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NATHAN ANOTHER VISIT FROM THE ELDERS. I refuse to leave Jessica’s room after the doctors have checked on her. My eyes are glued to her face, etched with worry. Her pulse feels weak but steady under my thumb resting on the inside of her wrist. Her chest rises and falls in a slow, rhythmic pattern, a movement my eyes have been monitoring since the doctors left. Her breathing is shallow but even, each exhale a delicate whisper against the quiet room. She has to be okay, I tell myself. I need her to be okay. She saved me once again. And healed Cara's wolf. I know she’s just resting after using her powers too much, but I can’t help but worry. I bend and place a soft kiss on her forehead. Her smooth skin is warm against my lips, and she stirs a bit, sighing deeply with something akin to a faint smile on her lips. When I caress her cheek, she leans into my palm, her skin soft and cool to the touch. Something so simple, yet so sweet, warms my heart more than anything else. How did this little girl steal my heart with just one look in her eyes? “Mate feels us,” Declan whispers softly in my head, his happiness mixing with mine. We remain, basking in the beauty of our mate, hoping she will open her eyes soon. I long to see those beautiful blue orbs, sparkling with life and wonder. I feel my link throbbing, and Alex’s voice flows in. “What is it, Alex?” “The elders demand an audience with you, Nate,” he links me. “What do they want?” “They want to know what happened. Rumors are flying around about Jessica too,” he says with heaviness. My eyes grow hard as steel as his words reverberate inside my mind. Who has the guts to be spreading rumors about my mate? “What rumors?” A slight pause ensues from his end, and I know I won’t like what he says next. “Alex, I swear if you don’t tell me what the rumors are, I am going to not only remove you as my beta but also demote you,” I warn him. “It’s nothing I can’t handle. Just some fool saying nonsense because of what they saw,” he replies. “Who saw her?” “Christabel,” he sighs after replying. "She's saying your mate is a witch." “Arrest her and take her to a cell!” I order instantly. She was already on my list of people to deal with, so this much makes her a perfect candidate for some extreme punishment. She saw Jessica saving us and thinks that qualifies her to call my mate a witch. And to spread it around the pack. “Round up everyone who she has told and are spreading the same rumors,” I add. “Nate, that can wait till Jessica is awake. I think you should first speak with the elders…” “And let the rumor continue to spread?” “I will arrest Christabel, but not the others. Please, listen. We have a lot to do for now. The entire pack is in a bad condition. We need all the hands we can get. Arresting people isn’t the right thing to do now.” Declan agrees with Alex. For once, my wolf isn’t out to seek revenge concerning our mate. “I want mate to wake up first,” he says inside my head. “Fine,” I agree with the two of them. “Leave Christabel. We will deal with them all later.” “Should I tell the elders to wait in your office? Or whatever is left of it?” he chuckles. “Send them to her room.” I still don’t want to leave her room. They can come here to see their Luna. “Think it’s a good idea?” I can imagine the look on his face. “I think it’s time I introduce them to their Luna. Don’t you think?” I say finally before cutting off the link. They can come to me here if they are so determined to know what is happening. I know I should be outside with my men overseeing the damage done by those feral wolves, but I can’t leave Jessica alone. My best warriors are stationed outside, yet I can’t let her be alone. We don’t have a clue as to why they attacked us, but my fingers are pointing towards none other than that prick Kizziah and his son, Saul. They attacked us once and got defeated, all thanks to my sweet and precious mate. What stops them from doing so now? If my assumptions are right, then both father and son just made the greatest mistakes of their lives. They attacked me once, and I didn’t retaliate because, at that time, all I wanted was to take Jessica home and keep her safe. “But this won’t go unpunished if I discover it’s the two of them,” I say to her sleeping face. “They will regret ever wanting to take you away from me, flower.” I kiss her knuckles, relishing in the sparks of the mate bond. “I promise, my flower. We are doing life together till we breathe our last on this earth.” I will burn them and their pack to the ground if it’s the last thing I do on this earth. The delicate hum of the mate bond throbs in my heart, singing wildly of my deep love for this delicate flower on the bed. Various scents flitter in from the door just before someone knocks. My body tenses as I rise from Jessica’s bedside, standing on my feet to face the door. “Come in,” I order.
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