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NATHAN “Flower!” My heart is beating madly as I hold my mate in my hands. I shake her gently, looking down at her. “Wake up, flower!” Tyler and Alex, now shifted, rush to me. Tyler reaches for her hand and I growl at him. Declan actually. “Relax, Dec, I am only feeling for her pulse.” Tyler reassures me as he checks her pulse. My eyes meet his. “It’s normal.” “We should get her to a hospital,” Says Alex. “No, she just needs to rest for a while,” Tyler counters him. “What she did must have drained her energy.” “How do you know this? She could be in much danger.” I can’t afford to take chances with her. I just met her. “Are you sure, Ty?” “Trust me, Nate, she will be fine.” Tyler was trained as a medical doctor to work at the pack’s hospital, before I offered him the Gamma role. So, I can trust his judgement. “The cars are badly damaged. We will need to call for backup….” Alex starts. “That will take long. We can call Alpha Brian from the Wolf Claw Pack. His pack is closer.” Tyler suggests. “I am not taking any chances. We can’t trust anyone right now. Kizziah could be allies with anyone.” Going to Brian for help could be a trap planned by Kizziah. Even if the damned alpha didn’t plan that, when we go to Brian for help, he could inform Kizziah. “What do we do, Nate?” Alex asks, rising to his full length. “Have some warriors look for the nearest place for us to stay. Also send for backup. Tell them to bring three cars. The warriors should come first in their wolves.” I dispatch instructions. “Yes, alpha.” Alex replies, leaving to effect it. “Here,” Tyler offers me a short. I look about me for somewhere soft to lay Jessica on. Behind me is a wide patch of grasses that felt soft to my touch. Gently I lay her on it, not taking my eyes away from her as I take the shorts from Tyler. He chuckles, coming near me, both of us looking down at my mate. “Another way to tease you with.” I growl at him, elbowing him. “Wait till you find your mate.” “I can’t wait for her,” He turns to me. “Do you know she held me back the same way she did with them?” “She did?” He nods, “I am glad she didn’t fling me away.” My mate is an interesting one. Done with my shorts, I hover around her not knowing if I should lay beside or kneel beside her. I just want her to open her eyes and look at me. Dear Goddess make her open her eyes, please. I want to hear her voice. “Quit worrying, Nate. She’s going to be fine.” Tyler chides me, chuckling. “What if she doesn’t wake up?” I am so scared. “She will.” He pats my shoulder. “You need to talk to your men. Your fear and anxiety has them worried.” He steers me to face my men. I have forgotten that as an alpha my emotions affect my pack members. Looking at them, I find none with any major injury, nor do I feel any pack link severing. Thank the Goddess. “I am glad you’re all safe. Beta Alex has sent for backup and some warriors have gone to search for a place for us all to stay till backup gets here. In the meantime, some of you should head to the cars to get our things. The rest of us will stay guard here with me watching over my mate.” I reel out to them. “Yes, alpha,” They reply and some of them start to walk to the cars while the rest form a protective circle around me and Jessica. “Well said, alpha.” Tyler nods at me. I sigh again as I see the face of my sleeping mate. Alex comes back some minutes later, fully clothed, holding in his hands clothes. Behind him are others holding the same in their hands. They start to pass it out. “There’s a hotel, not too far from here. It’s busy and there could be eyes watching out for us.” Alex says as he gives me a sweatpants. “There’s also a small guest house, hidden in the woods next to Brian’s pack. It’s more like a bread and breakfast with no tenants for now. Just the owners. An aged couple. I already spoke to them. They can keep a secret. We can stay there till backup arrives.” “We will take that.” I bend down and pick Jessica in my arms. “Let’s go.” AMERIE/JESSICA I feel totally drained of all the energy in my body. As my eyes slowly open and I stretch, I see that I am in a different place. A room actually, with light blue curtains and white walls. Stretching further and rolling to my side, I almost hit the floor when strong arms catch me. “Flower!” the firm yet scared voice of my mate hits me and I open my eyes wide in surprise. “Do you like falling or what?” His brows furrow in anger and fear. He hoists me in his arms and lays me back on the bed. “How do you feel?” his green eyes filled with concern look into mine. I frown at him wondering why he’s afraid. “What happened? Are we home?” “You don’t remember?” I shake my head as I stifle a yawn. “You passed out.” “I…” my frown disappears as I try to recollect how that happened. “We were attacked on our way home and you saved us.” My eyes widen out as I remember. I was asleep in his arms when I heard the sounds and saw the wolves attacking him in the car. He left me with some of his men so he could join the fight. I had run after him when the brown wolf had attacked him, ignoring his men who held me back. I don’t know why I ran after Nathan or how I managed to stop his men from reaching me as I ran to my mate. When I saw the fighting going on in the forest, I don’t know where the power or strength came from to stop and fling the wolves away. Especially, when I saw that same brown wolf leaping for my mate’s neck. My palms suddenly began to get hot and the next thing I know is that I am screaming at Nathan to be careful and white light bursts out of my palms, stopping the wolf from reaching him before flinging it into the forest. I looked down at my hands. Both looked ordinary. The same hands that have been doing laundry and cooking at Kizziah’s house. “I don’t know where the light came from.” “You’ve never done that before?” “No.” I reply him shaking my head and still looking at my palms. Someone knocks on the door. “Come in, guys.” My mate says and the door opens to reveal his men. One of them is holding a tray of food. “Luna!” One of them says. He’s one of those I used my new found powers to hold back. “I am sorry.” I mumble an apology. “None needed, Luna. You saved us all.” He answers me with a wide smile. “Time to eat.” He says pointing to the food. “Come on.” My mate helps me off the bed to a small table with a two chairs round it. “This is Tyler, my Gamma.” He points to the one with the tray. “And Alex, my Beta.” Pointing to the other one with grey eyes and dark brown hair. “You can call me anything you want…” Tyler chuckles. “Me too,” Alex adds, chuckling as well. “She will call you by your names only.” My mate says through gritted teeth, eyeing them and eliciting more chuckles from his men. “Come on, alpha.” Alex teases him further. “Flower, do not listen to them. Eat…you know what, let me feed you.” He lifts me off my seat and places me on his laps. “Comfy?” He asks, peering down at my flushed face. “Ignore them. Their wolves are more sensible than them. And they haven’t found their mates yet.” “Yes.” I whisper, loving the closeness and care. No one has ever cared for me like this. He picks the spoon and starts to heap food on it to feed me. I hope this is not a dream I will wake up from and find myself back with Saul and his parents. “Ty, is your phone with you?” Alex asks Tyler, obviously not relenting on teasing my mate. “Yeah, it’s somewhere here in my pocket.” Ty replies, as he reaches for his phone. “Bring that phone out and enjoy non-stop patrols for the next one month.” Nathan snaps. “Sorry, Al. Alpha’s orders.” Tyler and Alex laugh, holding their sides. “They’re nice.” I couldn’t help but say it seeing how easily they related with each other. “You see! Luna thinks we are nice. Thanks, Luna.” Alex beams, coming to settle on the empty chair in front of us. “Come on, guys. She needs to eat.” Nathan warns them. “It’s okay. I never had anyone make me laugh like this.” I whisper, pleading with him as I hOld his eyes with mine. It’s the truth. No one has ever made me laugh like this all my life. At Kizziah’s place, no one speaks to me unless it’s necessary. Apart from him and his family no one ever did.
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