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MALACHAI NOT A PART OF THE FAMILY I wish I could say what’s on my mind to these two women. Or better yet punish them for their craftiness. How dare they openly ask my son to choose Fidelia as his mate. Before Midriel clocked eighteen, I prayed fervently to the goddess that Fidelia would not be his mate. The closeness between her mother and Rissi worried me. It would be a disaster if Fidelia became part of our family, adding her mother to the mix could destroy us. A deadly addition to our family as she is as cunny and crafty as her friend. It’s enough that Rissi is even a part of the family. Fidelia will only become a pawn in Rissi’s game, manipulating her to spy on Rakiel and I. Rissi had always pushed for them to be mates. She made sure Maya and Fidelia attended every family occasion. Always keeping Fidelia close to Midriel. When the rumours of them being destined mates spread round the pack, I had to personally squash it for the sake of Midriel’s true mate, if she turned out to be a member of our pack. Midriel must have sensed his aunt’s motives because he started keeping his distance from Fidelia. But that didn’t deter Rissi. She pressed on, making suggestive moves, almost brainwashing Fidelia into believing Midriel could be her mate. I know if she had powers like Rakiel, she would have initiated a fake bond between them. Midriel must have sensed this because he started keeping his distance from her. But Rissi didn’t stop. She made suggestive moves, almost brainwashing Fidelia into believing that Midriel could be her mate. If Rissi had Rakiel’s powers, she would have forced a fake bond between them. All because she wants to destroy my relationship with her sister and make me hers. When Midriel turned eighteen and didn’t find his mate, I was both relieved and saddened. Rakiel and I had prepared for the worst. I’m sure Rissi threw a fit when her wishes weren’t granted. Rakiel had planned to break the bond using her powers if necessary, despite the consequences. Though I was scared of what that could. Midriel celebrated his relief with his friends in town. Hearing what these two ladies just said, I know I would have begged Rakiel to intervene. Rissi is a thorn in our side, a wound that just refuses to heal, festering daily on us. She’s a stubborn shadow hovering over our lives. No matter the amount of light we put on, it just won’t disappear. Not even the births of my children stopped her. Not even her mate, my Beta was good enough for her. And here she is again, trying to force my son, my heir, to choose a mate of her liking. “Okay, okay,” Rissi gives her usual fake laugh, rolling her eyes. “Let’s drop it for now and enjoy our dinner.” Rakiel glares at her, takes a deep breath, and continues eating. “Enough!” I slam my fist on the table, rattling the plates. The three women gasp in shock. “If you can’t keep your mouth shut, then leave my table. This is my house and dinner table. You either abide by my rules or leave. And you will not pair my son with any she-wolf of your choice. If he wants to wait for his fated mate, so be it!” I look around at their stunned faces. “Fidelia…” “Yes, Alpha,” she whimpers. “Listen carefully. For your own good, ignore whatever your mother and her friend have been telling you. Wait for your fated mate. My son is not your mate and doesn’t want you as one. His mother and I support his choices. Do you understand?” She nods quickly, tears welling up in her eyes. “Yes, Alpha. I do.” I don’t know if her tears are because I yelled at her or told her Midriel would never be interested in her. “Good,” I turn back to my food and hear my mate in the link as we continue to eat silently. “Hot. That was hot, Alpha.” “Want to feel my hotness later?” “Maybe before you leave tonight,” she throws me a side glance. “I will hold you to that.” Dinner continues in silence and when we were done, we leave the three of them again. I am sure Rissi will throw a fit, intensifying her plans. “I’ll retire to my room. Link me when it’s time,” Midriel pecks his mother’s cheek before leaving. “Sure, son.” I watch him leave, proud of the man he is becoming. My wolf purrs with pride at our future Alpha. “I’m proud of him too,” Rakiel sighs beside me as we watch him disappear down the hall. “He’s going to be a fine Alpha, just like his daddy.” “That means a lot to me, my love,” I peck her lips. “You are a great mother, one that deserves my hotness.” She giggles as I lift her into my arms and carry her to our room. MIDRIEL I can’t wait to be alpha and banish my aunt from the pack. How could she ever imagine I would want to take Fidelia as my mate when my mate is still out there, maybe searching for me. I don’t want any girl other than my mate. Can’t wait to have what my parents have with my mate. Fidelia looks beautiful, but my wolf and I aren’t attracted to her in any way. I am saving all my love for the one specially made for me. No other girl is going to get not even a pinch of it. Pushing aside this, I sigh in frustration at my sister’s situation. She’s out there alone. My heart breaks with the thought of her away from home. No one knows how she disappeared. The guilt has stayed with me all these years. If only I hadn’t run after that white rabbit, I would have seen who took her. Nothing anyone has said to me over the years has cleansed me of the guilt of losing her. I lost her in the forest that day. It was my fault that she was missing. “Amerie,” I whisper her name into the air, feeling my powers crackle under my fingers. Sadness and guilt wash over me. “Please, forgive me, little sister. I promise to make it all up to you when we finally find you. I pray my father will be successful tonight.
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