
613 Words
Aurora Bell My name is Aurora Bell Reid and I'm 16 soon to be 17 years old. I'm only 4 foot 11 and I've got long, bright red curly hair. I also have heterochromia which is two different eye colors, one is aqua blue and the other is sea foam green. I've got birth marks on my body in the shapes on animals. I've got a dragon on my back and the head comes up around my left shoulder and onto my color bone and the tail goes down my right leg. I've got a snake of some kind on my left leg and it wraps around my whole leg with the tail ending on my foot. I've also got a Phoenix on my chest and stomach and 3 hummingbirds down my right arm. I've spent my life in foster care, and have no clue who my birth family is. When I was old enough my worker told me that I had been left outside of a fire department. The only thing in the box with me was a pink blanket with the initials ABR and a note with my name and the date and time that I was born. The only other thing the note said was that I was born at home and there was no birth certificate for me. The cops tried to find out who dropped me off but never could find anything. Growing up I was in and out of so many foster homes that I lost count of them. It got to where I never unpacked my stuff, I always kept it in bags because I knew I wouldn't be there long. No one wanted the freak with the weird eyes and weird birth marks on her. So I got use to being alone. Now that I am 16 and have graduated from high school I have filed to emancipate myself from the state so that I can go to college. I got a full ride scholarship for all 4 years to the University of Limerick for art. I love every kind of art and have always been good at it. I can draw, paint, sketch, and take pictures with a camera. For the past few years I've worked part time jobs so that I could save up money. I've also sold some of my art work to bring in extra money so I'd have it. I've now got a good nest egg saved up and I will hopefully be able to get a part time job outside of school also. Im getting an apartment close to the school so I don't have to live in the dorms. I've already found a cheap one and can move in an as soon as I get over there. As soon as I am emancipated I am getting on a plan out of here. The landlord for the apartment that I found said she will pick me up from the airport when I get in, I just need to let her know when I'll be landing. I already paid the first months rent and a deposit and she's not going to start charging me until I get over there and get moved in. She's such a sweet lady. I can't wait to get out of this place and once I'm on the plane I'm not looking back. I'm so excited to start the next journey of my life and I'm really hoping that it will be so much better than the first part. To the past that I want to forget screw you and to the present that I'm about to embrace please be better, brighter and happier than ever.
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