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KIZZIAH ALLIES “Imbeciles!” I roar, smashing the table before me. The rogues cowered away from me, whimpering like bloody pups. “How hard is it to capture her with all the powers at your disposal? I gave you witches to work with and with all your numbers, you come back to me empty handed.” “She was powerful,” their leader says in a gruff voice. Powerful. I hate and like that word at the same time. Using it in a sentence with her name makes me both scared and excited. Her powers were meant to be used for the good of my pack. Not that pompous alpha’s. She was meant to bring goodluck to us. Give my son pups that will carry her power. Powers that would make our pack grow both physically and supernaturally. With her powers our land would be fertile with crops growing all year round. There would be no sick among us because she would heal them. We could harness these powers to make allies by making her use them to help other packs, in return for something. I had planned it for years. It was by a stroke of luck that I found that woman about to do a very wicked thing to a child. A quick bargain was made and Jessica became my property. Bought for Saul. But here I stand in my office with these bloody and useless rogues and no Jessica before me. That’s not even her real name. I never bothered to ask. I was more interested in what she possessed. My eyes glinted like a man that just struck gold or seen his mate for the first time. My mind was spiraling with all the good she would bring to my pack. Good that was almost mine. Ours. Till I made the mistake of inviting Nathan Hunt. A moment of pride that has come to bite me in the butt. But, there is still time. He can’t claim her yet until she turns eighteen which is in a month’s time. I still have plans to make. First, I need to dispose of these rogue wolves. Nothing must be traced to me. Then I need to make a call to the lady to discuss what next to do. She has already made plans on her own end, but I still need to know what she plans on doing next. “You may all leave,” I growl at them. “What about what you promised us?” their leader asks. My eyes meet his yellowed ones, disgust flowing through me at having such junk come into my office and in my presence. But tough times require tough measures. “You will be compensated for everything and receive all you were promised,” as if the moon will shine during the day. “My Beta will attend to you outside.” They nod at me and file out. “Ensure none of them leaves the pack alive,” I link my Beta. Warriors have already been put in place to ensure this happens. “Yes, Alpha Kizziah,” my Beta replies and I shut the link. I groan, rubbing my temples and sit down. The stress of this situation is eating up my mind. Each waking minute flooded with how I am to get that girl back. Who would have thought she would find her mate, and that he would claim her or that it would be a powerful Alpha like Nathan Hunt? My groan turns into a hiss at the thought of how she is going to make both him and his pack more prosperous. They already have everything a pack would wish for, but having someone like her as a mate, will make him and his members stronger. Other packs will fear them. Even the Council. “f**k!” balling my fists, angry, jealous and regretting again, my foolish idea of inviting him. If he hadn’t come, Jessica would be in Saul’s room, making babies with him right now. Saul was looking forward to it. I had to use my alpha command on him many times to stop him from mating Jessica. The lady warned me not to let any male mate her because of her powers. Whoever mated her would share in her powers and she had to be eighteen and with her wolf for all that to happen. It was a hard task to get Saul to wait. I had to make him take other girls to satiate his desire for Jessica. I almost felt they were mates and that Saul was acting like that because of the bond. But when he turned eighteen and she wasn’t, I felt slightly disappointed. But we had to move on with the plan. Until the day Nathan Hunt came into the picture. And I will do all I can to take him out of it. My phone starts to ring and I see it’s the lady. “Hello,” “You fool!” she shrieks. “What did you do?” she fumes on the other side. “Do?” frowning, not understanding what she means. “She used her powers again!” she yells. “How did you know?” yes, how did she? I never told her my plans. “Because they felt it and will start searching for her again.” Fear drips down my bones. My vision fills with the memory of the tall, brooding and intimidating Alpha that visited my border, seeking entrance. His eyes bored into mine like he was searching every crevice of my mind. Without touching him, I knew that day that if I had touched hands with him, he would have seen all my secrets. “What did you do?” she asks in a cold voice. “I sent rogues to attack Alpha Nathan’s pack and bring her back. She used her powers to defeat the rogues.” “When will you learn that she will always help him with her powers. Stop doing things that will make her use her powers. She’s almost eighteen, her powers are starting to surface,” she rails out. “Find another means of taking her because if everything blows open, I will deny you and claim you forced me.” With that she drops the line. “Bloody b***h!” like hell she will deny everything. Not before I expose her and what she did. While still fuming at the lady’s words, my link buzzes with a link. “What?! I scream at the person. “It’s me,” my mate says in a hurt voice. “You didn’t have to yell at me.” “Sorry, my love. I just had a bad news passed to me. What is it?” “We have visitors.” “Who?” I pray it’s not the same alpha. “Alpha Damon and his daughter Sasha.” “What do they want?” “You will find out when you come out of your office and meet them at the dining table,” she huffs before cutting the link. I lift myself out of my chair and head out to the dining table where I find our guests already eating with my family. Saul’s brooding face meets mine and turns away. “Alpha Kizziah,” Alpha Damon rises to his feet, his daughter joining him. “Alpha Damon,” taking his hand in mine, smiling as warm as I can muster. “Sasha,” I nod at his beautiful daughter. I hope it’s not what I am thinking seeing her cast a glance Saul’s way. “The alpha and his daughter have a great idea on how to help us solve this issue with Alpha Nathan Hunt,” my mate fills me in. Her smile tells me it’s going to be a juicy idea.
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