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THE ATTACK NATHAN “Jessica loves my growl. Mate loves my name.” Declan hasn’t stopped singing since she said those words to us. To be honest, I never imagined her saying that. Her blue eyes sparkled as she giggled, when Alex and Tyler teased me. Her giggles had Declan purring over and over. Her actions have further solidified her being my mate. The mate bond, though felt strongly only by me, is working on her too. I know what I look like and don’t boast about it. When she reached out to touch my lips, I knew she was feeling the effects of the bond. No woman has ever done that to me or apologized for wanting to touch my lips. Declan whined when she apologized. Why should she do so? She’s the only one allowed to touch me now and forever. I belong to her. Human, wolf, body, mind and soul. I never knew she could feel the tingles since she hasn’t got her wolf. When she mentioned it, my heart did a double somersault and various flips. Wait until you get your wolf, my little flower. Then you will feel the full force of the effects of the mate bond. Peering down at her face as she sleeps in my arms, I can’t help but repent of my foolishness to think I never needed a mate. The thought that she would have been given to another, makes me repent further. I want her no matter what she is bringing or not bringing to my pack and me. She’s been fated to me and I accept her totally. I know there’s something fishy about her relationship with Kizziah’s family. I know she wants to tell me something about that when she tensed in my arms and began to stutter. But I calmed her down and told her to rest because we had a long journey ahead. I need her to rest and feel free with me. I don’t need her to tell me about her now. My little brown flower. I smiled down at her sleeping face. “You can always take a picture, alpha,” Tyler’s teases, breaking into my thoughts. “Alex has clearly rubbed off on you, Ty.” “Weren’t you saying something about not wanting a mate just hours ago?” Alex says from the front. “Like a day ago?” “Okay, okay. I get your point.” I give in, admitting my mistake. “And I have already repented of it.” “You’re not getting off so easily, dude.” Alex continues with a loud laugh, joined by Tyler. I know this is not going to be the end of this. “Why didn’t she take her things?” I ask, changing the topic. “Don’t know. She was standing in front of her wardrobe about to pack and suddenly changed her mind.” “Strange,” I frown at this. “Nothing happened while you followed her to her room?” “Nope.” Alex replied. “But her husband…” My growl stops him. “…I mean that dude, the one she was about to marry.” He continues. “We met him on the way back and I swear he said something to her because I could smell the fear coming from her.” “I wish we can turn back…” my words hang in mid-air as the car in front of us is suddenly smashed into by two werewolves. The car veers off the road, wobbling as the driver tries to control it before it crashes into a nearby tree. Alex guides our car swiftly away from the road as the car behind us is also hit by another set of wolves. Jessica stirs in my arms at that moment raising my heart beat high as thought of keeping her safe floods my mind. “It’s an attack!” Tyler says as we see wolves start to pour out from the forest around us. “Stay here with her, Nathan.” Alex says, his wolf, Volk, on the surface. Both he and Tyler jump out, shifting as they do so, joining the other members of my pack to fight the wolves. This is a full on battle and I feel uncomfortable sitting and not joining in the fight. I am the alpha and those are my men. But, I can’t leave my mate alone in the car. Two wolves charge towards me, smashing into the windows. I s***h the face of the one on my right with my claws, as it thrusts its head into the car, pushing Jessica down to the floor of the car just as her eyes open. I grab the head of the other one with one of my hands sinking my claws into its neck. My mate startsto scream as blood sprays on her. “It’s okay, flower. Look at me. I am here,” I comfort her, pulling her up from the floor. Two more wolves attack the car again. s**t! I am a sitting duck on this car. I can’t fully protect myself or my mate if we both remain here. I kick the door out, hard, to hit the two wolves, which send them tumbling to the ground. After alighting from the car, I turn to Jessica and bring her out. She is clinging to me and shaking at the same time. Declan and I can feel her fear, making us angry and scared at the same time. We can’t lose her. “Tyler!” I call out over the link, telling him to come over with a warrior to come stay with Jessica so I can join the fight. “Nate…” Alex starts but I stop him. “I am the alpha and it’s the job of the Gamma and Beta to watch the Luna.” “Stay with her, we will join you. Both of you need to be protected.” Alex stubbornly refuses. From nowhere, a brown wolf jumps on me, knocking me down to my feet and instantly I shift into Declan who releases a loud roar as he tackles the brown wolf. By the time I disentangle myself from it, I realise I am far from Jessica and my men. Immediately I link Trey and Alex to let them know. I smell the alpha blood on this wolf but he’s not in the same league as me. His wolf is not as big or strong as Declan. The wolf tries to reach for my hind-leg, but I push it away as I sink both my claws into its sides, eliciting a painful howl from him. He collapses and just as I am about to finish the damn wolf off, he releases a louder howl, calling for backup and within seconds, wolves start pouring out from every side and on the verge of attacking me. Declan growls, huffing and snarling as we prepare ourselves to defend and attack. Their numbers don’t scare us. We will take them all down, but suffer some injuries. And we can also call for backup. “Where are you?” Alex’s wolf, Volk calls out to me in the mindlink. I can hear his heavy breaths. “Somewhere not too far from you. I have a lot of company.” “We are on our way.” “Who’s with my mate?” She has become the most important thing to me right now. “Ty and three warriors are with her. I can see you.” He says as he roars, running with the warriors to join me and we all start to attack the wolves. Two wolves head for me, leaping in the air and almost land on me, but I swerve to my right, stand on my hind-legs and grab the neck of the wolf facing me with my paws. I sink my teeth into its neck, bite down and tear out flesh, tasting his blood in my mouth. Turning to the other who is getting ready to attack me from behind, I side-step as claws swipe at my face. As it lands on the ground, I jump on its back and sink my claws into its neck from the back. More wolves jump on me the moment I am done and the fight ensues with me and my men fighting and not stopping. Declan’s fur is soon coated with blood, flesh and fur. Hating the feel on me, I shift back to my human form, and continue to fight them. “They just keep pouring in.” Volk groans in the link. “Whose territory is this?” I ask as I kick away a wolf. “Just some minutes away from Kizziah’s territory.” “Then, it has to be him. Is he…” I pause as I suddenly realise what is going on. He wants her back. Someone calls my name and I turn to see Jessica screaming with her eyes wide and looking behind me in panic and fear. I turn to see the same brown wolf, who must have recovered and now high in the air, claws extended towards me, almost reaching my neck and a murderous look in his eyes. Somehow I know there’s no way I can avoid this and instead brace myself for the impact and continue fighting. But just before the claws reach my neck an invisible force suddenly stops the wolf from reaching me, hanging it in the air before flinging it far away into the forest. All the other wolves surrounding me also meet the same fate as the same force starts flinging them into the forest, away from me. The same happens to my men as wolves are hauled away from them into the air before being flung into the forest around us. My men and I look at one another, wondering what was this or who was doing this. Looking behind I see something that totally blows my mind away. My beautiful brown flower has her hands in the air and both her palms are pulsing with white light, flinging wolves away from us. A faint purple glow surrounds her as she does this. Not only that. Her blue eyes are glowing brightly. Done with the last wolf, she drops her hands, breathing heavily and starts to stagger towards me. Her eyes start to close and just before she passes out and collapse to the ground, I reach her and hoist her into my arms. “Flower!”
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