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GOING HOME NATHAN Alex’s eyes meet mine when I join him and Tyler outside. I waited till Jessica fell asleep before coming out. “How is she?” he asks. “Resting,” I sigh as I start pacing. “When are the men arriving?” “I spoke with Grant and he’s minutes away from us with the others. I have settled the couple and they swear they won’t tell a soul we were here.” “Good,” I sink down to the floor, resting my head against the wall. “Did our scouts get anything from Kizziah’s pack?” Alex had dispatched a two-man team to sniff round the bastard’s pack for news on the attack. “It was him. His son was the brown wolf.” I just knew it had to be Kizziah. “We can always challenge him right now or better still just attack them and seize the pack,” Tyler joins in, grinning. “You said it.” “That was then. Now, it’s more important that I take my mate home where I can keep her safe and well protected before her eighteenth birthday. From what just happened, Kizziah won’t stop attacking her. If we attack them now, they could call on their allies. We are far from home and few in numbers.” Both give me firm nods. “I want to believe that Kizziah wants her for his son not because she’s beautiful but because of the powers she has,” Tyler says. “It has to be,” Why would he want her if not for her powers. From what Jess told me, Saul would have mated and marked her if there was no reason to hold back. And his father would have ensured he kept to whatever plan they had for him to stay so long in claiming her. I saw the look in their eyes, felt the aggression and anger from their wolves. Saul’s possession was an obsession. He had the looks of someone who had kept watch over a thing, waiting for the right time. A fruit waiting to be eaten at the right time, only to be snatched from his grasp and there was nothing he could do about it. Kizziah seemed like a man who was afraid of something bigger happening. Bigger and deadlier than what we can see. Deep regret marred his features when he looked at Jess. I am sure he wishes that he had never sent me the invitation for the ceremony. “We need to find out more about Luna,” Alex says, bringing me back. “That alpha knows something about her and something tells me it’s going to be hard getting him to speak.” “We could ask the Council to summon him for questioning,” Tyler adds. “Whatever he says, we can always verify with Luna.” “He could lie,” I add. “Then we do a thorough search, ask around packs about any missing female child, almost eighteen years ago. I know it’s going to be a long one, but we have the people and resources. Our allies will be ever ready to help,’ Tyler’s eyes are shining brightly and I think I can see the gears shifting in his head as he speaks. “What do we tell them if they ask us why?” “We tell them only what they need to know. Do they have any record of a family who has lost a female child?” “Why am I the Beta again?” Alex asks in an amused voice. “He has the brains while you have the strength.” All three of us share a laugh before we receive a link that the men are here. “I will check them, Tyler wait here,” Alex says before leaving us. As he leaves I return to the room to get Jess, but can’t help to watch her as she sleeps. Her hair covers her face, arms are wrapped round a pillow to her chest and her lips form a tiny pout. Gently I tap her awake. “Flower, it’s time to go home.” Her lids flutter, slowly opening and she almost drops off the bed like before. “You definitely have a thing for falling off the bed,” I chuckle as I catch her in my arms and hoist her up. “I can walk,” she murmurs sleepily, rubbing her eyes, before peering up at me shyly. “You will do that when we get home. Come on.” JESSICA/AMERIE Nathan carries me down to the car. His men nod their heads at us as we pass and I bury my face into his chest at their stares. “They just want to see their Luna, they mean no harm,” he explains as he settles me into the car. It’s a new one and looks more expensive than the other one. “This is nice,” my eyes roam the golden interior and I run my palms over the soft leather seats. The backs of the front seats have small screens with buttons underneath. My mate must be rich to have such a car. “You like it?” he chuckles as he settles near me, his warmth filling the back seat and my skin. “I love it,” my eyes widen when he presses a button and the roof of the car slides open and air wafts in. “That can be done?” I ask as a gust of wind blows over my face and ruffles my hair. He laughs. “I can’t wait to see what you will do when you see the rest of my cars,” he adjusts my seat belt and presses another button. My eyes follow him, waiting for where he would open next. This time, a box appears between our seats with different compartments.Each is filled with candies, snacks and drinks. My eyes almost fall out of their sockets in amazement. “No way!” I shriek, running my hands over them. “It’s cold!” I shriek, glancing at him then back down. “This is amazing!”I look back at him. “You are amazing, flower,” His green eyes glow with amusement and happiness. I must look childish to him, but I can’t stop marveling about what I am seeing. This is new for me. “May I take some?” I ask pointing at the things. He picks a candy, tears it open and picks one out. “You can take anyone you like. Open.” I can’t wait to taste the brown coloured candy and open my mouth for him to drop it in my mouth. I bite down on it, closing my eyes as a creamy-chocolatey taste hits my taste buds. “This is so good,” I murmur, chewing and grabbing the rest from him. “Sorry.” “Don’t be. It’s all for you.” “Me?” “Everything I have is now yours.” Everything he owns is now mine? How did I go from being a slave with nothing to be mated to a mate like this? He owns beautiful and expensive cars like this and more which shows how rich he is. What can I give him back? Nothing. “What are you thinking, flower?” he gently tugs my hand, drawing my face to his. Biitng my lips as I contemplate how to tell him my concern. What will he think of me? “Flower?” he cups my face with his other palm, turning fully to face me. His green eyes have worry and fear dancing in them, coupled with the deep frown decorating his forehead. “Is there something bothering you? Tell me, please.” The warmth from his hands mirrors the warmth I see in his eyes. Since I have met him, he has been nothing but warm, kind and caring towards me. In a day I have enjoyed the best care and love of my life from a stranger. My mate. I touch his hand on my face, doing my best to hide my sadness, but can’t with how much love I can see in his eyes, “It’s just that I have nothing to offer you. You have given me a lot since we met and I have nothing to give you.” “You don’t have to give me anything, flower. You’re everything to me,” he says before releasing my seatbelt and pulling me close to him and resting my head on his chest. “Don’t ever think you have to give me anything.”
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