Chapter 6

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Aurora Bell I take off on the trail pulling my cooler behind me it's just a small one so it's easy to take with me. After all the research I have done I'm really excited to go see these waterfalls. As she started out on the trail she was amazed at all of the beauty that surrounded her. There was so many beautiful trees, plants and flowers. Some of which shes never seen before. Aurora took out her camera and started taking pictures. With having the cooler with her she had to keep stopping to take pictures but it didnt bother her any. She wanted to take her time and make sure that she didnt miss any of the beautiful scenery. After waking for about an hour and a half Aurora came up to the first waterfall. It was so beautiful, and she took many pictures of it. She made sure she took pictures from different angles so that she would have different ones to choose from. After taking her pictures, she found a picnic area. She decided to sit down for a few to rest and eat again. All of that walking had made her hungry again. Aurora got out a couple of the leftover Mcdonalds sandwiches as well as a bottle of gatorade. She wasn't to hungry but she knew it would be awhile before she stopped to sit and take a break again. As she sat and ate she looked around her. It was so beautiful and so quiet here. At this time of day there wasn't anyone else around on the trail but her. Aurora enjoys the piece and quiet but at the same time she misses Sophia and Jack. Since she has met them, they have became the family that shes never had. She takes her phone out and takes pictures of the waterfall. She even takes a selfie with the waterfall in the back ground and then she sends it to both Sophia and Jack. She even adds the message, I miss you and wish you were here, I hope that your having fun love and miss you. After Aurora sends the picture and the messages, she finishes off her food. She gets another drink of her gatorade and then puts it back into the cooler. Looking around she shes a trash can beside a porta potty. She throws away her trash and uses the bathroom before setting out again. Aurora walks for another couple of hours, stopping very often and taking pictures. She sees so many different waterfalls and beauty all around her. She cant wait to get back home and start painting. She can see how the painting will turn out, and she gets excited just thinking about it. Its around one thirty when she comes up to another beautiful waterfall and decides to take a break. After taking the pictures there, she sits down at a picnic table and takes out a sandwich, her gatorade, a bag of chips and some fruit to eat. She sits facing the waterfall so that she can see it as shes eating. While shes eating and watching the waterfall she stops and stairs. "Thats so strange" she says out loud. She could swear that she seen the number 777 in the falls and then it disappeared. She watches the falls for a few more minutes but doesn't see it again, so she goes back to eating. When shes done she cleans up her trash and throws it away. She uses the bathroom at the porta potty and gets ready to set out again. Once she has all of her stuff together she takes a few more pictures and then starts to walk toward the left on the path. After walking for about five minutes she sees a swinging bridge on the right side that crosses the water. Aurora crosses it very carefully because shes afraid that it'll start swinging but it never moves. She stops a few times to take pictures of the water on both sides and then continues on. After getting to the other side she sees an acacia tree that marks the start of a trail. Its so beautiful that she stops and takes pictures of it. Shes never seen one up close before. It is so big and beautiful and she can invision painting it on a canvas with a waterfall behind it, it would be so beautiful. Looking at her watch as she starts off walking she sees that the time is 222. Aurora thinks about how weird it is that shes keeps seeing triple digits that are all the same numbers showing up today. She knows that there is some kind of meaning to it but shes not sure what that is. Aurora walks for what seems like forever, when she finally comes to the end of the walkway. At the end of the walkway there is an arch made up of vines with roses, tulips, buttercups, and other flowers in it. Aurora is in aww, she stairs at it for a few minutes before she takes pictures of it. As shes getting ready to step through the arch she thinks that she hears voices but they are far away. She shrugs it off as it being someone else walking along the trail further behind her. So she steps through the arch and when she looks up as she feels as though shes in another dimension. Its so beautiful, there is a huge waterfall and beautiful flowers. As she looks around she also spots different animals. She sees hummingbirds, snakes, butterflies, lightning bugs, and there are even other animas farther back that she cant see to tell what they are. She is just amazed at how amazingly beautiful that it is. As shes walking around she sees a sign that says Mystic Waterfall. "Oh my god, its real Sophia and Jack were right" she says out loud. Aurora feels like her body is heating up and when she looks down all of her birthmarks are glowing. "Its about time you showed up child, we have waited so long for you to show up. It is time for you to take your place, and it is finally time that you learn who you truly are and who your parents really are" the voice says. "Who are you, where are you, and what do you want with me?" Aurora says. "Who I am doesn't matter, it is you that matters. You are the key for our people. You are our lost princess and with you back our kingdom will be able to come back to this world again. Right now our kingdom and our people are locked up unable to come and go like they use to. Years ago there was a portal to our world and we use to have unlimited access to it we could come or go as we pleased" She said. "What happened to the kingdom, how did it get locked up. And why do you keep saying that im your lost princess. Im a nobody, i was abandoned at a fire station, i grew up in foster care i have no family. I never had parents that loved or even cared about me, they threw me away like i was trash. Im a nobody" Aurora said on a sob. "You are not a nobody Aurora Bell. You are a princess to the kingdom of Hela Karabryn. I know how you have grown up and as much as it hurts me to say this, it was necessary. Your mother had no choice but to leave you where she did. She was trying to protect you, and as for your father he doesn't even know of your existence. But when he does find out about you he's going to be so happy, he is closer to you than you think by the way. All he's ever wanted was a family and he thought that he would have that when he found your mom. They were mates you see and they spent one night together and she disappeared on him. He has spent these past twenty-one years trying to find her. She had to disappear to save you the future of our kingdom. You see the Old King and Queen were the nicest people i had ever met. They had one daughter who was supposed to end up being the Queen of our people, but things changed. His Majesty's younger brother turned evil, he tried to take over the kingdom. King Roman and Queen Arabella was able to protect themselves but in doing so they had to shut down the portal. When they did that Prince Dexter was on this side of it and he got locked out of the kingdom. They were able to protect everyone who was on that side but those of us on this side had to hide. Your mother Princess Lucinda was also on this side when everything went down. After you were born she disappeared and noone knows where she is. You will learn more as you go, your guides will fill you in. Because your father is a dragon you will have a dragon counterpart. You will also have a basilisk snake that you can call for to use as a weapon. It can either turn into a sword when you need it or it can slither on the grass next to you for extra protection. Because your mother was a royal phenix then you will also have a phenix counterpart. Not only will you be able to change into a phenix but if you die she will bring you back as well. You will also be blessed with hummingbirds. Each of the three of these will have powers that will help you. They can also be used to send messages to your loved ones. Each of these six animals that you have currently look like birthmarks on your body. They will start to glow and then after your twenty-first birthday you will turn into them and meet them. After today you will start to be able to hear them and talk to them. You will soon meet not only your father but your mate as well. Once you meet them they will help with your transitions. I know that this is alot to take in but you will get use to it all. Your life will become better for the most part. Your guardian will show up in your life soon as well and will help you along the way on your journey. It will be tough and it will be hard so keep your head up and you will be fine. When the time is right you will know when and where to open the portal. Remember my child you are not alone, your friends will understand. You can talk to them, they wont think that your crazy i promise. And anytime you need advice you can come alone and the path will open back up for you again. It will only work for you so come alone. For now go back and when the time is right you will know. Until we meet again, my child" and with that the voice disappeared. It was alot of information to process and i was so confused by it all. At some point i had sat down on my cooler. I sat there a few minutes just trying to absorb everything. After about fifteen minutes i got up and gathered up my stuff and went back under the arch. After i crossed over the bridge i turned around and the bridge had disappeared. I looked down at my watch and it showed that it was now 555. I was back there for three hours. I was tired after the long day so i headed back to my car. I decided to get a hotel room and rest for the night. It had been a long day with a lot of information that i had to process. When i got to the hotel and checked in i ordered room service and then sent a message to Darcy and Sam to let them know i was staying here for the night. I needed to talk to Sophia and Jack also but i would wait until they got home. I needed to think about alot of things first. My life really is gonna change but is it gonna be for the good or for the bad.
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