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NATHAN MATE IS AWAKE. I feel Declan’s grumbling in my head at the same time I sense a burst of sweet sparks dancing over my face. “Open your eyes and let me see her. Mate is awake,” Declan snaps. My eyes gently flutter open to see Jessica’s fingers tracing my jaw. Her eyes meet mine, and she smiles. “You’re awake.” I grab her fingers, kissing her knuckles and bringing them back to my face. “I didn’t know when I fell asleep.” I intended to watch over her, but her intoxicating scent lulled me to sleep. At least my face was the first thing she saw when she woke up. “I wanted my face to be the first thing you saw when you woke up.” “Thank you,” she says, rubbing her face into my chest. “I would have freaked out if it wasn’t.” As much as I want to commend myself for that, I need to know what happened. “What happened when you went to the restroom?” She sighs, pulling away to hold my gaze. “Sasha came inside to talk to me.” My eyes flicker green to gold, my body tensing at her statement. “What did she tell you?” “Relax, Alpha.” Her voice is like a hot knife dipped in hard butter, forcing me to relax. “She, of course, told me to leave you alone, that you belong to her…” “I don’t belong to her, flower. I belong to only you,” I confirm my words to her again. “I know, and I told her that,” a victorious look colors her features. She looks proud, and I am prouder. “You did?” “Yes. I figured since you already told me what happened between you two that I should trust you,” her blue eyes look from one of my green orbs to the other. “To make her leave you alone.” I doubt Sasha got the memo loud and clear. Women like her never let go once they have their claws stuck in you. Hers were just on the surface, and yet she doesn’t want to let go. “Thank you for trusting me,” I say, giving her my usual kiss on the forehead. “Then what happened?” “She left, and when I opened the door, I felt something prick my neck and lost consciousness.” So, that was how they took her? “How did you find me? Who took me?” “Some men. They kidnapped you for someone that we still don’t know,” my suspicions still lie with the usual suspects. Her brows rise and her eyes widen. “Could it be Kizziah? Or Saul? They could want to take me back to the pack.” “We suspect them, but we don’t have the evidence to use against them. I killed one of the men…” I pause when her eyes grow bigger. “Don’t look so shocked, Jess. I will do it again and again if anyone lays a hand on you.” “I don’t want you killing people on my behalf,” she says, playing with the buttons of my shirt. “They were going to defile you,” my words have her snapping her head up to my face in shock. “Thank the goddess I got there on time.” “Thank the goddess,” she exclaims, burying her face into my chest again. “Why would they do that to me?” I know why. They want her tainted for me. A stain upon my name and reputation that my mate was raped right under my nose. “I am scared. I thought I was free,” she mutters weakly in a shaky voice. Declan gives a loud and angry growl, feeling the fear of his mate. “I am here, flower. No one will touch you as long as you’re mine,” I promise her again. She slowly pulls away. “What else did they give me? I…” she blushes heavily, casting her eyes downward. “They gave you something else. An aphrodisiac,” I explain. “What is an aphrodisiac?” “A substance that makes you feel the way you felt.” Her eyes widen. “Oh.” I smile at her expression. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of.” She nods and says, “I am still scared of someone kidnapping me again.” “Don’t be scared of anything or anyone. You’re Luna to Alpha Nathan Hunt of the Thunderstorm Pack. That makes you as strong as me.” JESSICA His words throw my fears aside for a moment, and I think it will be so for a long time. His green eyes glow with the truth of his words, and I am proud to be his mate. Prouder that I stood my ground against Sasha. For the first time in my life, I feel a strong boldness envelop me. I feel a strength inside me awakening like the eruption of a volcano. I feel strong. And it’s all because of this man before me. His encouragement and protection since we met have never wavered. Rather, they have grown stronger with each passing day. My heart beats with a knowledge that I have been noticing lately. Is it too early to be feeling this for him? Why does my heart beat loudly when he calls my name? Or when he looks my way with those dangerous green eyes. Or when his hands touch me? And why do I know only those hands will ever touch me the way he touches me? Only those eyes will ever look at me the way he looks at me. Only he will call me Flower. Butterflies dance inside my stomach. A sweet harmony of emotions engulfs me. The air around me swirls with his scent, which I am yet to identify but find interesting all the same. All of these things happen when Alpha Nathan Hunt looks at me, touches me, speaks to me, or when I think of him. Is this what falling in love feels like?
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