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AMERIE/JESSICA SHE WANTS MY MATE “Nate!” The voice of a woman snaps my gaze away from my mate’s intense one, disrupting our moment. Anger wells inside me at this interruption. I was enjoying his eyes on me, savoring the warm feeling in my heart at his words. My eyes scan his face, seeing the flicker in his eyes as he and his wolf become one, approaching me with an intention I will never find out now because of this woman. She has short blonde hair, flawless skin, and dark eyes. Her body is slim and fit, like a beta or alpha. The white dress clings to her body, stopping at her thighs. “Baby!” Her voice is a loud squeal as she reaches for his face, but he stops her, grabbing both her hands in his. His grip is firm, almost forceful, and his eyes narrow with anger. Baby? Is this one of his flings? “What do you want, Sasha?” he says in a cold tone, his body tense, muscles coiled like a predator ready to strike. “What do you mean what I want?” Her eyes roam his, her smile fading instantly. “You promised to call me last time, but didn’t. When I heard you were here, I had to come, naturally.” My mate winces, drawing in a breath and glancing at me. Apology floods his eyes as our gazes clash. He turns back to her, his jaw clenched. “I never said such a thing to you,” he growls through gritted teeth, his voice filled with barely contained fury. She chuckles loudly, laughing and trying to remove her hands from his grip. “You always say that and I always forgive you because I know how busy you are. Now let me go so you can properly apologize as usual.” My heart thuds loudly in my chest, and unconsciously I release a low whimper. I quickly cover my mouth, turning to the side. “Oh!” She gasps, her eyes smirking at me. “I didn’t know we had an audience. Who is she?” Nathan’s reaction is immediate and fierce. “None of your f*****g business!” he roars, his voice like thunder, shaking me to my core. He releases her hands abruptly, causing her to stumble back. “Flower!” His voice softens as he calls out to me, but the anger in his eyes remains, directed entirely at Sasha. I rush outside, ignoring him and the confused guards at the door. Gone is my anxiety and fear of this place and what could happen. I am more concerned about what just happened. Was she telling the truth? Has my mate been lying to me? Am I truly his mate, and will he make me his Luna? That woman wants him just like Christabel back at the pack. She wants him much the same way I see those girls looking at Saul. Why do they all want my mate? “Flower!” Nathan’s voice calls urgently behind me, his hurried footsteps echoing my own. I burst through the doors, collapsing to the ground as I struggle to breathe, clutching my chest. Tears sting my eyes, and my stomach churns, threatening to bring up my breakfast. With a loud scream, I start to heave, spilling my food on the grass. Strong footsteps reach me before his strong arms hold my shoulders, his body covering me from behind. “Jessica.” Others come around us, and I hear him passing out orders before I feel his hand pulling my hair away from my face and a bottle of water placed at my lips. “Wash your mouth, Flower,” he says softly, helping me. Done with it, he helps me up, picking me up in his arms and walking back to the car. “Flower, please look at me,” he pleads softly, nudging me with his shoulder when we enter. He places me on his lap, clutching me tightly to his chest. My face is buried in his chest, sniffing back my tears. “Do not listen to what she said. Whatever I had with her was in the past.” She is really his fling. “She’s lying. You’re my mate and who I want.” NATHAN How in the hell did Sasha know about my presence here today? And why would she act this way when she saw me openly claim Jessica as mine at Kizziah’s pack? What kind of game is this b***h playing? I never promised her anything. Why would she say those things in front of Jessica? Everything was a lie. Even her body language showed she was pretending. Once again, regret floods me because of my past. First, it was Christabel. Now it’s Sasha. Is this how all the women I have been with are going to come after me? How many will Jessica face? Will these women ever let me be? All because of my name, pack, and reputation. I growl at myself as I hold my crying mate in my arms. She has refused to meet my eyes, burying her face into my chest. Pain curls inside my heart at this. I need her to look at me so she can see the truth in my words. I draw comfort from the fact that she didn’t pull away from me. It’s a big consolation for me and Declan. But not what we want right now. I want to hear her thoughts. I want to know if she believes me. I want her to believe me, to know she has nothing to fear. There’s only one person for me, and that’s her. My mate and Luna. “You’re my mate and Luna now. Everything that happened between me and those women is in the past. It’s never going to happen again. Please. Trust me,” I plead, wishing she had a link with me to feel and hear my emotions. Due to the restrictions placed on me by the Probability Clause, I can’t initiate her into the pack and secure a link with her. Notwithstanding, I want her to feel the truth in my words and voice. “I will never betray you now that I have found you. Please,” my heart screams in fear of what could happen. She could think of a way to leave me, and it will happen. Her powers are linked to her thoughts. I offer a silent prayer to the goddess not to let that happen. I don’t know what I will do if she disappears. She stirs and slowly pulls away, showing me her swollen and red eyes. “Promise?” she croaks. I nod vigorously, kissing her forehead before replying. “I promise never to betray you, no matter the circumstance. Sasha means nothing to me and will never mean anything to me.” I see the thoughts rolling in her eyes as they hold mine. Biting her lips and nodding. “Okay. I believe you.” “Thank you,” I whisper, holding her as she buries her face again into my chest. I place a kiss on her hair, closing my eyes and inhaling her scent. My body calms down, but not totally. We remain like this for a moment. Her heartbeat is falling back to normal, making me sigh in relief. “May I ask for a favor, my Flower?” She moves her head to the side, looking up at me. “Promise never to run away from me again. I would prefer you stay and ask me for the truth,” I hold her gaze, my words sinking into her. “I promise,” she reaches out her hand, touching my chin and running her fingers over the edges. “I will never run away again. I was just shocked to hear all the things she was saying.” “I know and understand. You’re my mate and have the right to question me about anything.” She sighs and returns to her former position. “The elders are ready for us,” Alex links me at that moment. “Flower, we need to go. The elders are ready to see us,” I say, feeling the slight shiver that passes through her again as she rises from my arms. “Hey,” I hold her face. “I am with you. No one will take you away from me,” I promise her again. As we walk out of the car, I link Alex about Sasha’s whereabouts and learn she is still in the building with her father. “The assholes are here too,” Alex links me, and my grip around my mate’s wrist tightens.
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