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AMERIE/JESSICA SHOPPING My eyes grow wide when we arrive at the shopping mall. It is a colossal structure, spanning several city blocks, with towering glass walls that glint in the sunlight. The entrance is a grand archway adorned with intricate floral designs and golden accents, leading into a spacious atrium filled with lush indoor plants and a large, cascading fountain at its center. The mall is bustling with people, the air filled with the hum of conversations, the scent of freshly baked pretzels from a nearby stand, and the distant sound of a piano being played in one of the upper levels. High above, the ceiling is a glass dome that lets in natural light, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. I do a full circle, open-mouthed, marveling at the sheer size and opulence of the place. Rows upon rows of stores line the walkways, each with extravagant window displays showcasing clothes, electronics, and luxury goods. Chandeliers hang from the ceiling, casting a soft, golden glow over everything. “It’s huge!” I exclaim at the number of shops and people. People greet Nathan as we pass through them, bowing slightly or nodding respectfully. Nathan drags me through the entire place. Every shop we enter, he makes sure to buy something for me. Whatever catches my eye, he buys for me. We pass by designer boutiques with mannequins dressed in elegant gowns, high-end jewelry stores with glittering displays, and tech shops with the latest gadgets. I doubt if I can wear all the shoes and clothes in this lifetime. His men have to make several trips to the car to put the items away, their arms laden with bags and boxes. “Can we stop?” I ask, not wanting to complain, but my excitement is waning. As much as I love the shopping experience, I am getting tired and want to hurry home to try everything on. “Just one more stop,” he winks at me, hugging me sideways with a look in his eyes I have not yet understood. “I promise we will go home after this,” he says gently, pulling me towards a store with pink lettering outside. The words ‘Lady’s Essentials’ are boldly written. The inside of the store is painted the same pink color, with white cushion chairs arranged in a circular fashion. Shelves and stands are filled with items that make me go red all over my face. A low chuckle from my mate is all I need to duck my head further away. “Alpha Nate,” a warm female voice sexily calls his name, and I feel my wolf’s hackles rise. If only I had my wolf. “What can I help you with, Alpha?” I turn around to see a red-haired she-wolf with shiny dark eyes strutting towards my mate. Her eyes rake over his entire body with a look that makes my insides roil with jealousy. Her eyes remind me of the girls who flocked around Saul back at my former pack. Only I never felt jealous. Rather, I felt disgusted at both them and him, especially when I knew what they always did afterward. Is that what this lady wants to do with my mate? He gives her a blank look, pulling me closer to him and looking away from her to me. “I would like to pick some essentials for someone dear to me,” his eyes shine with affection as usual when he looks at me. “Another one of your flings?” she says condescendingly, glaring daggers at me when I look at her. She makes me squirm and feel like nothing. Is she one of his flings like Cara said? Or someone who regularly warms his bed, like that girl who often comes to stay in Saul’s room? “No, Christabel. She is not a fling but my mate and your Luna,” he announces authoritatively. “Your what?” she sputters, her eyes darting in shock between him and me. “How? But she’s just a child?” her voice rises an octave. “You can’t be serious!” She looks like the carpet has just been dragged out from under her feet. “Remember who you’re talking to, and you will respect my mate irrespective of her age,” he growls a warning at her. “Are we clear?” “Yes, Alpha,” she replies with a huge frown on her face before bending her neck in submission. “Tell everyone to leave and bring my mate your best collections,” he orders, pulling me deeper into the store while she huffs and stomps away. He guides me to a cushion. “Sorry about that,” he whispers in my ear with an apologetic look. I nod, trying not to let her actions shake me. Looking around, I get to see what this store sells. Female underwear and other things that I have never seen in my life. Looking deeper, seeing the strange designs and cuts of some of them, my blush deepens much to Nathan's satisfaction. He has a large smirk on his face, enjoying my plight. “Don’t be shy, Flower. Every lady should own enough of these,” he gestures to the array of products. His eyes twinkle with excitement. “Pick anything you like and don’t mind the cost.” “I don’t know what to choose,” I mumble, still hiding my face in embarrassment. Other than a bra and pants, I have never worn anything like these. “I…they…” I bite my lips in shame. If my mate brought me here, that means he expects me to have knowledge of these things. Will my lack of exposure make him change his feelings for me? Is this knowledge a Luna has to know? “I know you have never seen any of these things from your behavior. I kind of prefer it like that,” he shifts closer to me and buries his head into my neck. “I can teach you how to wear them,” his voice is husky and warm against my skin, rolling out little sparks of pleasure all over my neck. “You smell divine, Jess,” he mutters, pulling away from my neck. Christabel comes back, her heels clicking loudly against the floor, sporting a defiant look. “The changing room has been prepared for the Luna,” she says sourly, with a brief glare my way. “Do you want me to come with you?” Nathan asks, rising along with me. “To help you choose,” he murmurs, giving me an intense look. Behind him, Christabel scowls at me with hatred. “I…I…there’s no need, I will be fine.” “Sure?” he arches his brows at me. “Sure,” I reply, licking my lips. Is he doing this on purpose? Making me squirm under his gaze? Why does he want me to have stuff like this? “Okay,” he rubs my arms before looking at Christabel. “Ensure she picks the best.” “Yes, Alpha,” she grunts as she leads me away. She opens the door to a white room with tall, standing mirrors. Soft chairs and settees fill the floor, and a large table in the middle is stacked with packets of what I am expected to try on. “These are all for you. Do you want me to help you undress?” her sarcasm is obvious as she asks. “No, thanks,” I say. Why would I accept her help to undress? “I will be fine.” “Are you sure?” her dark eyes mock me from where she stands with her arms crossed over her chest. Her bosom rises up as do her lips in mockery. Did she do that on purpose? “I am fine. Is there a dressing room?” “This is the dressing room.” I shake my head, wishing Nathan had allowed Cara and her mother to do this with me. At least they would make me feel comfortable with their presence. “Something the matter, Luna?” she says ‘Luna’ with disgust this time. “Should I call the Alpha to come help you?” “Why do you hate me? You don’t even know me. I have never met you before,” my voice comes out strong as anger courses through me. Even if she is my mate’s fling or bed warmer, it doesn’t give her the right to make me feel this way. “I don’t hate you. I just hate that the goddess gave Nathan a pathetic thing like you as a mate when there are better females like me. Females that will complement his strength and authority. Look at you, you’re barely a woman. No curves…” “I won’t make him look weak,” I mutter in a soft and small voice, trying not to let her words get to me. “You'll. Is this the reason why we almost went to war with another pack?” she scoffs. “Pathetic.” My eyes blur as tears fill them. I close them so they don’t fall and she doesn’t see them. “Are you crying? Poor Luna. Do you need the Alpha to come rescue you?” she mocks me in a sing-song manner. “What is going on here?” Nathan’s thick voice comes from the door, giving me the break I need right now
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