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FATHER AND SON KIZZIAH I release a loud frustrated growl as I enter my office, and slam the door against the wall. Fuming as I walk to my chair to sit. How did this happen? What just happened? I can’t believe that over ten years of work just got destroyed in less than an hour. This was supposed to be easy. My son and the silver she-wolf should be mating upstairs now, after taking their vows. Saul should be in the process of marking her now and securing the longevity and prosperity of the pack. Then the day will end with eating, drinking and dancing. And making connections of course. And also looking forward to be called a grandfather in few months’ time. Was it a mistake to have invited other alphas to witness my son’s mating ceremony? There was nothing wrong with inviting people like I did. Nothing wrong with inviting the Thunderstorm alpha. I run a palm through my greying hair, clenching my teeth as a wave of regret roll over me. Could it be pride that made me want to flaunt the girl for all to see? Or just doing what any father would do for his son? I refuse to blame myself or allow regret to dampen my spirit. This can still be salvaged. I can still get her back and make my son mate and mark her. The plan can still go on. “Father!” Saul calls out as he enters the room. “What are we going to do?” His voice breaking as the tears roll down his cheeks. I see the pain, fear and obsession in his eyes. Perceive it coming out and mingling with his scent. “We will do everything in our power to get her back, son.” I reassure his son. “I can’t lose her, father. She’s mine!” “I know, son. She has always been yours. I got her for you and I will get her back.” “Damn that alpha! I will kill him if he touches her!” Saul growls. “He won’t touch her. The Clause prevents him from doing so.” According to the Probability Clause, Alpha Nathan will not touch her until she turns eighteen, shifts for the first time and recognizes him as her mate. Typically, all wolves shift on their eighteenth birthday and can sniff out their mates. The law was put into place because of situations like this. Older male wolves, especially alphas, are able to recognize their mates than others. When a male gets mated to a she-wolf who is between the ages of fifteen to seventeen, the alpha has the right to demand that she stays with him until she reaches the age of eighteen. The male wolf is not allowed to mate or mark her while she’s with him. And on the day of her transformation, representatives from the Council have to be present to witness both the transformation and her discovering her mate. Another side of this clause also stipulates that in the event that the said she-wolf doesn’t recognize the male wolf who claims to be her mate as her mate, she must be let go. Unless she decides to remain with the male wolf as his chosen mate. The third part of this Clause stipulates again, that if two or more male wolves are fighting over a female wolf between the ages of fifteen to seventeen, the first male wolf to invoke the Clause has the right to have her in his pack till she gets to the age of transformation. And if she doesn’t recognize him or any of them as her mate, she can choose to be mated to any one of them or released to go back to her family. The situation my son and Alpha Nathan are in right now. One that only us know the truth. Nathan is truly her mate. Saul is not. In any of these circumstances, she was not to be touched. Any wolf who flouted this rule risked losing his title, pack or part of his lands. I never imagined that she would call me a liar when I lied about her age. How did she know she could do that? Did someone tell her what to do? I never allowed her to mingle with anyone. That was why I made sure she was our only maid. Saul always accompanied her to the market or anywhere she went around the pack. When he couldn’t go he had warriors to do so and I am sure he gave them orders to keep her away from anyone. “If he touches her, he stands the risk of losing his title and pack.” I tell my son as I hold his shoulders. “I know you want her. I will get your bride back.” “What do we do?” Saul asks. “Nathan has to go.” That is the only way. He is the only obstacle between us and Jessica. From my calculations, the Thunderstorm Pack is a day’s journey from us. “And how do we make him go away and bring her back?” “We attack them.” I smile proudly at my son when he gives me an understanding nod. “His pack is a day’s journey from us. Unless they decide to drive the whole night, they should have a stopover at any of the hotels or guest houses near us. We can find out which one and get him there.” “Or we can attack them on the road right now. They can’t be far from us.” Saul offers a more brilliant idea than mine and I break into a wide smile. “Perfect.” I mutter as I start to mindlink my warriors. SAUL She was almost mine. Sweet Jessica. I had dreamed of this day since the day my father brought her home over ten years ago. Her brown hair, blue eyes, and soft skin haunted my dreams. Pushed me into watching her sleep at night, curled underneath her blanket and breathing softly. I wanted nothing more than to keep watching her sleep. And wanted her more doing so on my bed, beside me. Her soft skin laying on top of mine. Her warm breath heating up my skin. When father changed her status from being just a maid to my betrothed, my wolf and I, howled loud to the moon in joy. He gave me the full authority to ensure her safety and keep other males away from her. Which I did with all my power, strength and authority within the pack. I ensured I followed her to the market since she’s the only one who did the shopping for us. The days I couldn’t make it, I had one of the warriors follow her with an order to not allow any male or anyone to speak to her. My father had told me all I needed to hear about who she was and why we had to keep her with us. Why I had to make her mine and why we had to wait till she was old enough to mate with me. It took my father’s warnings and sometimes, beatings to stop me from taking her, when she had bloomed into a beautiful flower ripe for the plucking. It was hard to keep my hands off her. Or desiring to taste those plump pink lips. Her blue eyes always seemed to draw me in. I wanted to feel her body against my hard body. Wanting to know how she would feel around me, around my length, or how her hands would feel around me. Gosh, I dreamt so much of this girl to the point that I always imagined she was the one under me when I am slamming into my girlfriends. Imagined she was the one holding my length in her hands or swallowing me up. And other times I just helped myself out with her filling up my mind. Something keeps telling me that she was going to feel and taste better than any of the other girls I have been with. And I couldn’t wait for the day I would claim her as mine. Today was that day if not for Alpha Nathan from the Thunderstorm Pack. When he had acted strange that first day, I should have noticed. He had smelled her on me because I had gone to her room as I always did. And now, he has my bride with him, claiming she is his. And damn the stupid Probability Clause for giving him the upper hand. But there was no way I am letting her go. She’s mine! “Ours!” Sirus, my wolf growls along with me. “Yes, ours.” I echo him as I make my way to my father’s office to discuss how to salvage this problem. Nathan had to go and the first opportunity I get; I am going to mark Jessica as mine. To hell with the mating ceremony. My father has wasted too much time. My length is getting hard and my balls itchy, with thoughts of her flooding my mind. I am going to need to find a release and goddess help the she-wolf I find right now. She’s going to need help walking for the rest of the day. We begin to discuss the issue and come to a conclusion - Nathan is going down and Jessica coming home to me.
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