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NATHAN WE ARE MATES “Sorry for scaring you,” Jessica apologises as we head back to the pack house. “I should have stayed and not left with them.” “It’s okay,” I stop her, looking into her eyes. “Promise never to do that again with anybody without first checking with me,” giving her nose a light poke and loving how she wrinkles her nose. She nods her beautiful head. “I promise,” giggling lightly. “And no going to the club with anyone other than me.” Though, I am not a fan of clubbing, I wouldn’t mind going with her. “Why? Is it a bad place?” “Not really. Unless you like being sweaty and rubbing against other people’s bodies.” “Eww,” she wrinkles her face. “I don’t think I want to go.” “Good. Now, I need to feed you and watch you sleep while I work,” I want to pick her up in my arms, but don’t. I don’t want anyone to see her blushing in my arms. “I don’t feel hungry or sleepy,” she asks. “Can we take a walk? I feel like walking,” sighing deeply with a longing gaze sweeping around. Her eyes fill with something akin to a need for exploration and adventure. A longing for freedom after being locked up in Kizziah’s house almost all her life “Only after you eat and rest,” she can do all that tomorrow. “I promise.” “When do we go shopping?” “After you rest.” “But you have to work. Won’t it take long?” Oh my flower. “No. I just need to make some arrangements with some people.” “Okay,” she smiles at a pup passing with his mother. Both smiled at her. “He’s cute.” My flower likes kids. A revelation that smothers my heart with joy. “All pups are cute,” I murmur with a small grin. “Like you were when you were little,” she giggles, covering her mouth. I stop and turn to her. “How did you know I was cute?” I ask, holding back my laughter at seeing her alarmed face. Mom must have showed her my pictures. My mate has seen me in diapers and it’s my turn to be embarrassed, but I manage to keep a straight face. “Just a guess, since you said all pups are cute,” her lie is so obvious with how her eyes dart around. “Did mum show you my pictures?” She swallows hard , giving me a sheepish look. I shake my head , chuckling and continue to walk. “You don’t have to answer.” At the mansion, Kelly was waiting looking flustered and afraid. “Alpha, I am sorry. I should have sent someone to stand guard at the door,” she says fastly. I stop her with a wave. “It’s okay, Kelly. I found her with Mom and Cara. I should have left someone at the door.” “I am sorry, I left,” Jessica murmurs at Kelly. “Luna, you don’t need to apologise to me,” Kelly drops her head down in respect. One reason why I made Kelly the head maid of the house is because of her humility and respect for authority. Though she knows we would never treat her bad and see her as a part of the family, she doesn’t take it for granted and does her job well. Alex joins us straight from shifting, in shorts, exposing his chest and muscles. “You found her.” Jessica turns and starts to admire him in a way that makes Declan and I growl possessively. “Did you have to come straight from shifting?” snapping at him in the mindlink. “I was worried when we didn’t hear from you again. Where were you, Luna?” he asks my mate, totally ignoring me. Jessica breaks her eyes away from his body. “I…I was with the Luna and Cara,” she mumbles, blushing into my arm. “You had us all worried…” “Thanks for the worrying. You can tell the men I have found the Luna,” I glare at him as I usher Jessica inside and away from my Beta’s handsome body, before my mate continues to drool over him. “Possessive alpha,” Alex mocks me in the link. “f**k off. Wait till you meet your mate.” AMERIE/JESSICA Nathan has been working since we entered the room I have realized is his. I have tried closing my eyes to sleep, but can’t. I want to take a walk and explore the pack. It looks beautiful from the little I have seen and want to see more of the beauty. Beyond that, I feel the need to stretch my body. Travelling with Nathan down here, is the most exploration I have ever done. And I spent a huge part of that sleeping in his arms. Sleeping in his arms was one of the most wonderful feelings I have experienced since I met him. Hearing him call me his mate and the determination with which he insists I am his fated mate, is another wonderful feeling. I thought I was going to be subjected to a life of bandage and cruelty with Saul. While praying for a miracle, the probability that I would spend the rest of my life with Saul, kept hovering over my mind. It was the greatest fear I had then. One that had me contemplating whether to take my own life or run away. The former always won because I have no survival skills and knew nothing about the world. I figured it would be best to leave the world. Thank the goddess, my miracle came in the form of the handsome green-eyed god with dark shiny hair, typing away at his computer with a small frown on his face. His brows bunch together and look like patches of dark clouds in the sky. His silky lashes blink as he alternates between looking at his screen and the keyboard. Full, pink lips move as if reading. His tongue licking over them as he continues tyoing. I am so lost in checking him out that I almost choke in embarrassment when his eyes find mine. “Can’t sleep, flower?” I nod and hum a yes. “Do you want to seat beside me?” “No. You’re working. I will try to sleep,” closing my eyes and praying for sleep. He needs to work. He is the alpha. “How about we watch a movie while we eat,” he suggests, closing his laptop and rising. My heart beat rises as he stalks towards me. His green eyes sparkle with the same affection I have come to see him have for me. “People watch movie at night, after dinner.” “Who made the rules?” he says as he joins me on the bed and pulls me to him. “That’s how they did at my pack.” He lifts my chin up to his, grasping it hard but not painfully. “This is your pack. Never mention that place again as your pack. Okay?” “Sure.” “What were you thinking while watching me?” his thumb caresses my cheek. “Everything,” I mutter, looking up at his eyes and wondering how open I can be with him. We just met like two days ago and I have no reservations towards telling him about me. “May I know what this everything means?” he settles me on his chest, propping a pillow behind him so we can look into each other’s eyes. “You, me, my life…everything,” “Tell me more.” I sigh deeply and start. “I am still in shock with how things suddenly changed. It’s swift and scary at the same time.” “What’s so scary about it?” “That this could all be a dream. That I will wake up and find myself back in that pack.” He regards me silently. His eyes roam my entire face, settling back to my eyes. “You’re not dreaming Jessica. This is real.” “I am really your mate?” “My fated mate.” “But…” frowning as I try to compose my words. “What if I don’t meet up to your expectations? What if I can’t be a good mate?I don’t even know how to be a mate let alone be a Luna.” He rises, changing postions till I am straddling him and he is holding my waist. “You don’t have to be a perfect Luna or mate. No one learns to be good at anything the first time. Besides I am here for you. Mom, Cara, Alex, Tyler…the entire pack is here to help you succeed, flower.” “But, it’s so sudden…everything…my life suddenly changed.” “Because you deserve good after everyhting you have been through.” The maids knock at the door and enter with our food. “Alpha, Luna,” they greet, smiling at us as they place the trays down on the bed. “Thank you,” I smile back at them. When they leave, Nathan wants to feed me, but I stop him. His wolf growls loud, flashing in his eyes. “Declan isn’t too happy,” he archs a brow at me. I open my mouth and let him feed me. He is right, I deserve good after all I have been through.
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