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NATHAN MISSING MATE 2 We combed through every inch of my pack, desperately searching for my mate. My heart pounded with each passing minute, the dread creeping in as time ticked by. “Are you sure you searched well?” Alex asks for the umpteenth time, the frustration clear in his voice. I turn to face him, my patience worn thin. “For the last time, stop asking me that,” I snap, the tension between us palpable as we continue our search. No one saw her leave nor did anyone matching Kizziah’s or Saul’s description pass through our borders. We checked all the security cameras in all of the pack's territory, scrutinizing every second of footage. Neither did anyone matching her description leave the pack. The cameras didn’t capture anything at all. My mind spirals with countless questions. Is there witchcraft involved? Did Kizziah take her with the help of a witch? Or did he somehow manage to kidnap her? We enter the woods again, going through each part meticulously. My best trackers, using the faint remains of her scent on my shirt, sniff around the area. The tension is thick in the air, every rustle of leaves and snap of twigs setting my nerves on edge. Yet, we find nothing. It’s almost three hours, and my mate is still missing. I let out a mournful howl at the loss of my mate, the sound echoing through the forest. My thoughts are running wild with all the things that could possibly happen to her. And the most pressing of them all is that Saul is going to mate her by force now that he knows she’s my mate. “Prepare the men, we are going back to Kizziah’s pack,” I announce to my men, determination hardening my voice as I start to head back to the pack house. The least I can do is to inform my mother and sister of the recent development. I was looking forward to surprising them with Jessica to ease their worry about me ever finding my mate. “Where are Cara and mother?” I ask Tyler as we approach the pack house. “They should be in their rooms,” he replies. “I am going to inform them about this. Tell the men to wait for me.” I break into a light jog, hurrying to my parent’s house. Since I became alpha, they moved out of the alpha mansion with my sister, though she still maintained a room at the pack house. There’s no one in the living room when I enter, but I can hear soft sounds coming from upstairs. A light breeze wafts through the window and brings with it the scent of my mate. My eyes widen, and my legs take the stairs three at a time as I hurry upstairs. Her scent is all over the corridor. I follow it, and the sounds of voices coming from my sister’s room grow louder. There, her scent is strongest, and I can hear them talking about a dress, makeup, and going clubbing. Without thinking, I burst open the door. “No one is taking my mate to the club!” I growl ferociously, shaking the glasses on the windows. Jessica stiffens, her eyes wide open. I take a deep breath, relaxing as I approach her. “Flower, I have been searching all over the pack for you,” I murmur, pulling her into my chest and resting her head against me. I bury my face into her neck, inhaling her scent to calm both my wolf and me. "I am sorry i scared you." "I am sorry too. Your mother and sister were just showing me around,” she murmurs into my chest, hugging my waist. I pull away from her and turn to the two culprits who kidnapped my mate, glaring at them. “Didn’t you get the link?” “And miss all of this?” Cara gives a cheeky grin, coming forward to wrap her arms around us. “Congratulations, brother. You finally found her!” My glare doesn’t work on her this time as she pats my mate’s cheeks. “She’s beautiful, Nate.” Jessica blushes and buries her face into my chest. “Are you going to ignore me?” my mother, forever the drama queen, speaks. “Mum…” “No, you don’t get to scold us,” she stops me. “Why are those people still breathing after what they did to this poor child?” she pulls Jessica away from my hands, making Declan growl. “Hush it, Dec. I am your mother,” she scolds us, and Declan releases a low whimper, missing Jessica already. “I am working on it,” I almost snap at her and pull my mate back into my arms. “Sorry, flower. I miss you already.” “Aww…so sweet. Who would have imagined Nathan Hunt would be this sweet? I bet those ladies will let you breathe now…” My mother teases, making me clear my throat, stopping her from saying whatever it is she was going to say. “I almost declared war on Kizziah’s pack.” “War? Why would you do that?” Jessica asks, looking at me with alarm filling her gorgeous blue eyes. “I thought he took you,” I speak softly, my voice laced with the love and fear I have for her. I think I am falling in love with this blue-eyed princess. “How could he? Your pack is far from here, and from what I have seen, his members can’t defeat yours. You’re stronger than them.” Her words cause me to smile deeply, pride rushing through me at the compliments my mate just bestowed on me and my pack. “Thank you for the confidence in me and my pack. I am sure my men are going to appreciate hearing their Luna have such confidence in them.” She buries her face into my chest, blushing. “She’s so cute when she does that. Can we continue with what we were doing?” mother asks, already pulling Jessica away. “No, mum. She just got home, and you two already kidnapped her. She needs to rest, and I will take her shopping myself.” “Spoil sport,” mum scoffs. “Do you want to go with him or stay with us?” she asks Jess. Cara joins her, both forming a team against me. Jessica looks from me to them, smiling yet confused. I give her my best puppy eyes and howl in happiness when she turns to them and apologizes. “I am sorry, I have to follow him, but we can hang out after dinner.” Cara narrows her eyes. “Deal. If you don’t, I am coming to his room and sleeping on the bed with you two.” “No, you’re not!” “Yes, I am. You’re going to have to share her with us.” “Mum!” I turn to my mother. “What? She’s right. She’s family now, and we need to spend time with her. Besides, you’re going to be busy with pack duties…” “Mom!” “Alright, fine! Cara, we will not fight to see our new family member,” she breaks into a fit of giggles, Cara joining her. “Jessica, honey, don’t mind us. We just love pulling his legs. Spend as much time with your mate. We will be happy with whatever time you give us.” Jessica surprises us all when she jumps on mum, hugging her tight. “Thank you,” she whispers. She hugs Cara also, whispering the same thing. When she pulls back, she looks around our faces shyly, twisting her fingers. “You don’t know how much I have always wanted to have a family.” Only then do I see the tears in her eyes. Mum and Cara envelope her in a hug, all three taking their time. “We will always be your family, Jess,” they both tell her.
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