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JESSICA/AMERIE SHE CAN'T DIE I am still brooding over my conversation with Cara when a loud sound rocks the air. I jump out of the bed, running to the window to see what is happening. Just as I reach it, the door bursts open, and Cara marches in, Nathan right behind her, his wolf already showing. “What is happening?” I ask, my voice trembling with fear. “Stay with Cara, Jess. Men will be at the door,” Nathan says in a serious tone before locking the door from outside. “What is going on?” I ask Cara. Cara’s eyes flash with her wolf’s presence as she throws off her jacket, revealing her well-toned arms. “We are under attack,” she answers, her voice steady but tense. My eyes widen in fear. Attacks are usually done by rogues or another pack. “Don’t worry, we are safe here,” Cara assures me, guiding me back to the bed. But my mind is on Nathan. What if it was like the last time? I have to be there to save them all. “I need to be with him.” “You don’t. He and the others will take care of this. This isn’t our first attack.” “You don’t understand, Cara. When we were coming here, we were ambushed and they were almost killed. If not for me they would have all been dead.” She frowns. “What…” “I am somehow special. That’s why I think Alpha Kizziah wanted me to mate with his son…” Just then something crashes through the roof into our middle, sending us apart. I land against the wall, hitting my head, feeling something warm trickling down my forehead. Air rushes in from somewhere amidst the dust and rubbles. Raising my head up, I see the gaping hole in the roof, showing. Sounds of wolves, growling and snarling as they fight reach me from outside the door. “Jessica,” Cara calls out, coughing. “Are you okay? Can you hear me?” “I am fine,” I answer, coughing too as I start to get up, wincing as my head throbs. My hand reach up to touch my head and come back down showing me blood. “We need to leave. I have linked Nathan. He is on his way,” she says as we find each other and peer up at the open roof. “What could have done that?” I ask in wonder. “You’re bleeding,” she says, alarmed. “We need to get to…” Another explosion rocks the place, cutting her off and we collapse to the ground as vibrations rumble through the building. Thick dust fills the air, making it harder to see or breathe. “I can’t see,” Cara calls out. “Me too,” I reply, struggling not to inhale the dust. “Stay put. I will sniff you out,” she says, and I can hear her moving through the debris. “Gotcha!” she says as she grabs my hands and helps me up. “Let me feel your face. How do you feel?” she asks, her hands roaming over my face. “s**t!” she mutters when she touches the blood. “Your head is bleeding fast. Come on.” Using her wolf abilities, she guides us to the door where we find our warriors in both forms fighting other wolves. They have yellow eyes and a feral look that sends fear down my spine. I have never seen such wolves in my life. One of them lunges at us, and Cara shifts smoothly into her wolf, releasing a threatening howl as she tears out its neck mid-air. The warriors move toward us after putting down the rest feral wolves. “Luna, you have to climb on her back so she can take you to the bunker for treatment,” one of the warriors tells me as they help me climb onto Cara’s wolf. I nod, feeling my head getting woozy as I mount her. She gives a low whine, turning her head to me. “I will be fine,” I assure her, sensing her worry about my wounds. They continue to fight their way down the corridor and stairs. Everywhere I look, there’s destruction and fighting. The once beautiful living room is now destroyed, littered with broken furniture and dead bodies. “Don’t look, Luna,” one of the warriors covers my face as we head out. Outside is not much different from inside. It’s a full-scale battle as wolves clash against wolves. I can differentiate Nathan’s men from the others by their eye colors and fur. “Cara, you can take it from here,” the warrior nods at Cara’s wolf, who gives him a short nod and bounds through the chaos. My eyes scan the battlefield, searching for Nathan, praying he is safe. Even without the mate bond, I am afraid for him. Afraid of what my future would be without him. He saved me, promising never to leave me. For now, he and his family are my family. Cara skids to a halt, snapping me out of my thoughts, nearly causing me to fall off her back. She props me back up and growls loudly at something ahead. That’s when I see three feral wolves blocking our path. Their yellowed teeth and eyes promise nothing good as they growl at us. They catch us by surprise, jumping simultaneously. Cara manages to dodge one, but the other two hit her sides, sending both of us toppling to the ground. A loud scream escapes my lungs as my sides hit the ground, pain shooting through my ribs. With shaky hands, I touch the tender spot, wincing. Cara growls ferociously at the wolves, preparing to fight despite her injuries. My vision blurs, pain wracks my body, and I am bleeding. When one of the wolves swipes its claws across Cara’s stomach, something snaps inside me. Her wolf howls in pain, staggering but not giving up. Blood drips down her legs as she presses her paws into the ground, refusing to back down. As the wolves leap at her again, my fear for her and the pack surges. A loud scream bursts from me, and shards of ice fly from my hands, tearing into the wolves' bodies. They fall dead, blood pooling around them. I look at my hands, shocked and awed. I did it again. I really am special. That must be why Kizziah wants me for his Saul. Cara’s feeble whine pulls me away from my shock and I rush to her. She’s bleeding everywhere and my heart breaks further. I start to cry, confused about what to do and scared of what could happen to her. The tears blur my vision as I peer into her wolf’s eyes as she whines weakly at me. “Stay with me, Cara. Help will come,” I look around, hoping someone would see us, but everyone was busy fighting to save their lives and the pack. I can’t mindlink Nathan yet as he is yet to initiate me into the pack. “Goddess, help me, please!” I cry. “Like you helped me on that day. Please, don’t let her die,” I can feel the heartbeat beneath my palms getting weak. “Flower!” Nathan’s strong voice reaches me and I swing my head to him. He’s covered in blood and wounds, causing fear and relief to course through me simultaneously. I almost leave her to jump on him, but stop myself. He rushes and kneels beside me. “You’re bleeding,” he says in a tight voice, touching my head, face and body. I wince when his fingers brush my side. “Something feels broken,” his wolf flash angrily in his eyes. “It’s fine. Cara is bleeding,” I tell him, pointing to her and resting my hands back on her wolf. He cradles her head in his lap. “What happened?” his voice trembles slightly as he looks down at her in worry. “She was taking me to the bunker when we got attacked,” I say tearfully. “I…we can’t lose her,” my lips shake uncontrollably as I look up at him. “He reaches out a hand to cup my face. “We won’t, flower. I promise. Come here,” he pulls my head to his chest. “She will be fine. Warriors will come to us and take her to the hospital.” “That can take long. What if she doesn’t. She was protecting me,” guilt fills me as I cry into his chest. For the second time in my life someone protected me. First it was Nathan and now Cara. And she is going to pay with her life for doing so. I can’t let that happen. She has a full life ahead of her. I have to do something. I pull away from Nathan and return my hands to Cara’s wolf again, closing my eyes, sniffing back the tears and willing her to stop bleeding. I imagine her wounds closing and suddenly my fingers start tingling with warmth seeping into my palms. Nathan’s shocked gasp makes me open my eyes to see a bright light underneath my palms. “Jess,” Nathan whispers in awe. The light spreads, travelling all over Cara’s wolf’s body. Her body jerks, and her wounds begin to heal. Closing up like a zip being pulled up. My heart feels light at this burden and fear being lifted away. Cara’s wolf jerks up, shaking her fur and howling in excitement. She licks my face, her eyes full of gratitude against my amazed and relieved ones. I curl my arms round her neck, giggling, relieved. She pulls back to test her legs, howling louder into the air. Nathan looks at me, his eyes full of awe, affection, love and gratitude. He draws me to him, capturing me in his strong arms. “You’re the best thing to ever happen to me, flower,” just as he finishes his words, thick, mournful howls rent the air. Cara’s wolf releases the same howl. A loud grunt rumbles through his chest. “Are you okay?” I ask him, pushing away slightly from him. “We are losing men,” he says with raised hackles and a mean glint in his eyes. Beside us Cara’s wolf snarls at something behind me and that’s when I see the feral wolves surrounding us.
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