Chapter 8

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Jacob After I talked to my mom I tried to get as much work as I could done. I didnt want Gamma Howard or Delta Niall to have a lot of stuff to worry about next week. I sent out an email letting my staff know that I needed them to gather in the conference room for an emergency meeting at 4:30. I then called in my secretary Elizabeth, she is an elder of our Thunder of dragons, or hoard as some call it. When she came in I had her sit down so that we could talk. "Miss Elizabeth, I wanted to let you know before anyone else that I will be gone for the next week. My mom called me yesterday to inform me that we will be going on vacation to Amelia island for the next week. Apparently my sister and brothers all have off for spring break. Since we've not had a family vacation for a long time they want to spend some time with us all. Now my Grandpa Charlie and Grandma Lily will be keeping watch over the kingdom. So if anyone comes to you with a problem please send them to talk with my grandparents. As for the company Gamma Howard and Delta Niall will both be coming in to work. From what I understand they will both be here when they are not needed at the palace. If for some reason they are needed then the Gamma will go and the Delta will stay here. Im trying to get everything that I can takin care of tonight. If I have any important meetings for next week please reschedule them to the week after. If anyone calls for a meeting please schedule it for the following week. If something major comes up and the Gamma and Delta cant handle it then please call me and ill come back. I sent out an email to let everyone know that we have a meeting today at 4:30. Im gonna let everyone know that ill be gone next week and who's in charge while im gone. If there is anything that you have that I need to take care of before I go please get it to me soon. I think that about covers it. Do you have anything?" "Its about time that you take a vacation. You're always at this place. I will make sure that everything runs smoothly here while you are gone and im sure the former King and Queen will on their end as well. I have a couple of papers that need your signature ill bring them to you in a few minutes. Is there anything that I need to show the Gamma and Delta when they come in tomorrow or will you be taking care of that tonight?" Miss Elizabeth asked me. "I will actually be coming in here in the morning to meet them and show them what there is to do and filling them in on everything. My dad and mom had to go over to Limerick to take care of an issue and they are gonna spend the night at the condo with Jack and Sophia. Soph has one exam to take tomorrow and Jack finishes his up today so when shes done they are gonna pick her up and head back this way. Mom was excited to see them. She even said something about finally getting to meet a friend of theirs or something I dont know. When they get back here tomorrow they wanna load up and head to the airport, so I gotta meet them at the castle." "Ok then Ill bring those papers to you in a few minutes to sign and ill make sure that things run smoothly while you are gone. I hope you have a nice vacation and take the time to relax and enjoy it. Don't worry about work we got it. You understand?" she asked me. "Yes ma'am I will relax and try to have fun. Its been awhile since ive spent any time with my brothers and sister so im going to enjoy it." "Good" she said as she got up and headed for the door. "Oh yea" she stopped and turned to look back at me. "What do you want me to do about the parasite if she stops by here. You know she does at least three times a week if not more." I had to stop for just a second because of her calling Ashley a parasite. Thats not only funny as hell but true as well. "If she stops by tell her to get lost because its never gonna happen. And let security know that shes not allowed back here. Shes also not allowed back at my apartment complex. The security there already know that she is banned. I dont know how the hell she got it in her head that I was in love with her but its not true. Hell before she started to stalk me id never even spoke to the girl but one time." "Ill take care of her dont worry. Now im going to go make sure ive got everything that needs your signature together so I can bring it to you." After Miss. Elizabeth left my office I got back to work. I made sure to set an alarm on my phone for 4:25 so that I would be at the meeting on time. I had alot to do to get ready for me leaving tomorrow. I also had stuff that I wrote down that I figured Howard and Niall would need to know. I knew that Miss. Elizabeth would help them as well. I managed to get everything done that needed to be done, and I even signed all of the papers that Miss Elizabeth brought to me. I was done with everything by the time it was time for me to go to the meeting. At the meeting, once everyone was there, I let them know that I would be gone for the next week and that Howard and Niall would both be in charge. If they needed anything they could see one of them or Miss Elizabeth. After the meeting was done I stayed back to answer any questions. Once the last person left I went to my office and packed up my laptop and anything else that I needed. Then I headed for the elevator to go down to the garage. I figured I run through a drive thru and grab dinner so I didnt have to worry about cooking and packing. When the elevator stopped I got off and headed in the direction of my truck. I was looking down at my keys and didnt notice anyone around until that annoying voice broke me out of my thoughts. "Jacob baby, I was just about to head up to see you. I figured you'd still be working and we could have dinner together. I brought chinese food. Im even willing to give you dessert afterwards" Ashley said. This b***h just doesn't take a hint very well. I pinched the bridge of my nose and said "Ashley this is the last time that I tell you this. We are NOT a couple, we never will be. I do not like you and you need to leave me the hell alone. Ive told you before and ill keep telling you. You will NEVER be my queen. I am waiting for my fated mate. So leave me the f**k alone." After I finished talking to her I linked my guards to come get her out of here. Guards come to the garage NOW and get this b***h off of this property. While I was linking them she just stood there kind of dumb founded until she finally started to talk. "But thats not what daddy said. He said that he was gonna talk to the King and arrange a marriage between us because you haven't found your mate yet and probably never would. So you see you are going to be my husband and I will be the Queen" she screamed at me. I already knew of this deal that her dad was trying to make and knew it wouldn't happen. "Yea I know about the deal and it wont ever happen. Noone and I mean NOONE will ever be my wife or queen but my true fated mate. You are to NEVER set foot in this building again. Youre also not allowed in my apartment complex, do you understand me?" I roared. She started crying all the while trying to keep from looking pissed. I could see it in her face that she was mad but wanted to put on a show. "Yes I understand, but I love you." I just snorted at her. I looked at my guards that showed up and said "Get this b***h out of here and make sure that she never steps foot back here. If she is seen trying to enter not only this building but my apartment complex as well then throw her ass in the dungeon." "Yes Your Majesty" they answered me. They grabbed her an escorted her outside while one of the guards drove her car out. All the while she was kicking and screaming up a storm. I just ignored her and got into my truck and left. My dad had already talked to me about the deal her dad was trying to make. He doesnt trust Ashley's dad at all. He was a pale yellow dragon and parts of him were turning black. Every dragon has a color and a meaning to it so that you know what dragons are good and what ones are bad. For example my dragons name is Drake. He is purple with red, bronze, gold, and green. Each color has a meaning purple is wealth and royalty, red is passion and fire warriors, bronze is powerful, justice,and protectors, gold is good, and champions against evil and foul play, and green is warth cunning and poison breath. I have control over my fire, and poison breath. They dont come forth until I call for them. Most dragons only have two or three colors on them. The royal family can have anywhere from three to five on them. There is said to be a dragon that is a rainbow dragon and bares all of the colors and powers. Its a myth that has been told for years. They say that it will be seen one day but noone believes it. Pale yellow is ill omen, cowards, and are weak, black is evil and rogues. Ashley's dad was already weak and being from a powerful family thats bad. But now that hes got black spots on him we know hes turning evil and rogue as well. Hes not shifted in front of anyone for a long time so its hard to tell how much black hes got on him now. She doesn't change in front of anyone at all so I dont know what her dragon looks like but its probably the same as his or close to it. You get your colors from your parents. I get purple from my dads side because its the royal color. I also get red and gold from my dad and I get the bronze and green from my mom. Every dragon is unique in there own ways and they all bring something to the hoard. I thought about this while I was driving home. I stopped at a drive through and grabbed dinner and then headed to my condo. Once at home I sat down and ate and then packed up my bag for vacation. I made a list of stuff that I would need and made a plan to stop in the morning after I talked to Howard and Niall and picked it up. When I was done I got a shower and got ready for bed. When I was settled down in bed I grabbed my phone to put it on charge and seen a text from my mom. She sent me a picture of Sophia and Jacks. I also got another message from her. Mom- Look how good this picture is. Sophia and Jacks friend Aurora did it. Isn't it amazing, shes such an amazing artist. Its hard to believe that its a painting. I cant wait to get home tomorrow and hang it up in my living room. Me- That is amazing mom, I thought at first that it was a picture that you took of them or something. Its amazing, and shes gonna go far. Im headed to bed so that I can get everything done before I gotta be at your house at noon tomorrow. I love ya momma. Mom- Ok sweetheart, sweet dreams. I love you to moon pie. Moon pie, after all these years she still calls me that. From what she said it started when she was pregnant with me and just keep calling me that even after she had me. Apparently she craved moon pies the whole time she was pregnant with me. When I was done talking to her I plugged in my phone and laid down. Tomorrow morning was gonna be a busy day and I needed rest to get threw it. As much as I hate the idea of a vacation im actually looking forward to it. I cant wait to be on the sandy beaches just relaxing. Come on vacation.
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