plan B and I know just what it is,” I reply. “Pour me a drink, son. “What is the plan, father?” Saul asks anxiously as he prepares my drink. “We discredit Nathan before the Council. Make him look like he stole Jessica from you. Being called a mate stealer will be a huge stain on his reputation and title.” All I have to do is to play the part of a wronged alpha. Saul must play his part convincingly. Hopefully, that wretched girl won’t say anything like the mother time. “Good idea, love,” My mate compliments me. “We just need to play our parts well. Saul?” she turns to him. He frowns deeply, still pouting. “I will try my best,” he grumbles. “But I can’t promise not to attack him.” “Another good idea. If everyone sees you as a grieving mate, we could get some sympathy from the other members of the Council,” I pat him on the shoulder, excusing his childish display. I know he’s not in love with Jessica: she is just his obsession. “If we act well and get some sympathy, we can call for a vote. Ask them to change the decision of the two elders at the ceremony,” a light bulb comes alive in my head. “We can win this thing. Jessica can still come back to us,” glancing at the faces of my family. “And hope that Sasha’s presence will do more damage,” my mate adds. I can’t wait for tomorrow to come.
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