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TAKING MY MATE HOME NATHAN Relief floods me at the words of the elder and I hug my mate tighter in my arms. Dropping a kiss on her soft brown hair, thanking the Goddess for granting my wish. “Thank you, elders,” I say to the men who each give me a nod. “Visiting Alphas can you all excuse us while we settle this between the involved parties,” one of the elders, says to the hall. We wait for them to leave and the man turns to me. “I am Alpha De Santos of the Myrtle Pack,” he introduces himself. “And this Alpha Matt from the Moonwater Pack.” He introduces his fellow elder. “My pleasure to make your acquaintances.” “We hope you remember the most important part of this Clause, Alpha Nathan?” Alpha Matt asks, looking from me to my mate. “She must not be tampered with until her birthday.” “I know.” “We will wait till the both of you leave here,” De Santos, says before turning to Kizziah. “Alpha Kizziah, tell your men to stand down.” “Stand down? His men have injured my men!” Kizziah’s Luna spits out, throwing me a hard glare. “No!” Saul barks. “She’s mine.” “I will break his bones if he calls her his again.” Declan growls in my head. “No one is taking her away from us,” I calm him down. “How can you say that?” Kizziah saunters to where the two men are, glaring openly at them. “It’s the law…” De Santos is cut short. “What bloody law? He can’t…you can’t just give her to him.” Kizziah rages on. “We are not! That is the law concerning disputes over a mate issue like this. Now tell your men to back down or face sanctions from the Council.” De Santos spits out in anger. “Sanctions? He’s the one that should be sanctioned. His pack and wealth should be confiscated…” “He stole my mate! Father?” Saul continues to bark. “Enough!” De Santos growls. “This is the last time, Alpha. Say one more word about this being unfair and see what happens next.” He eyes Saul. “Clearly members of your family have a problem with obeying authority. As do you.” “Just let this go,” Matt says. “He is an alpha of high repute who wouldn’t dare put his name and pack in danger.” The Luna snorts. Kizziah nods his head in defeat and gestures for his men to leave, but I can see his eyes trained on my mate. His eyes go blank for some seconds and I know he’s sending her a link. And from how she suddenly shivers, I know it’s nothing nice. Maybe I should challenge him for his pack to end this whole thing. That way my mate won’t have anything to be afraid of. “Alpha Nathan, how do you want to proceed?” Matt asks me. I nod at him with a grateful smile before pulling my mate away from my chest. “Flower, I want you to go pack your things before we leave,” I peer into her blue orbs, noticing the gold flecks. “Can you do that?” She nods as she pulls away and starts walking with her head bent, down the altar. No Luna of mine will walk with her head bent. That is going to change as soon as we reach home. I feel her absence immediately and frown when she stops. Her lips are wedged between her teeth as she looks at me in fear. “Mate can’t go alone. She’s afraid.” Declan says in the link. Shit! I mutter inside. That’s true. Anything could happen to her. Kizziah could have her kidnapped. “Thanks, buddy,” I thank Declan before sending a link to Alex. “Follow her.” “Thought you wouldn’t say that,” he chuckles as he starts towards her. “After you beautiful,” he says to her with a wide smile. “Don’t call her beautiful or smile at her like that,” I growl at him. “Take it easy, Alpha,” he chuckles as both of them walk away. “Alpha Nathan?” Alpha Matt calls my attention back. I turn back to them. “I appreciate your efforts in handling this situation smoothly and will do as the clause stipulates. My mate will be well taken care of like she should be. And will remain untouched until she reaches eighteen when we will mate and mark each other. “No!” Saul growls. “Keep your son in check, Kizziah! Or we will,” Matt warns angrily. “This is the last time.” Kizziah pulls his struggling son to his side. “Keep it together, son.” He holds his head in his arms and from the silence between them, I know he is mindlinking him. “My son will not be a problem anymore.” “Good.” “Alpha Nathan, this has to be reported to the Council and filed for records purposes. You can send one of your men or come yourself to do the necessary documentation.” “I will come with my Gamma to do that,” I turn to look at Ty who is already nodding at me. “Alpha Kizziah, we need to know the girl’s birthday and also her birth parents.” The elder goes on. The one information I have been itching to know. “Like I said, her parents are dead and gave her to my son as a bride. I don’t know her exact birth day.” I know he is lying. “Can we have the names of her parents? For filing?” one of the elders asks him. “I will check our files…” Cuttting him off. “Were they from this pack?” He hesitates a tad bit before answering. “Yes, they were.” “And they don’t have relatives?” “They joined my pack from another pack.” “What’s the name of the pack?” He turns to the elders, “Why is he questioning me?” he asks in irritation, ignoring my question. “Because I want to know about my mate’s family!” I lash out. “That’s the normal thing to do unless you have something you’re hiding about my mate.” “He’s right, Alpha Kizziah. You seem reluctant to tell us about her which shows that you are hiding something.” Elder Matt says. “The Council has a list of all the wolves in all the region. Tell us so that we can trace her lineage.” “Like I said they came from another pack. They were hiding from someone and came to me for help. I couldn’t turn them away with a baby in hand.” “Did they tell you why they were in trouble?” “No.” “And you didn’t inform the Council?” De Santos queries him with a slight frown on his face. “I..I…they asked me not to say anything.” “Where are they buried?” “They died in a rogue attack, so we burned the bodies.” Kizziah answers, but looks at me. “You are going to be sanctioned for this immediately. You will also give us access to all the files about your members.” Matt fumes just like his counterpart. “Why? I didn’t open a file on them.” We all stare at him in shock. “First thing on Monday morning, report to the Council!” De Santos says. “Alpha Nathan, we will wait outside with you for your mate to join us.” “Sure,” I say waiting for them to leave before turning to Kizziah and his family. “You will not threaten my mate, ever again.” I warn him. “She’s not your mate! She’s mine!” “Call her your mate again, I dare you!” I growl at the foolish pup whose wolf is growling at me with raised hackles. “Nathan, this is not over,” Kizziah says. “I don’t care what the Council says or any foolish law stipulates. That girl is not yours.” “Are you threatening me?” Standing between father and son, I allow Declan to surge forward fully. “Or my mate?” Declan’s voice melds with mine. “We shall see.” With that said, he files out with his family. “Fucker! We should f**k them all up. Snap their ugly heads in two and raze the entire pack,” Declan fumes as we watch them leavce. “Something tells me we will have the opportunity one day.” “Looking forward to that day.”
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