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NATHAN GOING TO THE COUNCIL Jessica clutches my arm tightly as we approach the car, heading for the Council. I need to register her as my mate and make the Probability Clause official. “What if something happens?” she sighs again, trying to mask her anxiety. “What if they don’t allow me to go back with you?” “Stop worrying your little head, Flower. Nothing like that is going to happen,” I reassure her, yet thinking she could be right. I would miss her beautiful face and sweet scent if anything went wrong. Kizziah might try something at the Council, that could overturn the decision of the two elders, taking her away from me. My brows meet worriedly as I look down at my frightened mate. She’s wearing a simple white dress with short sleeves, clinging to her slender frame and fluttering slightly in the breeze. It is a simple yet elegant dress with lace trimmings at the ends and sleeves, somehow accentuating her youth and innocence. She looks like a vision of sweetness and purity with her brown eyes and hair cascading down her shoulders in soft waves. My protective instincts flare stronger as I look at her. She’s mine and I will do anything to keep her safe.. “I don’t want to go back. Promise you won’t let them take me,” she pleads, her soft blue eyes melting my knees, making me buttery all over. Pressing my head to her forehead, I promise her, “I will fight to take you home just like I did that day at your former pack,” giving her my signature kiss on her forehead. “No one is taking you away from me. No one will ever do so. I promise.” She smiles and enters the car with me behind her. Once we settle in, she rests back into my arms. Where she belongs. I have already instructed Alex and the warriors going with us on what to do in case things get out of hand at the Council. Jessica is to be taken away at all costs and returned to the pack. My men will fight to the death to protect her as their Luna and my mate. Kizziah must not get his hands on her, I vow, tightening my grip around her. The two-hour drive is silent, Jessica’s heartbeat gradually slowing to a steady rhythm. But as we stop at the Council entrance, her heart starts pounding fast in her chest. A shiver passes through her as she steps out of the car and look up at the imposing structure. I squeeze her hand reassuringly as we approach the black walls and towering height that disappear into the clouds. The gates swing open, and she whispers, “It’s scary.” “That’s why I am here,” I chuckle as we pass through and enter. Guards greet me, nodding at Jessica. We go on straight towards the Meeting Hall where two guards are standing. They bow at me and nod at Jessica. They don’t know if she’s my Luna, hence the polite nods. “You will be called upon when they are ready,” one of them explains, leading us to a brightly lit waiting area, a stark contrast to the building’s exterior. The walls are white and the furniture different tones of blue. Jessica sits on a couch facing a window. “It’s soft,” she notes, feeling it with her palms. I take the one opposite her and can’t help but admire how she looks again. Her cheeks turn red when she sees me doing so. I smile at this. I can spend forever just looking at her. I think I like her in white. I love how her brown hair is softly sitting on her shoulders. Her skin glows in the white dress that stops at her knees, showing her perfect calves and slim smooth legs. She’s so perfect and all mine. I try not to think anything sensual with her. It will only be me torturing myself because nothing can happen between us until she clocks eighteen and the Council verifies her as my mate through the use of the mate bond test. Our blood will be mixed in a bowl and if truly we are mates, a deep green colour will form, signifying we are true mates. Then the Council will register us as mates. Then I can take her home, ravish her body and maybe get her pregnant. I can’t wait to see my Flower’s stomach protrude out. She will look beautiful as usual, probably cranky like all pregnant women. I try to imagine her cranky, throwing a fit, shuffling about with her big tummy. She will look cute, no doubt about that. Twins would be perfect for our first set of children. I chuckle, picturing a little me and her or two little versions of her. “What’s funny?” she asks shyly. “You blushing,” I tease. She turns her face away, still blushing. “I love seeing you blush.” She faces me again, slowly losing her shyness and holding my gaze. “You look more beautiful when you do,” I continue, doing more than praising her beauty. Taking this waiting time to calm her, make her lose her fears and anxieties before we face the Council. She gives me a wide smile, her eyes twinkling with joy and happiness. The two emotions I want for her always. “Thank you,” she blinks, smiling sweetly. My heart somersaults and I feel the need to hold her in my arms again and start rising from my sit when the door opens and someone squeals in delight, calling my name. Declan snarls in my head as I turn to see the person.
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