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SILVERCREST WOLVES DINNER AND A CHOOSING GONE WRONG “Yesterday’s own was massive,” Rakiel said as they laid on the bed. Malachai grunted, frowning. He felt it too. The magnitude shook them all to their teeth. “She’s powerful like Midriel,” Rakiel whispered, hugging his massive chest. “It has to be because of my blood.” “Yes. We always knew our kids would be stronger than us,” he smiled affectionately at his mate. Rakiel being a werewolf-witch hybrid made their children special and stronger than the two of them. “But, she’s still alone and we don’t know why she’s using her powers this much. It must be draining her. What if she’s alone and someone takes advantage of her?” Rakiel turns to him with a worried look. “Someone could…” “Shush, my love,” he clasped her shoulders. “No one is going to do that. If she’s strong enough to use such power, I doubt if anyone will come close to her,” calming her down. “Relax.” But being a mother whose child has been missing for almost two decades, Rakiel, shook her head. “I know,” she sighed, still worried and resting back on her mate. “How do you think she will look like?” “Beautiful like her mother,” Malachai kissed her cheek. “My beautiful girls.” Rakiel sighed. “I just pray she’s safe.” “She will be,” he whispered while inside he was fuming, vexed to be in this situation. What would people think of him if they know he is boxed into a corner by whoever was in the shadows, pulling the hit on his members. The mighty Alpha Malachai of the Silvercrest Pack, leader of the Silvercrest Wolves, the most feared pack in the werewolf world, forced to sit still while his child calls out to him for help. He termed her using her powers as a beacon, calling to them for help. And that was what it was. Her powers were a beacon, telling them where she was. Yet, he couldn’t make a move, none of them could because someone was watching and moving every time he moved to search for Amerie. They had searched for the culprit but, whoever it was, always disappeared, untraceable, scentless. Not even the witches could help. Only someone with knowledge of ancient magic could do such and no one knew such person. Even Rakiel’s powers failed to trace the culprit. Their members were never killed, just harmed in such a way that left them incapable of doing anything for days. “When are you leaving tonight?” Rakiel asked. “Before patrols starts. We ensure everyone sees me enter the office alone, the guards stand at the door, not letting anyone in. Midriel will be in the office, moving about to show I am busy. At the sign of any disturbance, I will teleport back immediately.” “I pray this works. I want to see my baby,” Rakiel sighed against his chest. “It will.” When the maids linked them dinner was ready, the two made their way down. Midriel met them along the way. “All set?” Malachai asked. “Yes, Sir,” his lips curved up in a smile, teasing his father. At the dining hall, all three are surprised to see only Rissi, Maya and Fidelia. All rose to their feet, baring their necks in greeting. “Where’s Gary and Finch?” Malachai asked as he helped his mate sit. He purposely made Rakiel sit on his own seat because Rissi was sitting close to it. Rissi’s eyes followed his movements, a loose scowl on her face. “They will be here soon, I believe,” grinding her teeth in annoyance. “Alpha Midriel,” Fidelia smiles warmly at him. “How was training today?” “Fine, thank you, Fidelia,” Midriel answered politely, starting to serve himself. They all settle to eat silently until Rissi speaks. “Rakiel…” “Luna Rakiel,” Malachai snarls, glaring at her. The table falls silent. “Call her with her title as everyone in the pack does,” Malachai orders her. This was decided a long time ago when it was discovered that Rissi was never going to let go of her obsession and infatuation for him. Better to put such boundaries in place than take chances. “I am sorry, alpha. But she’s my sister,” Rissi protested subtly. “And your Luna.” “Honey,” Rakiel touched her mate’s hand. “Let this pass for now,” she linked him before turning to her sister. “What were you going to say, Rissi?” “Thank you, Luna Rakiel,” Rissi began with a fake smile she always spotted when talking to her sister in Malachai’s presence. “I wanted to ask about your plans for the Pack’s run and when are we going to have it?” Malachai growled inside the link, forcing himself to not look at his sister-in-law’s face for fear his wolf could do something to her. “The plans are still the same. We all run together with our alpha and I leading us, then we come back and sit round the bonfire, eating and drinking,” keeping her eyes fixed to her sister’s pretentious ones. She wondered when Rissi was going to give up hoping to get Malachai to be hers. After two decades, she still was pining for him, not slowing down even with the births of Midriel and Amerie. Even when she found her mate. Rissi still wouldn’t give up. “And when will this be?” Rakiel shared a glance with her mate. “That will be announced to the pack.” “We need to do so fast because the full moon is fast approaching,” Rissi sounded honest. “I know. Thank you, sister,” the word ‘sister’ felt like poison on her tongue. “Also…” Rissi began again, earning her a low growl from Malachai. “What are you two doing about finding a mate for my handsome nephew?” she moved her fork between them. “He’s way past meeting his mate. We should find him a mate.” Midriel scowled at her, his blue eyes flashing dangerously. “Thank you Aunt, but I am fine with waiting for my mate.” Rissi ignored his scowl, smiling it away. “Pity. Why wait when you there’s someone who is willing to be your chosen,” she said, gazing towards Fidelia. Fidelia blushed heavily when Midriel looked her way. “I am sure Fidelia’s mate will greatly appreciate it if she waits for him. She’s almost eighteen and will meet him soon,” Midriel glares at his Aunt and Fidelia. “What if she doesn’t want to wait and decides she wants to be yours,” Rissi deadpans throwing the entire place into silence. Rakiel stared at her sister, shaking her head in wonder. “How can you say such a thing, Rissi? Fidelia has a right to wait for her mate and not be forced to mate with anyone,” she turned to Fidelia’s mother who had remained silent all through. “Are you in support of this?” she narrowed her eyes at her. Maya cleared her throat before speaking. “Why wait for a mate that could reject you? Fidelia can decide who she wants. Not all of us will be given good mates.” “That still doesn’t mean she has to be forced,” Rakiel went on. Her anger slowly rising. “Her mate can end up loving her.” “Or hating and rejecting her,” Rissi answered. “Why would he do so? She’s a good girl and beautiful,” Rakiel scanned Fidelia’s features quickly. She looked beautiful in her own way. “One Midriel can take as a mate,” Rissi arched a brow. “I will not take Fidelia as my chosen mate and that is final,” Midriel growls looking at the three women. “I will wait for my mate. Thank you for the thought, aunt.”
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