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NATHAN My eyes roam over the surprised faces of the elders as they file in. Each of them glances from Jessica’s sleeping form to my face as they gather in the room. Elder Savrin clears his throat, ever the leader of the old crones. “Alpha Nathan, we would like an audience with you.” “Clearly, that’s why you’re all here,” I say, throwing him a soft glare. I catch his eyes darting to Nicole. He licks his lips, clearing his throat again. “We expected you to be outside with the men overseeing things.” “That’s why I have a Beta and Gamma. And you,” I smirk. “The people are asking for their alpha and want to know what happened. As it should be when we have an attack like this,” Savrin forges on. “The pack is in total chaos. We are trying to pick up after the attack, and you’re here in a hospital room, sitting beside a female we don’t know,” a flicker of fear passes over his face as he looks down at Jessica’s face. “Who is she?” “My mate and your Luna,” I answer instantly in a steely voice, giving each of them a mean glare, daring them to say something wrong. Their murmurs do nothing but anger me. Especially Savrin, who seems to be calculating in his head. “I believe congratulations are in order, Alpha Nathan,” Elder Golen says with a fake smile plastered on his face. “Don’t you all think so?” he turns to his fellow elders, nudging them with his head. Soon a chorus of congratulations fills the room, including Savrin’s reluctant own. Their greetings do nothing to calm my rage; I just want them all to leave so I can continue watching over my flower. “As much as we are happy to hear you have found your mate, the pack needs you at such a crucial period,” Savrin grumbles, not letting go of the issue. “And need I remind you that my men are taking care of everything. They report to me regularly,” I throw back at them. “Do you know who sent the ferals into our pack?” one of them asks. “We don’t know yet,” I reply, my patience running thin with their presence and questions. “Do you have any idea who this could be?” “No,” there is no way in hell I am going to announce to this horde my suspicions or Jessica’s story. “None of them was captured?” Savrin asks. “No. Gentlemen, I have to cut this visit short because I need to tend to my mate,” Declan has been boiling inside, wanting to snap one of their necks. “We apologize for taking your time, Alpha. We will leave you to your mate, but hope to meet the Luna soon,” Savrin says before they all bow and file out. I let out a huge sigh, releasing the tension in my muscles by flexing my arms and rolling my shoulders. Those men know how to rile me up, and I can’t wait to disband them. Mom links me to check on Jessica. Cara too. Both are caught up helping out in the pack. Mom is still Luna, carrying out her role at such a critical time. She is the mother of the pack and needs to be available to oversee the welfare of the pack after the attack. Cara is helping with identifying and preparing bodies of slain members for proper burial. No pack likes to lose its members to ferals. Those mangy things fight with only one thing in mind – destroy their opponents in a fight to the death. Guilt gnaws at my insides for abandoning my pack like this, but I toss it aside. My mate is as important as my pack. She needs my face to be the first thing she sees when she wakes up. A knock sounds on the door again, and this time the scents of omegas swirl in. “Come in,” I say, watching as they all file in with trays of food for Jessica when she wakes up. I ordered them earlier before Alex linked me. I want her to eat and regain her strength when she wakes up. I don’t know what she likes, so I asked them to bring as much variety as possible. Thankfully, the kitchen wasn’t destroyed, which is a saving grace for us. At least the pack will have food to eat after working tirelessly. “Thank you,” I tell them, nodding at their bowed heads before they file out. My eyes fall on Jessica’s face. I wish I could will her to wake up. Maybe I should wake her up. “Don’t,” Declan warns me. “She needs to rest.” “I know,” I sigh in frustration. “I just want to see her eyes and hear her voice,” I whine as I resume my position near her bed and drop my head onto the foam. Moments pass with me in that position. Alex and the rest give me feedback about the condition of the pack. Through the mindlink, I give orders, doing my duty as the alpha. Lost in my work, I stop in the middle of a discussion when I feel soft fingers touching my hair. My head snaps up to see my mate’s blue eyes smiling back at me. “Flower!” I shout in joy, jumping out of my seat
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