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NEW HOME AMERIE/JESSICA I can’t believe I am leaving this place and people. My heart fills with joy and happiness at the thought that I will never see Alpha Kizziah and his family again. No more locking my doors, doing the dishes or cooking. No more feeling Saul’s obsessive eyes and touches. Or becoming a baby making machine for him. I never imagined that my prayer would be answered in the most interesting way. My mate found me. And he was no ordinary wolf, but an alpha. Alpha Nathan who already accepted me as his. There was power and authority in how he carried himself and spoke. His green eyes relayed only one message to me – peace. All my life I have never felt such peace until I saw him today. When our eyes clashed in the hall, I felt everything around me disappear, except him. My heart beat stilled for a moment as an invisible cord wrapped round it. His eyes showed me an endless view of a future with him. A future full of the many beautiful things of life. Smiles, laughter, giggles, and much more. I saw children and a loving home and family. “Beautiful?” the man with me breaks into my thoughts. I am standing before my wardrobe and staring into space, lost in my thoughts instead of packing my things. “I am sorry,” I mutter and start to bring out the clothes, but stop when a thought hits me. Why do I have to pack these clothes? They never felt like mine since they were given to me months ago. If I take them along with me, wearing them will be a constant reminder of the alpha and his family. And I don’t want that. Anything that will make me remember my time in this pack and with them, I want it gone from me. “Anything the matter, beautiful?” he asks, walking over to join me in front of my wardrobe. I bit my tongue as I think of how to tell him I don’t want these clothes. “Umm…I don’t want them,” I say in my small voice. He tilts his head aside and gazes down at me. “You don’t want to pack your clothes?” His grey eyes are full of amusement and questions. “Why?” “They…umm…they don’t belong to me.” Really, I don’t own anything other than what the alpha and his family have given me. “Then don’t take them. We can always get you new clothes.” I love that. “Okay.” I smile up at him and follow him out. Outside we meet Saul coming towards us, and out of fear, I grip the man’s hands tight in mine. “I will find you, Jessica. You’re mine.” I hear Saul’s voice in my head through the mindlink, as he passes us. A small smirk on his face. A small whimper escapes my mouth and I move closer to the man. “Don’t worry. You will never see him again.” He comforts me with a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. Eyes that are trained on Saul’s departing back. “Come on.” Outside we find Alpha Kizziah and his Luna looking angry and scowling at me, standing with my mate and the two elders. I am not surprised nor shaken by the amount of hate I see in their eyes. I don’t care anymore. Since I will never see them again. I turn away from them to look at my alpha. My mate. Alpha Nathan. Mustering some courage, I do a quick scan of him. He is taller than alpha Kizziah. Maybe over six feet with a wide chest that leaves me yearning to rest my head on and listen to his heartbeat. I especially love his deep green eyes. When they glowed earlier in the hall, I felt my knee go weak at their beauty. His full lips in a shade of pink spread into a smile as we approach them, making my heart beat more. He creases his perfect brow, narrowing his eyes and losing the smile. “Where are your things?” He asks looking at me then the man beside me. “She doesn’t want them,” the man says nonchalantly, shrugging. “No problem,” he opens the door of the car, motions for me to enter, guides me with a palm over my head as I bend to enter and another on my back. He then slides in after me. The other man and another of his men, both enter and sit at the front. This is my first time of being inside a car. The evil alpha and his family have cars but have never allowed me to ride in one with them. They made me take the pack bus with my escorts or Saul. The seats are soft, comfortable and covered in black leather. The windows are tinted black, the dashboard shiny, with various lights beeping as the engine comes to life. Various buttons are fitted to the doors and there are small display screens at the back of the front seats. I can’t stop staring with an open mouth. Amazed at the beauty of the interior of the car. “You’ve never been inside a car before?” My mate asks me with an amused smile. I drop my head in embarrassment before shaking my head. “All of that is going to change,” he says in a voice full of anger and irritation as he helps me with my seatbelt. He lets out puffs of air. “Let’s get out of here, Alex.” As the car starts to move, I glanced outside to look at the alpha and his luna. They stand straight, with their heads raised high, their eyes viciously following the car as we lose them. Only then do I release the breath I didn’t know I was holding. Finally, I am free from them. “Mind if I call you Jess?” Alpha Nathan asks me tugging at my palm and holding it. I nod, shocked that someone is asking for my permission to give me a nickname. And I have never heard my name sound so pleasant coming from someone’s lips. It sounded fresh and melodious hearing it from his lips. “My name is Alpha Nathan. I am sure you heard it in the hall.” I nod at him again. “But you will call me Nathan or any other name you want to call me,” He chuckles. Then growls before glaring at the man driving. I giggle, making him arch a brow at me. I love his growl. It makes my heart flutter and spreads warmth all over my body. I have never felt this way before. “Something funny, flower?” he asks with a small smile. “I love your growl.” “My wolf says thank you.” “What’s his name?” “Declan.” All the while we’ve been speaking, my eyes are following his lips. Why do I feel like touching his lips? I had scarcely finished thinking the thought when I suddenly find my fingers reaching for them. Midway I stop, raising my eyes up to his to see him looking at me in amusement. “I am sorry,” I mutter quickly pulling my hand back and sure that my face is flushed red, but he grabs my hand and holds it. “Don’t ever apologise for wanting to touch me. You can touch me, flower. I am all yours.” He chuckles without losing the amusement in his eyes. “Go on.” He urges me. But, I seem to have lost my initial boldness and can’t met his eyes again. Instead I touch his palm, feeling it with mine, running my fingers over it, rubbing mine against his. I want to explore more than his palms. They feel hard against mine and for the first time I notice light tingles dancing on my palm. “Do you feel it?” I ask pressing my fingers into his palm. “I feel something…tingles.” “You feel them too?” He asks, beaming, as he runs his fingers over my arm. My eyes follow the movement of his fingers, watching them, wanting them all over my body. “Yes.” “That’s because you are my mate, Jess,” He smiles and pulls me into his chest, wrapping his strong arms around me. “Mine.” I take a lungful of his scent which I am yet to ascertain what it is, but love it and how it calms me. In turn I wrap my arms around his waist, loving the feel of his body near mine. A sense of security, peace and home fills my entire mind. I know I can trust him and I want to do so and tell him everything. But where do I start from? I don’t even know if my name is Jessica. I pull away from him, “I…there’s…I…” I stammer not knowing what to say. “Flower, just relax. When we get home, you can tell me what you want to say. Okay?” He pulls me back into his chest. “You’re safe with me.” We remain like this and soon I fall asleep, dreaming of running together with three silver wolves.
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