Chapter 7

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Jacob My name is Jacob Oliver O'Conner. I am a 100 year old Dragon and the future Alpha King of our kind. Im am 7 foot tall and I've got red hair and bright ocean blue eyes. My hair is long on top but shaved underneath, I usually have it in a man bun at work. I also have a beard. I hit around 350 pounds but its all muscles and im covered in tattoos. I've got a pretty big family. There is my parents, my mom Amelia and my dad Oliver. I've also got two brothers James and Jack who are twins and a sister Sophia. My brothers are 24 and my sister is 22. There is a big age gap between my siblings and I. After I was born stuff had happened to keep my mom from being able to have other kids. They were to worried about protecting me and our people. It was well worth the wait though because i love my brothers and sister more than anything. I've also got two sets of grandparents. There is my dads parents who are the former Alpha King and Queen Charlie and Lily. And my moms parents who are former warriors George and Olivia. I have alot of best friends also, although four of the eight spend most of their time away at college protecting my brother Jack and sister Sophia. All of my friends are Dunstan, Duncan, Thurston, Tyrone, Adam, Beau, Edmond, and Igor. I grew up with these guys. Their dads and moms were friends with mine. And a few of them had a dad that was either a Gamma or a Delta to my dad. The only one that didnt have kids was my dads Beta. I remember he found his mate one time when he visited America to take care of a problem for my dad. But the next day she was gone. He looked everywhere for her before he finally gave up. She just disappeared without a trace. He never showed it but I know he was heartbroken over it. I know he had to be because I would be. Hell I am heartbroken just because I haven't found my mate yet. Being a hundred years old you would think that I would have found my mate by now but I haven't yet. I didnt start my search for her until I turned twenty. So for eighty years I have looked for her with no suck luck. My dragon and I are both starting to get pissed at not finding her. I don't know if we did something to piss off the goddess or what. But i really hope that we find our mate soon. My dragon Drake was pissed for a long time as well. But something has started to change with him lately. He's been very agitated and telling me that shes close and we will have her soon. I don't believe that we will find her and think that us not having her with us is making him go nuts finally. With my dad being the Alpha King and me being his oldest son and first born child I will take over the throne when he's ready to hand it over. In order to be ready for that I went to Kimmy Business school to get my degrees in business management as well as accounting so I can help out at our businesses. Right now im in charge of running our businesses. We have businesses in Dublin, Belfast, and Galaway. Our main business is in Galaway where we live at. We have our home in the Portumna Forest. Humans cant find our home because it has a spell cast over it to protect us. which is a good thing because we wouldn't want humans just walking up to our castle. I am always busy with work, I probably spend 90 percent of my time at work and I know it pisses my mother off. She wants me to spend more time with the family and less time at work. I didnt always spend this much time working but after trying and failing to find my mate I had to do something to keep my mind off of it. And working all of the time keeps me out of trouble. There are a lot of title seaking girls out there that would do anything to get with me just to be queen. I was spending my day at work like any other days when I got a call from my mom. "Good afternoon mom to what do I owe the pleasure of your call?" I asked her. "Good afternoon Jacob Oliver, don't you take that tone with me. I can call my son anytime that I want to. Now I have a reason to be calling you. Your brothers and sister all have spring break off from school at the same time next week. Your dad and I talked about it and we decided that we are taking a family vacation together with ALL of us. That means you as well mister" mom said. "Mom I cant take the time off work to go there is to much to do here. Besides someone needs to keep an eye on not only the businesses but the kingdom as well while your gone. Ill stay here and do it." "Haha nice try mister but thats not going to work. Your Grandpa Charlie and Grandma Lily are going to fill in as King and Queen while we are gone. And as for the businesses Gamma Howard and Delta Niall are going to run them while we are gone. They will be by tomorrow for you to show them what needs to be done next week. If you have any really important meetings call them and let them know that you will be out of town and that they can either meet with your representative or reschedule for when you get back. Now you will be going and you will be ready by tomorrow afternoon for us to get you. Your father and I have to go to Limerick tonight. He has an issue to take care of before we leave. We are going to spend the night there and we will be back tomorrow before noon I think. Jack doesn't have any exams tomorrow and Sophia only has one that I know of. So we will head back here after shes done." Mom stopped to take a breath for a minute so I decided to speak while I could. "I don't really want to go mom and it would've been nice to have more of a notice than a day but for you I will. Ill leave early from work tonight so I can pack a bag. Can I know where we are going so I know what to pack. And tell Howard and Niall to be here early please so I can fill them in on what's goin on next week. There is no important meetings and they should be able to handle any that comes up. Is there anything else?" I asked her. "We are going to Amelia Island for the week. We've not been there in a long while and I think we could all do with some sunshine and sandy beaches. It will be good to let our dragons our to fly over the water. Im trying to finish up the packing for your father and I now so we'll be ready to go tomorrow. I already have our clothes ready for tonight and tomorrow in a bag. And I would've let you know ahead of time but I know that you would've found a way to get out of it, this way you cant. Ok I need to go so I can finish up packing and get ready to go to Limerick. Im going to have your father drop me off at the college I think so that I can surprise my babies. I hope I can finally meet their friend that they always talk about. Anyways ill talk to you tomorrow baby. Make sure you get your bag packed up beacause your not going to get out of going. I love you." "Ill be ready to go and I love you to momma" and with that I hung up. Looks like im going on a family vacation. Im not looking forward to it but there is no saying no to my mamma and at least I get to spend time with my little brothers and sister. We don't spend enough time together anymore. So maybe in the end this will be a good thing. I hope. "Stop being such a downer. It will be good to get out and stretch our wings. I have a good feeling about this trip. You never know maybe we will finally meet our mate" Drake my dragon says. "Will you give it a rest already. I doubt we will ever find our mate its been eighty years already. Im ready to give up looking for her" I said back. The good thing about talking to my dragon is its all in my head so noone can hear us arguing about this. "We will find her just be patient a little bit longer. And for the love of duck stay the hell away from that damn title hunter Ashley. Shes a money hungry, title hunting w***e who has slept with every dragon that will have her. If you get with her i will refuse to shift ever again" Drake said. "Trust me shes the last girl on earth that i would ever get with. Ill give it a little bit longer on finding our mate just to make you happy. Now i need to finish work so we can go home and pack." "Thank you. Ill leave you to it." Once Drake left me alone i got back to work. I wanted to get what i could done tonight so i wasnt leaving alot of work for Howard and Niall. I called my secretary Miss Elizabeth to get me a cup of coffee and set back to work so that i could get done.
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