1355 Words
Amerie/Jessica - Vision I can hear voices around me as I start gaining consciousness. It’s all distorted, like I am underwater, being pulled down by the weight of it. The sound of Nathan’s voice, strong and authoritative, has me reaching out, wanting to break free from wherever I am. But a strong and invisible force jerks me down into the water, and I feel myself being sucked into a dark hole, screams escaping my lips. The darkness engulfs me completely, but when my eyes flutter open again, I am in a room painted in a baby blue color. It’s a little girl’s room, decorated with everything a little girl would want. Dolls line the shelves placed against a wall. Colorful ribbons, hairbands, beaded bracelets, and more dolls are arranged around the room. Something about the room gives me a feeling of déjà vu. Soon, the door bursts open, and a giggling girl with ponytails decorated with colorful rubber bands enters. When she shrieks as the door opens again, I see her blue eyes—exactly the same color as the little boy who just entered. The two shriek loudly before hiding their giggles with their palms, looking for a place to hide. Just before they do, the door opens once more, and this time, a big, tall, and burly yet handsome man roars playfully into the room. The kids scream playfully, trying to evade his arms, but they are no match for him. He scoops each of them into his arms, kissing their cheeks while they squirm. As he moves his head, I catch his eye color. It’s the same as the kids’. Again, the door opens, and the most beautiful woman I have ever seen walks in with grace and poise, giving the three a playful scowl and narrowing her green eyes. Wait. My eyes widen at the faint resemblance between us. She joins the three, and soon all four collapse to the ground in a fit of tickles, screams, giggles, and… happiness. My heart feels warm at this scene, waking up a feeling in me. Seeing this family so happy unearths a deeply hidden wish of mine. But before I can think further, the same force pulls me away from there and back to my body. I feel someone beside me. My eyes open slowly to meet empty white walls, a door, and silence. My body is on a bed, and near my hand is a head full of black hair. My heart swarms with happiness when I realize who it is. My mate, Nathan. Slowly, I raise my fingers and run them through his hair. His head jerks up, and his eyes fill with relief. “Flower!” he cries as he jumps out of his seat. “You’re awake. How do you feel? Does anywhere hurt? Do you feel tired?” he asks, his eyes roaming all over my body with worry and concern. A weak chuckle leaves my mouth. “I feel fine,” I say. I don’t feel pain anywhere. He clasps my palms in his, kneeling beside my bed. “Thank the goddess. I have been so worried.” His eyes reveal the truth of his words. I can see the worry dancing in his green eyes. “I am awake and…” my stomach grumbles at that moment. “Hungry, I guess,” I say shyly. He laughs. “It’s a good thing I ordered food,” he says as he helps me sit up. “Eat anything you like. I made them bring everything from the kitchen because I didn’t know what you would like.” “How’s the pack? How is everyone?” Though hungry, I need to know the condition of the pack. “We are good. Getting things sorted out,” he says as he starts arranging food on a plate for me. “How many men did we lose?” He pauses, looking at me softly. “A handful. But we are fine.” “I am sorry,” I say, feeling the weight of the losses. “Thanks, Flower,” he finishes and brings the plate to me. “It’s a normal thing for me to experience as an alpha.” I nod in understanding, feeling the pain he is trying not to show. “Ah, ah. I am feeding you,” he scoffs when I reach for the spoon. “Okay,” I whisper, not hiding my shyness nor the redness spreading to my ears. “I will never tire of seeing you blush. It’s one of my favorite things about you,” he says as he scoops up food and starts to feed me. “Can we talk about what happened?” I ask, seeking his eyes. “I would have preferred we talk about it when you’re out of here, but since you asked, let’s talk about it. But you need to eat more,” he tilts the spoon to my mouth. “You know I can’t eat that much,” I remind him. He sighs sadly. “I know, but some more and we can talk about anything you like.” “Okay,” I say, opening my mouth for more food. “It’s delicious,” I mutter as I chew. His smile is wide and happy. “Glad you like it.” After a while, I stop him when I feel I have reached my limit. He drops the plate and settles beside me on the bed, turning me to him. “Now we can talk,” he says with a satisfied smile. “About your powers. The first time you used them was when we were coming back from Kizziah’s pack. How did you know you could do that to those wolves?” “I didn’t know I had it in me. Maybe because I never felt such fear before in my life,” I recall, my heart racing at the memory. Every fiber of my being had screamed to protect him, to save him. “Fear?” he murmurs. “When I saw you in the middle of those wolves, I was afraid you were going to get hurt. Seeing that wolf jump high into the air, ready to claw you, increased my fear. The next thing I knew, I was thinking of how to save you.” He releases a deep hum, rumbling through his chest. The sound is a sweet sensation against my ears. “A thought? Was that the same thing that happened the second time?” I nod and turn to face him. His green eyes make me feel so loved and protected. They make me feel safe and wanted. Why wouldn’t I be afraid of losing him? “I was afraid Cara and I wouldn’t make it. My fear made me release those shards. When I saw her bleeding, my thoughts were that she wouldn’t make it, and I felt guilty that she was going to die because of me. I thought of healing her but didn’t know how to. However, I felt an urge to lay my hands on her and focus on her healing.” “And she was healed,” he finishes for me, picking a strand of my hair to play with. “I knew you were in pain with the loss of our pack members,” I say softly. “Our pack members,” he corrects me. “Always remember that you are the Luna of this pack,” he taps me lightly on the nose, eliciting a giggle from me. Smiling at my reaction, he urges me to continue. “Your pain felt like my pain,” I say, seeing his eyes soften at my words. “And I wanted to ease your pain, but before I could, the rogues surrounded us. Once again, my fear surfaced, and the rest you know is history,” I sigh and close my eyes as he kisses my forehead. I guess I am going to be getting a lot of forehead kisses from him. “Say something,” I whisper lightly, waiting for him to respond.
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